Livregementets husarer

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Livregementets husarer (Life Regiment Hussars)
Designation K 3
Type Cavalry Regiment
Existence 1892
Colours Yellow and Blue
Victory names
Lützen 1632
Wittstock 1636
Leipzig 1642
Warsaw 1656
Frederiksodde 1657
Bält 1658
Halmstad 1676
Lund 1676
Landskrona 1677
Düna 1701
Kliszów 1702
Holowczyn 1708
Helsingborg 1710

Livregementets husarer, K 3 (Life Regiment Hussars, K 3) is one of Sweden's oldest units originating from the cavalry prepared from Uppland, Södermanland, Västmanland, Närke and Värmland. These were merged into two regiments, which were subsequently merged into one in accordance with the 1634 constitution.


[edit] History

The regiment was initially, from 1636, denominated 'The Riders of Uppland'. Their first commander was Isak Axelsson Silversparre. The 26th of November the regiment was promoted to Royal Life Detachment thanks to its achievements under King Charles X Gustav's campaign and obtained the name 'Livregementet till häst' (Life Regiment on Horse). At the same time Count Otto Wilhelm von Königsmark was appointed commander of the regiment. The regiment is distinguished for its great courage in The Battle of Lund in 1676, under the commander Nils Bielke. They say King Charles XI uttered after victory: "näst Gud hade jag att tacka den tappre Nils Bielke och sitt Livregemente". ("after God I had the brave Nils Bielke and his Life Regiment to thank".)

In 1680 the regiment was divided within East Svealand. The Life Regiment on Horse was the only regiment within the Garrison of Stockholm that was not enlisted. The regiment had since 1780 its exercise field on Utnäs Löt by Strömsholm. In 1785 a special detachment of light dragoons was formed at the regiment. It was formed by adding 18 men from each company to the dragoons, who formed 4 companies of 36 men each. This force was later enlarged and 1789 during the Russian War they appeared as an own unit of 300 men, 6 companies, under the name The Light Dragoon Corps. of his Majesty's Life Regiment.

In 1791 the regiment was reorganized into a brigade consisting of Life Regiment Brigade Cuirassier Corps., which consisted of the companies closest to the capital - heavy cavalry; the Life Regiment Brigade Light Dragoon Corps., which consisted of Örebro, Fellingsbro, Östra Nerike's and Vadsbo companies; and the Life Regiment Brigade Light Infantry Battalion, which consisted of the companies in Västmanland and from 1804 also Södermandland's company. In 1815 the Life Regiment Light Dragoon Corps. was declared independent and received the name Life Regiment Hussar Corps. The corps. was divided primarily into Närke and Northern Västergötland and had from 1836 its office and schools in Örebro. The unit had its meeting place 1815-1836 on Utnös Lut by Strömsholm, and from 1846 on Sanna Hed outside Hallsberg. In 1893 the name was replaced with the present name 'the Life Regiments Hussars'. In 1905 the regiment moved into barracks in Skövde.

During the period 1942-1961 the Signaldetachement of Skövde S 1 Sk, was located in barracks within K 3 regiment area. In 1955 it was decided to reorganize the Life Regiment Hussars to a battalion and manage it together with Skaraborg Armoured Regiment, P 4. At the battalion a yearly training of 150 motorcycle and bicycle Rangers was planned, together with about 200 Field Policemen (MP). The number of horses were reduced from 432 to 15. In connection to the transition from company training to battalion the Life Regiment Hussars again became a regiment. The regiment was relocated to Karlsborg Fortress in Karlsborg the 1st of Juy 1984.

[edit] Life Regiment Hussars Today

The regiment is a training unit within the Swedish Armed Forces where Swedish Army Rangers are trained in either the Airborne Battalion or the traditional ISTAR battalion. The idea of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is developed trying to enable a type of remote reconnaissance for the Army. In the Karlsborg fortress by the shore of Vättern the Swedish Paratroopers and Special Forces (Särskilda Skyddsgruppen - SSG) can also be seen.

[edit] Training Companies

  • Lifskvadron (1st skv)
  • Örebro (2nd skv)
  • Östra Nerike (3rd skv)
  • Västa Nerike (4th skv)
  • Vadsbo (5th skv)

The different squadrons have different training responsibility. At Lifskvadron the command- and support platoons of the Airborne Battalion are trained, and in the newly abolished organization of the military service the squadron was responsible for the basic training of the Squad Leaders. Today the command-, maintenance-, mortar-, pioneer-, and reconnaissance (pathfinder) platoons are trained at the squadron.

Örebro Squadron trains for a Guard Platoon for the ISTAR battalion and are responsible for the basic soldier training for the military interpreters/interrogation leaders. The Squadron was latent until the summer of 2005, but was reintroduced as the regiment command recognized a need of a special squadron for handling education of deviating training rhythm.

Östra Nerike Squadron are responsible for training two reconnaissance platoons for the ISTAR battalion.

Västra Nerike Squadron is latent.

Vadsbo Squadron trains 3 airborne platoons for the Airborne Battalion's Combat Parts. Until the training year 06/07 Vadsbo was also responsible for training grenade-throwing platoon and the special platoon (Forward Observers, Pioneers, and Reconnaissance) for the Airborne Battalion, but these functions have been transferred to Lifskvadron in order to increase the training capacity.

[edit] External links

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