LIXI Limited

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LIXI (Lending Industry XML Initiative) is an Australian, not-for-profit company that develops open IT standards for the Australian mortgage processing industry. Owned by the members of the initiative, LIXI represents all the major participants in the residential mortgage lending industry. Founded in 2001, LIXI has developed and released standards for such transactions as mortgage applications, property valuations, broker commissions and several others.

While the charter of LIXI is to smooth the exchange of transaction data in the lending chain, the initial efforts focused on the creation and promulgation of data standards based on XML. This effort was very successful, with the organisation winning an Innovation Award from MIS magazine in 2005. While the development of data standards continues, LIXI is also beginning to deliver results from a series of collaborations with Australian research institution NICTA. This effort is in two primary areas, one is the creation of reference implementations of the data standards and the second is in the area of mapping data standards on to business processes.

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