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LJY-Netzer (or more correctly ljy-נצ"ר, Liberal Jewish Youth-Netzer) operates as a branch of Netzer Olami, the International Progressive Zionist Youth Movement, and as a youth facility for Liberal Judaism. It is a Zionist youth movement, based in the UK, and run from its offices (shared with Liberal Judaism) in London. All members of Liberal Jewish synagogues in the UK between the ages of 8 and 23 are automatically members of LJY-Netzer. It was formerly known as ULPSNYC and then ULPSNYC-Netzer, the current name having been adopted in 2003.

It has a central ideology based upon the three concepts of Liberal Judaism (a theology developed by thinkers such as Lily Montagu, Claude Montefiore and Israel Mattuck during the early 20th Century), Reform Zionism (also known as Progressive Zionism) and Tikkun Olam (repair of the world). The ideology is succinctly presented in the Mission Statement. LJY-Netzer also affirms the Netzer Platform and The Affirmations of Liberal Judaism, the two ideologies of its parent bodies.

As avowed and ideological Zionists, LJY-Netzer has played a key role in the recent re-assessment by the UK Liberal Jewish community of the concept of Am Yisrael and the State of Israel.

The movement is now run with a core number of Bogrim (graduates) forming the Mazkirut (Secretariat) and three to four office workers, including a Mazkir/a (General Secretary), Oved/et (worker) and Shaliach/Sh'licha (emissary from Israel), an administrator and in the near future a youth field and outreach worker. Key decisions are made democratically at the annual Veidah, Mini Veidah and at regular Mazkirut events held throughout the year.

[edit] Events

Today LJY-Netzer runs events throughout the year including Machaneh Kadimah (formerly Kadimah Summer Camp), Machaneh Aviv (Spring Camp - formerly Mapalim), Veidah, Shabbatot, BOGtour Israel for 18+ and a month-long "Israel Tour" for 16 year olds, Kayitz-Netzer (a tour of Central and Eastern Europe) and Netivei Shnat Netzer, a 10 month gap year in Israel.

Kayitz-Netzer is run jointly with the other UK sniff (branch) of Netzer, RSY-Netzer. Kayitz-Netzer lasts two weeks and is an educational and fun programme focusing on issues of Diaspora Jewry, Zionism in relation to European history and the Shoah (Holocaust). Netivei Shnat Netzer, which is run by Netzer Olami launched this year to replace the Shnat Netzer programme, is a challenging, educational programme based in several places around Israel over 10 months. It allows participants a chance to learn about and experience first-hand Israel and the Zionist ideals that helped to build it. It is split into three sets of netivim (paths). The first gives participants a choice between Etgar, a Jerusalem-based, Netzer-run leadership programme, and the Machon l'Madrichei Chul Jewish Agency programme. Both involve living in Jerusalem and daily lessons such as Judaism, Israeli history and culture and Hebrew. The second section provides a choice between living on Kibbutz (generally Yahel or Lotan) or Shnat B'ir (Shnat in the city), which involves living in a development town and volunteering. The final portion of the programme offers participants a choice of Kibbutz, Shnat B'ir and Shvil yisrael, a hike along the length of Israel.

[edit] Shichvot (age groups)

  • Plagim (Streams): ages 8-11
  • Nechalim (Rivers): ages 12-13
  • Yamim (Seas): ages 14-15
  • Galim (Waves): ages 16-18
  • Bogrim (Graduates): ages 18+

[edit] External links