Logan Grimnar

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Logan Grimnar is the current Chapter Master of the Space Wolves chapter of the Space Marines in the tabletop game Warhammer 40,000.

Logan Grimnar is one of the most belligerent and headstrong Chapter Masters in the Imperium, as well as perhaps the greatest Wolf Lord of all time. He remains loyal to the Emperor of Mankind and the great primarch of the Space Wolves Leman Russ until death, which will probably be a long time in coming

Logan's name is feared throughout the galaxy, as is the name of his axe Morkai, a fell weapon which he took from a Chaos champion that he defeated in battle and had it reforged by the chapter's Iron Priests into the image of Morkai, the two headed wolf who guards the gates of the afterlife in Space Wolf mythology. Upon the back of his Terminator armour is the hide of a great wolf that he slew, and which he has worn with pride ever since.

Logan, or Old Wolf as he is known by his brethren, is an extremely powerful fighter, he will fight to the end in the name of the Emperor and is full of martial pride for him, and the rest of his beloved Space Wolves, believing them to be the greatest of all the Chapters of the Space Marines. Logan accepts no interference in the running of his chapter by outside authorities, and in his five-hundred year reign he has led the Space Wolves willingly (and some would say joyfully) to many victories, crushing the enemies of the Imperium without hesitation. As a result of this, many of the Imperial Commanders within the Fenris system are grateful to be under the Old Wolf's watchful eye.

Logan Grimnar is a rarity amongst the Chapter Masters, for he is more respected and loved by the Commoners of the Imperium than he is feared. He possesses an uncompromising love and compassion towards the weak that actually overrides his duty to the Emperor of Man. Grimnar was the only Space Marine who to spoke out against the cull of the civilians and warriors who survived the First Armageddon War. Grimnar's hatred for the Inquisition was forever cemented when the said people were unceremoniously sterilized and marched into forced labour camps, where all perished within a decade: a poor reward for those who had so bravely defied Chaos. Since then, his chapter has waged many bloody wars against the Imperium to protect innocent victims of Chaos from the barbaric persecution of the Inquisition, and it is only through his loyalty and exemplary conduct as a loyal warrior of the Emperor that the Space Wolves Chapter have not been declared Excommunicatis Traitoris and marked for Extermination by the High Lords of Terra.

[edit] References

  • Johnson, Jervis; Chambers, Andy, and Thorpe, Gav (2000). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Space Wolves. Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-010-2.