Lithuanian minority in Poland

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Lithuanian minority in Poland is composed of 5,639 people according to the Polish census of 2002. Lithuanian embassy notes that there are about 15,000 people in Poland of 'Lithuanian ancestry'. According to the census, most of them (5,097) live in the Podlasie Voivodeship (Sudovia region), particulary in the Puńsk Commune (gmina) where they form a majority (about 80% of population).

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • (Polish) Społeczność litewska w Polsce (Lithuanian community in Poland) on the official site of Lithuanian embassy in Poland
  • (Polish) Łukasz Kaźmierczak, Trzy procent odmienności (Three percent of different) - article describing results of Polish census 2002 and minorities in Poland, citing census data
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