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Localism may refer to:

  • In general usage, localism (local+ism) refers to a tendency of local groups (cultures, nations, communities) to be narrow in their worldview, and dismissive of concepts which emphasise broader concepts of community, such as globalism and universalism. In this context, localism may refer to exclusive or self-oriented concepts (ethnocentrism, nationalism, and classism), and is often a suitable substitute for terms which may be considered more pejorative in particular contexts.
  • In politics and activism, Localism (politics) refers to a range of political philosophies which prioritise the local —ie. any political, social, or cultural measures or trends which emphasise and place higher value on local and small-scale political and cultural phenomena (ie. grassroots activism). This meaning is often used in direct contrast to corporate globalization, where international business is perceived to have impacted local culture in destructive ways (ie. McDonaldization).