
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A native of The Netherlands born of English-Dutch parents, having lived in South America and Belgium, currently residing in the land of my ancestors, Fryslân, I am a single mother of two with much time on her hands at night. Hence the contributions.

I am a former freelance journalist/translator who has sniffed around some universities but has never managed to complete a full course. Jack of All Trades, Master (Mistress? that doesn't sound good...) of None.

Although I would love to be finally able to sink my teeth in the law study I started several years ago, and get my much sought after writing career going, with two grade school children (both having a somewhat higher than average IQ and the accompanying problems) and a lack of funds things just don't seem to come together.

However, the Wikipedia project is a great challenge to help transfer peoples' knowledge to those who seek it, and I am proud to be able to be part of that.