Little Savages
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Little Savages is a browser based online game. It was put together by Matt Squirrell, and is free to play.
The version being played is Little Savages 2, version 3 is currently in the Beta test phase.
The idea of the game is to score points - you can do this by creating Savages who roam the small 100x100km island of Saville. If a Savage does something good, such as eat an animal or have a baby, you get points. Savages get on with their lives without any input from the players, and exist in their little Savage world. Players can help them by using 'savage cash' to buy Savages assets from the shop.
Saville rotates around the Sun once every thirty minutes, meaning that one day on Saville lasts half an hour for people on Earth. This means that a Savage can perform 48 separate actions in one Earth day.
Ultimately the goal in any Little Savages is to have the most points. On top of that, the games tracks several other pieces of information; players might want the strongest savage, or the one that's had the most children. Or they might want the most savages, or to been seen as the kindest savage-master.
Although created as a practice run for a much more complicated game, Little Savages 1 became wildly popular due to its unexplainable addictiveness, often causing server problems, while the creator had no idea that anyone was actually playing the game. At the game's peak 2095 players were logging in every day.
The sequel, the ingeniously named 'Little Savages 2', increased the amount of interaction the players could have with their savages, and improved the information given to the player. Little Savages 2 has won several awards from MMORPG websites.