Wikipedia:Lists of common misspellings/H
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- habitant (inhabitant..variant)
- habitants (inhabitants..variant)
- Habsbourg (Habsburg)
- hace (hare)
- haev (have, heave)
- Hallowean (Hallowe'en, Halloween)
- hapen (happen)
- hapened (happened)
- happended (happened)
- hapening (happening)
- harased (harassed)
- harases (harasses)
- harasment (harassment)
- harasments (harassments)
- harras (harass)
- harrasing (harassing)
- harrased (harassed)
- harrases (harasses)
- harrasment (harassment)
- harrasments (harassments)
- harrassing (harass
- harrassed (harassed)
- harrasses (harassed)
- harrassment (harassment)
- harrassments (harassments)
- hasnt (hasn't)
- headquater (headquarter)
- headquatered (headquartered)
- headquaters (headquarters)
- heared (heard)
- Heidelburg (Heidelberg)
- heigher (higher)
- heirarchy (hierarchy)
- heiroglyphics (hieroglyphics)
- hemmorhage (hemorrhage)
- herad (heard, Hera)
- heroe (hero)
- heros (heroes..variant)
- heterogenous (heterogeneous..variant)
- hersuit (hirsute)
- hersute (hirsute)
- hieght (height)
- hierachical (hierarchical)
- hierachies (hierarchies)
- hierachy (hierarchy)
- hierarcical (hierarchical)
- hierarcy (hierarchy)
- hieroglph (hieroglyph)
- hieroglphs (hieroglyphs)
- higer (higher)
- higest (highest)
- hinderence (hindrance)
- hindrence (hindrance)
- helpfull (helpful)
- hipopotamus (hippopotamus)
- hismelf (himself)
- hirsuit (hirsute)
- histocompatability (histocompatibility)
- homogeneize (homogenize)
- homogeneized (homogenized)
- honory (honorary)
- honourarium (honorarium, even in UK)
- honourary (honorary, even in UK)
- honourific (honorific, even in UK)
- horrifing (horrifying)
- housr (hours, house)
- howver (however)
- hten (then, hen, the)
- htere (there, here)
- htey (they)
- hting (thing)
- htikn (think)
- htink (think)
- htis (this)
- humer (humor, humour)
- humerous (humorous, humerus)
- humoural (humoral)
- humourous (humorous, even in UK)
- hvae (have)
- hvea (have, heave)
- hvaing (having)
- hwihc (which)
- hwile (while)
- hwole (whole)
- hydropile (hydrophile)
- hydropilic (hydrophilic)
- hydropobe (hydrophobe)
- hydropobic (hydrophobic)
- hygeine (hygiene)
- hypocracy (hypocrisy)
- hypocrasy (hypocrisy)
- hypocricy (hypocrisy)
- hypocrit (hypocrite)
- hypocrits (hypocrites)