London Cycling Campaign

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LCC Logo
LCC Logo

The London Cycling Campaign (LCC) is a campaign group pursuing better conditions for cyclists in London. Its vision is to make London "a world-class cycling city."

It was formed in 1978, merging several local groups, some supported by Friends of the Earth, across the capital. It was launched on 28 September 1978 at the Cheshire Cheese public house in Fleet Street, while its first offices were at 40 James Street, London W1. It produces a members' magazine, originally the Daily Cyclist and latterly the bi-monthly London Cyclist, to keep people in touch with its various campaigns, which include:

  • Better cycle parking and carriage of cycles on public transport, including railways, London Underground and buses
  • Better designed and constructed provision for cyclists, eg: highway design, cycle paths, etc
  • Improving access to cycling for people of all abilities
  • Improving cycling access to London's parks and canal towpaths
  • Working on the enforcement of regulations that cover cycle facilities, such as cycle lanes
  • Working with haulage companies to increase driver awareness of cycling safety
  • Swapping information on trams and cyclists

The LCC is the largest single issue organisation in London. In 2005 it gained its 10,000th member and, therefore is the largest urban cycling organisation in the world. LCC campaigns at a London level are backed up by local groups at the London borough level. These are made up of LCC members in the borough. These liaise with their local Borough Council, relevant Transport for London Streets Management section, Sustrans and other statutory and non-statutory authorities to comment on local plans and developments which will impact on cyclists, pedestrians and the local area. In addition local groups organise cycle rides and other social events. Many of these local borough groups have their own websites. Contact and website details are available on the main LCC website.

[edit] See also

Utility cycling

[edit] External link