Wikipedia:List of missing Africa topics

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This is a list of topics related to Africa which should be created for Wikipedia. Many of the entries on this list were taken from the indexes to J.D. Fage's A History of Africa (2002 edition) and Colonialism in Africa: 1870-1914 edited by L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan. Consider creating articles which have links to them before creating linkless ones.

African-related articles which have been created, but still need substantial work, can be found within Category:Africa stubs.

Please see main project at Wikipedia:Africa-related regional notice board.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

[edit] Ab-Af

  1. Abdallah of Mourgoula
  2. Accanees
  3. Addis Adi
  4. African drama
  5. African Union Court of Justice
  6. African Union Permanent Representatives Committee
  7. African People's Congress
  8. Africa Social Forum

[edit] Ag-Ak

  1. Aganju of Oyo
  2. Agoua
  3. Ahmadou of Timbo
  4. Air Sultanate - see Aïr Mountains
  5. Akany
  6. Andreas Akou
  7. Martin Akou
  8. Akyerekyere

[edit] Al-Am

  1. Alfa éIbrahim
  2. Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Reconstruction
  3. Alvor Agreement
  4. Ambas Bay Trading Company
  5. Amesfrane Rock Wall, Morocco
  6. Amojjar Pass, Mauritania
  7. Amphila Bay
  8. Salim Amour

[edit] An-Az

  1. Anou Boussouil, Algeria
  2. Antonine sect
  3. Arero
  4. Arguin I
  5. The Arma
  6. Aruis
  7. al-Askar
  8. Association Contonnière du Soudan
  9. Latevi Awoku

[edit] B

[edit] Ba

[edit] Bab-Bam

  1. Badr-ar-Jamalki
  2. Bailunda
  3. Bam Bam Amphitheaters, Gabon
  4. Bamenda Grassfields

[edit] Ban-Bay

  1. Barabich
  2. Francisco de Barreto
  3. Edward Barter
  4. Basorun
  5. Cobir Bawa

[edit] Be-Bl

  1. Bélédougou
  2. Belessa River
  3. Bibundi Company
  4. Bigo
  5. Bilma, Erg of, Chad-Niger
  6. Bito
  7. E.W. Blyden

[edit] Bo-Bu

  1. Bogonko
  2. Boirey
  3. Bokari Koutou
  4. Paul Bomani
  5. L.E. Bouet-Willaumez
  6. BuHaya
  7. Bulama
  8. Bullom
  9. Bunga
  10. Bushiri
  11. Bushmaie River
  12. ButwaButwa

[edit] C

[edit] Ca-Cl

  1. Chabruma
  2. Chakossi
  3. Chaminuka
  4. Changamire
  5. Chara Caves, Morocco
  6. Chela, Serra de, Angola
  7. Chiker Caves, Morocco
  8. Chra

[edit] Co-Cu

  1. Cokwe
  2. Colonial Development Acts
  3. Comité d'Etudes du Haut Congo
  4. Compagnie Commerciale de Colonization au Congo Français
  5. Compagnie des Chemins de Fer du Congo Supérieur
  6. Compagnie Français d'Afrique Occidentale
  7. Compagnie Français du Congo
  8. Compagnie Français du Haut Congo
  9. Compagnie Propriétaire du Kouilou-Niari
  10. Company of Senegal and the West African Coast
  11. Company of the Sultanates of Upper Oubangui
  12. Congo International Association
  13. Comorian Secession Crisis
  14. Council for the Defence of the Revolution
  15. Culture of Mozambique
  16. Cuenen River

[edit] D

[edit] Da-Dh

  1. Debundja
  2. Deido
  3. Maurice Delafosse
  4. Martin Dent
  5. Desolation, Valley of, South Africa
  6. Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Süd West Afrika
  7. Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation

[edit] Di-Du

  1. Diado
  2. Boubacar Diallo
  3. Diamare
  4. Diara
  5. Didjeli
  6. Diebedougou
  7. Dinguiray
  8. Dini Ya Msambwa
  9. Dinla
  10. Diosso Amphitheater, Congo
  11. Djabataure
  12. Dogali
  13. Drifts Crisis
  14. The Dual Mandate
  15. Angelo Dulcert

[edit] E

  1. Efoulen
  2. Eiffe
  3. Emanual Juthro
  4. Emang Basadi
  5. W.B. Emery
  6. Emirate of Tunis
  7. Enaryea
  8. Etablissements du Golfe du Bénin
  9. Ethnic Violence in Burundi
  10. Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika

[edit] F

  1. Farmers Protection Association
  2. G.E. Ferguson
  3. Valentim Fernandes
  4. Filali dynasty
  5. First Italo-Ethiopia War
  6. Fondation de la Couronne
  7. Forestière Sangha-Ouibangui
  8. Fort Boffa
  9. Fort Crampel
  10. French Colonial Union
  11. French Company of the Niger

[edit] G

[edit] Ga-Gh

  1. Gaha of Oyo
  2. Galam
  3. Galekas
  4. Antonio Gamitto
  5. Gaud and Toque Scandal
  6. E. F. Gautier
  7. Gebre Egzabhier
  8. General Service Unit
  9. German South-West Africa Company
  10. Ghiyaro

[edit] Go-Gw

  1. Godola
  2. Gofa
  3. Goldenberg International
  4. Gouro
  5. Great Western Erg, Algeria
  6. Guigué
  7. Guineus
  8. Gulf of Arafali
  9. Gumsa
  10. Gussi

[edit] H

  1. Habab
  2. Hamakari
  3. Hamed ben Mohemmed ben Juma
  4. Hammam-Meskoutine, Algeria
  5. Hausaland
  6. Haut Fleuve
  7. Haut-Scoi
  8. Bengt Heine
  9. Alick Henrici
  10. A.G. Hopkins
  11. Husainid Beys
  12. Human rights in South Africa

[edit] I

  1. Idris Alawman
  2. Idris ibn' Abd Allah
  3. Igbegbe
  4. Jean Ikellé-Matiba
  5. Ikemba
  6. John Iliffe
  7. Imvo
  8. Industrial and Commercial Workers Union
  9. Isle of Dissé
  10. Itaba Massacre
  11. izithopho

[edit] J

  1. Jalonke
  2. Jawasmi
  3. Jibril Dobla
  4. Jibril ibn 'Umar
  5. Jildessa
  6. Joalland
  7. James Johnson
  8. Jugurtha Tableland, Tunisia

[edit] K

[edit] Ka

[edit] Kaa-Kar

  1. John Kabes
  2. Kabra Bassa rapids
  3. Kabre-Losso
  4. Kagubi
  5. Kahel Plateau
  6. Kahigi of Buhaya
  7. Kakanda
  8. Kano Kanejegi
  9. Kangaba

[edit] Kas-Kaz

  1. Kasanje
  2. Katembe
  3. Katoto
  4. Katwe Craters, Uganda
  5. Kaya-Magha dynasty

[edit] Ke-Kh

  1. Kef Toghobeit Cave, Morocco
  2. Keffi
  3. Kel Air
  4. Keniera
  5. Kerne Island

[edit] Ki

  1. Kibata
  2. Kidane Mehret
  3. Kigome
  4. Kikonja
  5. Kilwa Chronicle
  6. Kismani
  7. Kitchi

[edit] Ko-Kw

  1. Kotokoli
  2. Kpone
  3. Krinjabo
  4. R.R. Kuczynski
  5. Kukiya
  6. Kulubali
  7. Kunta
  8. Kassaila
  9. Kwararafa

[edit] L

  1. Francisco Lacerda
  2. Langheld
  3. W.L. Langer
  4. Langa Lapu
  5. Lat-Dior
  6. Laevi Awoku
  7. Lecki
  8. Lefini
  9. Leopard's Kopje
  10. Leviathan Cave, Kenya
  11. Liamda
  12. Libyan Berbers
  13. List of Vice-Presidents of Tanzania
  14. Little Pop
  15. Lobetal
  16. LoDagaba
  17. Paul E. Lovejoy
  18. Loziland
  19. Lubaland
  20. Lula Ragaro
  21. Lyon Mission

[edit] M

[edit] Ma

  1. Ma Ba
  2. Climate of Madagascar

[edit] Mac-Mal

  1. Charles Macarthy
  2. Macequece
  3. George Maclean
  4. Mademba Sy
  5. Magwida
  6. Mai Muni
  7. Mak'Dala
  8. Makoko of Bateke
  9. Makolo
  10. Makombe
  11. Antonio Malfante
  12. Malik Si
  13. Malouine

[edit] Mam-Mar

  1. Mamadu Lamina
  2. Mamprussi
  3. Manding Mountains, Mali
  4. Mandraka Falls, Madagascar
  5. Maneromango
  6. Mangi Abdiel of Machame
  7. Mangi Sina of Kobosho
  8. Mango-Yendi
  9. Manica e Sofala
  10. Mankoya
  11. Mantees (Misspelling for Manatees?)
  12. Marabout Wars
  13. Marraba

[edit] Mas-Maz

  1. Massangano
  2. Massi Kessi
  3. Masufa
  4. Matacong
  5. Mataka of the Yao
  6. Matakil Falls, Central African Republic
  7. Gordon Mathaka
  8. Matmata Range, Tunisia
  9. Z.K. Matthews
  10. Mayombe
  11. Mazeo River

[edit] Mb-Mi

  1. Mbegisa
  2. Medina, Senegal
  3. Melakori
  4. Meli
  5. Mellacoree River
  6. Menouthias
  7. Military Committee of National Salvation
  8. Missionary Conference of Southern Rhodesia

[edit] Mo-Mt

  1. Moçambique Company, Mozambique Company (different spellings of same thing)
  2. J.S. Moffatt
  3. Moncullo
  4. Massamedes Company
  5. Mosuto
  6. Mountanga of Nioro
  7. Mourgoula
  8. Mrima Swahili
  9. Msidi
  10. Msiri of Shaba
  11. Mtoko

[edit] Mu-Mw

  1. al-Muhallabi
  2. Muhammad al-Kanami
  3. Muhammad al-Maghili
  4. Muhammad al-Shaykh
  5. Mukhtar al-Kunti
  6. Mulay 'Abd al-Aziz
  7. Mulay al-Rachid
  8. Mulay Zaydan
  9. Mumboism
  10. Patrick Munson
  11. Munzigumba
  12. Musadugu
  13. Musardu
  14. G.P Murdock
  15. Mutahangarwa of Buhaya
  16. Mvemba Nzinga
  17. Mwari
  18. Mwere

[edit] N

[edit] Na-Ne

  1. Nafata of Gobir
  2. Nana Olumu
  3. Nasomones
  4. National Africa Company
  5. National Committee of Public Safety
  6. National Congress of British West Africa
  7. National Milling Corporation
  8. Nautsi
  9. Ncouna
  10. Ndembo
  11. Néo-Destour (= Democratic Constitutional Rally)
  12. Neu Moshi
  13. New Calabar

[edit] Ng-Nu

  1. Ngomi
  2. Ngoulemakong
  3. Niagassola
  4. Nieuwe Afrikaansche Handels Vennootschap
  5. Niger Committee
  6. Njoya of Bamum
  7. George Nkwe
  8. Nokki
  9. Nord West Kamerun Gesellschaft
  10. Northern People's Congress
  11. Nuatja
  12. Nunez River
  13. Nupata

[edit] Ny-Nz

  1. Nzinga Kuwu

[edit] O

  1. Oculie-Cusai
  2. Oranyan Oranmiyan
  3. Ouhan

[edit] P

  1. Herbert Palma
  2. Ann Pettifor
  3. Pharusii
  4. Pipi Natural Bridge, Central African Republic
  5. Pondoland
  6. Pongo River
  7. Pongoro
  8. Prempeh of Ashanti
  9. Presidential Commission on Political Change

[edit] Q

[edit] R

  1. Recadaire de Behanzin
  2. Régime domanial
  3. C.C. Reindorf
  4. Rhumel Gorge, Algeria
  5. Rime River
  6. Rimfa
  7. Rocher de Sel, Algeria
  8. Roda Island
  9. Romano-Berbers
  10. Royal Company of the Niger

[edit] S

[edit] Sa-Se

  1. Sabi River
  2. Saif'ibn Dhu Yazan
  3. Saifawa of Kanem
  4. St. Lois
  5. Salvador de Sá
  6. Sangoan culture
  7. J.M. Sarbah
  8. SCNC (Southern Cameroons National Council) (separatist group in Cameroon)
  9. Seyyid Said

[edit] Sh-St

  1. Shaba Invasions
  2. C. Thurstan Shaw
  3. Sidi Mukhtar al Kunti
  4. Sidi Umar al-Shaykh
  5. Simba Rebellion
  6. Soborom Hot Springs, Chad
  7. State Trading Corporation
  8. Stone Bowl cultures

[edit] Su

  1. Sulayman Bal

[edit] T

  1. Tagbaladougou Falls, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)
  2. Talari Gorges, Mali
  3. Tannogou Falls, Benin
  4. Terres de Couleurs, Mauritius
  5. Tinkisso Falls, Guinea
  6. Tritriva, Lake, Madagascar
  7. Twifo

[edit] U

  1. Uburetwa - System similar to ubuhake in Rwanda
  2. Ugandan Civil War

[edit] W

  1. Watasid dynasty
  2. Kevin Watkins
  3. Worker's Defence Committees
  4. Woodoo

[edit] Z

  1. Zaghouan, Djebel, Tunisia
  2. Ziz Gorges, Morocco

[edit] See also

  1. Wikipedia:Africa-related regional notice board