Locale of Muscat, Oman

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The Locale at Muscat, Sultanate of Oman is part of the church whose official name is “The Church of God thru Christ Jesus, the Pillar and Ground of Truth.”[1] This locale is located at the heart of the capital city of Oman. A fact which is proof that the church has members not only in the Philippines but also around the globe. Indeed, the church is not small.

The locale has always and will forever participate in the activities of the church. The locale has recently elected officers and has also recently acquired a worker to take care of the locale’s entirety. The elected officers were Roberto Santiago as locale president, Carlito Nambio as secretary and Lai as treasurer, and the worker was Jun Santiago.

The locale may be considered as one of the least in the church but it doesn’t mean that the locale is stagnant. In fact, the locale has always been part of the church activities in the area. Truly, every part of the church contributes to its fullness.

The locale conducts bible studies several times a week in several places within the city. And the bible studies were not fruitless. Several of those who attended it are now scheduled for baptism.

The locale has just participated in the thanksgiving offered to God and will yet participate in another thanksgiving on the coming December 22 and 23. Another proof that Christians are indeed thankful.

Other members of the locale include Jimmy Celestial, Lowell Nambio, Arnold Evardone, Mai Evardone, Bernadette Evardone, Eduard Kenneth Au, Rowena Nambio and others.