Lois Conner

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Lois Conner (born 1951) is an American photographer. She is noted particularly for her platinum print landscapes that she produces with a 7" x 17" format banquet camera.

Lois Conner moved to New York City in 1971 where she worked for the United Nations until 1973. In 1975 Conner travelled to the Ivory Coast (Feinberg, 17, 18).

By the late 1970s Conner was almost exclusively working on landscape photography (Feinberg, 17). She has repeatedly travelled to and photographed in China (Feinberg, 18).

In 1989, Conner photographed the gardens at Wave Hill, New York (Feinberg, 21).

Conner has been an instructor at the New School for Social Research, Yale University and Sarah Lawrence College.

[edit] References

  • Davis, Keith F. 'Wanderlust: Work by Eight Contemporary Photographers from the Hallmark Photographic Collection' (Kansas City: Hallmark, 1987), 81.
  • Feinberg, Jean E. 'Wave Hill Pictured: Celebration of a Garden' (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1991), 17-21.
  • Union List of Artist Names, s.v. "Conner, Lois", cited 10 September 2006.