Littleton Waller

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Littleton Waller Tazewell Waller
September 26, 1856 - July 13, 1926
Nickname "Tony"
Place of birth York County, Virginia
Allegiance USMC
Years of service 1880-1920
Rank Major General
Battles/wars Spanish-American War
Boxer Rebellion
Philippine-American War
Awards Specially Meritorious Medal

Littleton "Tony" Waller Tazewell Waller (26 September 185613 July 1926) was an officer in the United States Marine Corps, who served in the Caribbean and Asia. He was court martialled and acquitted for actions during the Philippine-American War.


[edit] Early life and career

Littleton Waller ("Tony") was born in York County, Virginia on 26 September 1856. He was appointed as a second lieutenant of Marines on 24 June 1880 and served initial tours of successive shore duty at the Marine Barracks in Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D.C.

[edit] Ancestors

Both of Waller's ancestral families enjoyed wealth and political distinction in England, and replicated it in America. The Wallers were high sheriffs in county Kent and judiciaries in Buckinghamshire. John Waller, born in 1635, was sent to Virginia at the age of ten to keep him safe from the English Civil War. He trained as an attorney at the College of William and Mary and founded a family that includes several members of the Virginia House of Burgesses, a justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, and a member of Virginia's delegation to the committee that adopted the Declaration of Independence. The Tazewells of Dorset county were churchmen and scholars of the law. William Tazewell, attorney, born in 1691, emigrated to Accomack, Virginia in 1715. His descendants include members of the House of Burgesses, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senates of both Virginia and the United States, and the Virginia Supreme Court. Tony Waller's maternal grandfather L.W. Tazewell was, in turn, a U.S. Congressman, a U.S. Senator, and Governor of Virginia. He built the beautiful family home, Wishing Oak, on Granby Street in Norfolk in 1802 and died there on May 6, 1860. [1]

The general's mother, Mary Waller Tazewell, was born at Wishing Oak in 1822. In 1848, she married Matthew Page Waller, her third cousin four times removed. Their children include a daughter and two sons older than Tony, and three sons younger. Littleton Waller Tazewell Waller was born on September 26, 1856. His father died suddenly on December 11, 1861. Mary remained a widow until her death on December 20, 1889. She is buried with her husband in Elmwood Cemetery in Norfolk.

The family's extensive public service is exclusively civilian. In 1920, when Tony Waller Jr. joined the Sons of the Revolution, his application was based on his ancestor's participation in the Committee of Independence. The Waller family website says surprisingly little about the Civil War years, and the associated Tazewell website says even less. That silence is eloquent in itself.

The Wallers and Tazewells seem to have had no military members prior to Tony's commissioning. His decision to become an officer must have surprised his family, but they were supportive of his ambition. In his teens, Tony was a corporal in the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues, a local militia unit. Turned down for a commission in the cavalry (he was too short), he was accepted into the Marines.

[edit] Early years

Tony Waller was bright, but indifferent to education. He was an outdoorsman, fond of hunting, fishing and riding, and uncomfortable in classrooms. Historian David McCulloch noted that, in the nineteenth century, every literate person in the English-speaking world was familiar with three books — the King James Bible, the works of Shakespeare, and John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Waller’s writing shows the influence of all three, and all accounts remember him as an eloquent speaker and fascinating storyteller. With his family connections, a law degree and admission to the bar could have been his for the asking. He never asked, and never seemed to regret the decision. His family had the influence needed to secure him a commission, and his courage and flair for leadership did the rest.[citation needed]

[edit] Early Marine career

Going to sea on the Lancaster, the flagship of the European Squadron, in 1881, Waller participated in the landing of a mixed bluejacket and Marine landing force at Alexandria, Egypt, during a serious local uprising in the summer of 1882. The timely arrival of the ships of the European Squadron and their landing forces gave protection to the American consulate and to American citizens and interests and also afforded a refuge for the citizens of other nations who had been displaced from their homes or businesses.

[edit] Spanish-American War

Later—after tours of shore duty at Norfolk and Washington; and at sea in Iroquois, Tallapoosa, and Lancaster—he served in the battleship Indiana (BB-1) during the Spanish-American War and was in that vessel during the Battle of Santiago on 3 July 1898. During this naval engagement, Spanish Admiral Pascual Cervera's fleet was totally destroyed by the American fleet waiting just outside the harbor. The Spanish-American War left the United States with a new colonial empire and increased the nation's responsibilities in world affairs. Waller played a part in America's colonial expansion into the second decade of the 20th century.

Admiral Sampson described the service of Waller and his men in his after-action report to the Secretary of the Navy:

" The Iowa and the Indiana, having done good work, and not having the speed of the other ships, were directed by me ... to drop out of the chase and resume blockading stations. These vessels rescued many prisoners. ...
This rescue of prisoners, including the wounded from the burning Spanish vessels, was the occasion of some of the most daring and gallant conduct of the day. The ships were burning fore and aft, their guns and reserve ammunition were exploding, and it was not known at what moment the fire would reach the main magazines. In addition to this a heavy surf was running just inside of the Spanish ships. But no risk deterred our officers and men until their work of humanity was completed."

Captain Taylor, commanding USS Indiana, had directed Waller to launch the Indiana's whaleboats and pick up as many of the shipwrecked Spanish sailors as possible. With sailors at the oars and Marines in bow and stern to haul the swimmers aboard, Waller's detail worked all day. Men who were already weary from passing ammunition, now sunburned and with hands swollen and cracked from salt water, saved their enemies from death.

Waller himself later remembered it:

"After the destruction of the three largest ships and two torpedo-boat destroyers, I was sent to pick up the wounded and bring off prisoners from the beaches where they were huddled and in constant danger from the exploding magazines. ... After working for hours with the wounded, we took the prisoners on board ship; there were on board my ship, two hundred and forty-three in all. We issued clothes to the naked men, and the officers gave up their clothes and beds to the Spanish officers. Only a few months ago I received a letter from the widow of one of the officers of Admiral Cervera's staff, telling me of her husband's death, and saying that it was his wish that she should thank me for all that I had done for him; and I have received many tokens and letters besides this in grateful acknowledgement of the mercy shown."

Formal recognition of that action at Santiago would come to Waller sometime later.

                                             Bureau of Navigation
                                             Department of the Navy
                                             Washington, D.C., August 3, 1904

Littleton W.T. Waller, U.S.M.C.
Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va.


The Bureau has much pleasure in transmitting herewith a specially meritorious medal 
awarded to you in recognition of your gallant conduct in assisting in rescuing crews 
from the burning Spanish ships after the battle of Santiago de Cuba on July 3, 1898. 
  This medal is issued in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress, approved 
March 3, 1901, which authorized the Secretary of the Navy to issue such medals to the 
officers and men of the Navy and Marine Corps who rendered specially meritorious service, 
otherwise than in battle, during the Spanish-American War.  

                                             Very respectfully,
                                             G.A. Converse, Chief of Bureau

Waller's was one of only ninety-three known awards of this medal, and is believed to be the only one awarded to a U.S. Marine. Because it recognizes heroism not in direct combat, the Specially Meritorious Medal can be considered a predecessor of today's Navy and Marine Corps Medal.

[edit] Boxer Rebellion

While stationed at the naval station at Cavite early in 1900, Waller was ordered to command a detachment of Marines assigned to take part in the expedition mounted to relieve the siege of Tientsin. This city, with its enclave of foreign nationals, was besieged by a mixed force of "Boxers" and Chinese Imperial troops supporting them. Accordingly, Waller and his men arrived at Taku, China, on 19 June 1900, soon moved inland, and linked up with a Russian column of 400 men.

At 02:00 on June 21, this small combined force set out for Tientsin, arrayed against a Chinese contingent of some 1,500 to 2,000 men. Outnumbered from the start, the column came under heavy enemy fire and was forced to retreat, with the Russians in the lead. In a desperate rearguard action, Waller and his marines—leaving their dead behind and dragging their wounded with them—fought off the numerically superior (but less aggressive) Chinese forces and reached safety.

Waller's detachment immediately returned to duty, attached to a British column led by Commander Christopher Craddock. At 04:00 on the June 24, an international army—-consisting of Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, British, and American forces—-set out again for Tientsin. Finding the enemy at 07:00, a bitter fight ensued until 12:30, when the China Relief Expedition reached the city and broke the siege.

After participating in the final fighting for the city of Tientsin on July 13-14, Waller and his men took possession of the American sector and brought order out of the havoc caused by the Chinese retreat. Promoted by brevet to lieutenant colonel and advanced two numbers in grade for his performance of duty at Tientsin, Littleton Waller was commended in 1903 by Brigadier General A. S. Daggett, U.S. Army, Ret., in his book, America in the China Relief Expedition. He recalled that the marine had "... participated willingly and energetically ..." with the Allies "... in all movements against the enemy ..." and that "... he and his officers and men ... reflected credit upon American valor. ..."

[edit] Philippine-American War and war crimes acquittal

After the Balangiga massacre, U.S. Army Brigadier General Jacob H. Smith asked for Marine Corps assistance to help subdue the Philippine population on the island of Samar. Major Waller and his Marine Battalion were given this assignment. Prior to proceeding, Major Waller had had this conversation with General Smith:

"I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better it will please me. I want all persons killed who are capable of bearing arms in actual hostilities against the United States.", General Smith said.
Since it was a popular belief among the Americans serving in the Philippines that native males were born with bolos in their hands, Major Waller asked, "I would like to know the limit of age to respect, sir?"
"Ten years.", Smith said.
"Persons of ten years and older are those designated as being capable of bearing arms?", asked Waller.
"Yes.", Smith confirmed his instructions a second time.[2]

Waller largely ignored these illegal orders. Waller and his battalion of 315 Marines departed Cavite on 22 October 1901 and landed at Carbalogen, Samar, on 24 October. In the southern half of Samar, Waller ran patrols, amphibious operations, and led a detachment of marines which defeated Philippine insurgents in a battle at Sohoton cliffs on 5 November 1901. He was having some success in registering the inhabitants and pacifying the Philippine towns.

General Smith ordered Waller to scout a possible telegraph route across the island from Lanang on the east cost to Basey on the west coast — straight across trackless, uninhabited jungle. Waller began this expedition from Lanang on 28 December 1901 with 60 Marines, 2 Philippine scouts and 33 Philippine porters. In terrible physical conditions, most of the men were soon sick and running out of food. To stave off disaster, Major Waller divided his force on 3 January 1902. Leaving Marine Captain David D. Porter in charge of a group remaining in the jungle, Waller and 14 others went for help at Basey, arriving there on 6 January. On 7 January, Waller led a relief operation back to Porter, but for 9 days could not find them.

Growing more desperate for food, Captain Porter left the sick and dying behind under the command of Marine Lieutenant A.S. Williams and set out with 7 Marines and 6 porters to Lanang. Having arrived at Lanang on 11 January, Cpt. Porter then sent out a relief column to pick up his own stragglers and rescue Lt. William's command. By 18 January, when Williams was rescued, 10 marines had died, one had gone insane and the porters had mutinied. Williams later testified that their mutinous behavior left the Marines in daily fear of their lives; the porters were hiding food and supplies from the Marines and keeping themselves nourished from the jungle while the Marines starved; then three porters attacked and wounded Williams with a bolo. The other 11 porters were placed under arrest when Williams' command reached Lanang.

After an investigation, Waller ordered the summary execution, without trial, of the eleven Filipino porters for treason, theft, disobedience and general mutiny. Ten were shot in groups of three (one had been gunned down in the water attempting to escape) The bodies were left in the square, as an example, until one evening, under cover of darkness, some townspeople carried them off for a Christian burial.

Waller's Marine Battalion on Samar was relieved by U.S. Army units on 26 February 1902. He and his Battalion left Samar on 29 February, returning to Cavite on 2 March 1902.

Waller reported the executions to Smith, as he had reported every other event. "It became necessary to expend eleven prisoners. Ten who were implicated in the attack on Lt. Williams and one who plotted against me." Smith passed Waller's report to General Adna Chaffee. For some reason, Chaffee decided to investigate these executions, despite General J. Franklin Bell and Colonel Jacob H. Smith having carried out similar executions on a much larger scale months before with no subsequent investigations.[citation needed]

Waller was tried for murder in ordering the execution of the eleven Filipino porters. A court martial began on March 17, 1902.[3] The court-martial board consisted of 7 Army officers and 6 Marine Corps officers, lead by U.S. Army General William H. Bisbee.

Waller first argued, unsuccessfully, that the Army had no jurisdiction over him as he was still under Marine Corps command.[citation needed]

Waller did not use Smith's orders "I want all persons killed" to justify his deed, instead relying on the rules of war and provisions of a Civil War General Order Number 100 that authorized "exceeding force", much as J. Franklin Bell had successfully done months before. Waller's counsel had rested his defense.

The prosecution then decided to call General Smith as a rebuttal witness. On April 7, 1902, in sworn testimony, Smith denied that he had given any special verbal orders to Waller. Waller then produced three officers who corroborated Waller's version of the Smith-Waller conversation, and copies of every written order he had received from Smith, Waller informed the court he had been directed to take no prisoners and to kill every male Filipino over age 10.[4]

During the trial, American newspapers, including his hometown newspaper in Philadelphia, nicknamed Waller the "Butcher of Samar".[5]

The court martial board voted 11-2 for acquittal of Waller. Later, the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General dismissed the entire case, agreeing that a Marine Corps officer was not subject to an Army court.[citation needed]

As as result of evidence introduced at the Waller trail, General Smith was then court martialed, convicted, admonished, and forced to retire.[citation needed]

[edit] Return to America, military excursions into Central America

Returning to the United States soon thereafter, Waller served in charge of recruiting in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and western New Jersey into 1903 and commanded, in succession, the Provisional Regiment of Marines on the Isthmus of Panama in 1904; the expeditionary forces on the island of Cuba from 1906 and rose to command the Provisional Brigade in Cuba by 1911. He later commanded the Marine Barracks at the Mare Island Navy Yard from 1911 to 1914 and the First Brigade of Marines during service at Veracruz in Mexico in 1914 before being appointed to command marines in Haiti in 1915.

[edit] Later years

Waller's troops crushed all armed resistance to the American occupation of the country and restored some semblance of peace and order to Haiti. Promoted to brigadier general on 29 August 1916 and to major general on 29 August 1918, Waller closed out his active duty in the Marine Corps as Commander of the Advanced Base Force at Philadelphia Navy Yard from 8 January 1917 until his retirement in June 1920.

Major General Waller lived in retirement in Philadelphia, Penn. until his death on 13 July 1926. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

In 1942, the destroyer USS Waller (DD-466) was named in his honor.

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

    1. Tazewell, Littleton Waller - Biographical Information. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Retrieved on 2006-11-30.
    2. Benevolent Assimilation: The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899-1903, Stuart Creighton Miller, (Yale University Press, 1982). p. 220; PBS documentary "Crucible of Empire"; Philippine NewsLink interview with Bob Couttie author of "Hang the Dogs, The True and Tragic History of the Balangiga Massacre" Ten days after President McKinley’s death, the residents of Balangiga, a tiny village 400 miles southeast of Manila, attacked the local U.S. garrison. While U.S. soldiers ate breakfast, the church bells rang a signal. Filipinos brandishing machetes emerged from their hiding places. Forty-eight Americans, two-thirds of the garrison, were butchered, in what is called the Balangiga massacre. On the orders of General Jacob H. Smith, U.S. troops retaliated against the entire island (600 square miles) of Samar where Balangiga is located. The exchange is known because of two courts-martials: one was of Waller who was later court-martialed for ordering or allowing the execution of a dozen Filipino bearers, and the court-martial of Gen. Jacob H. Smith who was actually court-martialed for giving that order. They jury is out to the extent that order was carried out, because Littleton Waller actually countermanded it to his own men and said "[Captain David] Porter, I've had instructions to kill everyone over ten years old. But we are not making war on women and children, only on men capable of bearing arms. Keep that in mind no matter what other orders you receive." Undoubtedly, some men did atrocities regardless of Waller's commands.
    3. Miller, p. 226-8
    4. Miller, p. 228; Philadelphia North American, March 16,17, 1902
    5. Miller, p. 230-232; Before the "Howling Wilderness": The Military Career of Jacob Hurd Smith, 1862-1902 David L. Fritz Military Affairs Vol. 43, No. 4 (Dec., 1979), p. 187; "Most of the material for this article is derived from The Adjutant General's Office (AGO) 1890-1917, National Archives (NA), record group (RG) 94, File 309120 "Considerable older material is filed under the same numerical file number, but has the additional designation of S293CB1867."

    [edit] References

    This article includes text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.
    • Waller. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Naval Historical Center, Department of the Navy. Retrieved on 2005-03-05.
    • Miller, Stuart Creighton Miller (1982). Benevolent Assimilation: The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899-1903. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-03081-9.

    [edit] External links