Wikipedia:List of missing Africa topics
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of topics related to Africa which should be created for Wikipedia. Many of the entries on this list were taken from the indexes to J.D. Fage's A History of Africa (2002 edition) and Colonialism in Africa: 1870-1914 edited by L.H. Gann and Peter Duignan. Consider creating articles which have links to them before creating linkless ones.
African-related articles which have been created, but still need substantial work, can be found within Category:Africa stubs.
Please see main project at Wikipedia:Africa-related regional notice board.
Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
[edit] A
[edit] Ab-Af
- Abdallah of Mourgoula
- Accanees
- Addis Adi
- African drama
- African Union Court of Justice
- African Union Permanent Representatives Committee
- African People's Congress
- Africa Social Forum
[edit] Ag-Ak
- Aganju of Oyo
- Agoua
- Ahmadou of Timbo
- Air Sultanate - see Aïr Mountains
- Akany
- Andreas Akou
- Martin Akou
- Akyerekyere
[edit] Al-Am
- Alfa éIbrahim
- Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Reconstruction
- Alvor Agreement
- Ambas Bay Trading Company
- Amesfrane Rock Wall, Morocco
- Amojjar Pass, Mauritania
- Amphila Bay
- Salim Amour
[edit] An-Az
- Anou Boussouil, Algeria
- Antonine sect
- Arero
- Arguin I
- The Arma
- Aruis
- al-Askar
- Association Contonnière du Soudan
- Latevi Awoku
[edit] B
[edit] Ba
[edit] Bab-Bam
- Badr-ar-Jamalki
- Bailunda
- Bam Bam Amphitheaters, Gabon
- Bamenda Grassfields
[edit] Ban-Bay
- Barabich
- Francisco de Barreto
- Edward Barter
- Basorun
- Cobir Bawa
[edit] Be-Bl
- Bélédougou
- Belessa River
- Bibundi Company
- Bigo
- Bilma, Erg of, Chad-Niger
- Bito
- E.W. Blyden
[edit] Bo-Bu
- Bogonko
- Boirey
- Bokari Koutou
- Paul Bomani
- L.E. Bouet-Willaumez
- BuHaya
- Bulama
- Bullom
- Bunga
- Bushiri
- Bushmaie River
- ButwaButwa
[edit] C
[edit] Ca-Cl
- Chabruma
- Chakossi
- Chaminuka
- Changamire
- Chara Caves, Morocco
- Chela, Serra de, Angola
- Chiker Caves, Morocco
- Chra
[edit] Co-Cu
- Cokwe
- Colonial Development Acts
- Comité d'Etudes du Haut Congo
- Compagnie Commerciale de Colonization au Congo Français
- Compagnie des Chemins de Fer du Congo Supérieur
- Compagnie Français d'Afrique Occidentale
- Compagnie Français du Congo
- Compagnie Français du Haut Congo
- Compagnie Propriétaire du Kouilou-Niari
- Company of Senegal and the West African Coast
- Company of the Sultanates of Upper Oubangui
- Congo International Association
- Comorian Secession Crisis
- Council for the Defence of the Revolution
- Culture of Mozambique
- Cuenen River
[edit] D
[edit] Da-Dh
- Debundja
- Deido
- Maurice Delafosse
- Martin Dent
- Desolation, Valley of, South Africa
- Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Süd West Afrika
- Darfur-Darfur Dialogue and Consultation
[edit] Di-Du
- Diado
- Boubacar Diallo
- Diamare
- Diara
- Didjeli
- Diebedougou
- Dinguiray
- Dini Ya Msambwa
- Dinla
- Diosso Amphitheater, Congo
- Djabataure
- Dogali
- Drifts Crisis
- The Dual Mandate
- Angelo Dulcert
[edit] E
- Efoulen
- Eiffe
- Emanual Juthro
- Emang Basadi
- W.B. Emery
- Emirate of Tunis
- Enaryea
- Etablissements du Golfe du Bénin
- Ethnic Violence in Burundi
- Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika
[edit] F
- Farmers Protection Association
- G.E. Ferguson
- Valentim Fernandes
- Filali dynasty
- First Italo-Ethiopia War
- Fondation de la Couronne
- Forestière Sangha-Ouibangui
- Fort Boffa
- Fort Crampel
- French Colonial Union
- French Company of the Niger
[edit] G
[edit] Ga-Gh
- Gaha of Oyo
- Galam
- Galekas
- Antonio Gamitto
- Gaud and Toque Scandal
- E. F. Gautier
- Gebre Egzabhier
- General Service Unit
- German South-West Africa Company
- Ghiyaro
[edit] Go-Gw
- Godola
- Gofa
- Goldenberg International
- Gouro
- Great Western Erg, Algeria
- Guigué
- Guineus
- Gulf of Arafali
- Gumsa
- Gussi
[edit] H
- Habab
- Hamakari
- Hamed ben Mohemmed ben Juma
- Hammam-Meskoutine, Algeria
- Hausaland
- Haut Fleuve
- Haut-Scoi
- Bengt Heine
- Alick Henrici
- A.G. Hopkins
- Husainid Beys
- Human rights in South Africa
[edit] I
- Idris Alawman
- Idris ibn' Abd Allah
- Igbegbe
- Jean Ikellé-Matiba
- Ikemba
- John Iliffe
- Imvo
- Industrial and Commercial Workers Union
- Isle of Dissé
- Itaba Massacre
- izithopho
[edit] J
- Jalonke
- Jawasmi
- Jibril Dobla
- Jibril ibn 'Umar
- Jildessa
- Joalland
- James Johnson
- Jugurtha Tableland, Tunisia
[edit] K
[edit] Ka
[edit] Kaa-Kar
- John Kabes
- Kabra Bassa rapids
- Kabre-Losso
- Kagubi
- Kahel Plateau
- Kahigi of Buhaya
- Kakanda
- Kano Kanejegi
- Kangaba
[edit] Kas-Kaz
- Kasanje
- Katembe
- Katoto
- Katwe Craters, Uganda
- Kaya-Magha dynasty
[edit] Ke-Kh
- Kef Toghobeit Cave, Morocco
- Keffi
- Kel Air
- Keniera
- Kerne Island
[edit] Ki
- Kibata
- Kidane Mehret
- Kigome
- Kikonja
- Kilwa Chronicle
- Kismani
- Kitchi
[edit] Ko-Kw
- Kotokoli
- Kpone
- Krinjabo
- R.R. Kuczynski
- Kukiya
- Kulubali
- Kunta
- Kassaila
- Kwararafa
[edit] L
- Francisco Lacerda
- Langheld
- W.L. Langer
- Langa Lapu
- Lat-Dior
- Laevi Awoku
- Lecki
- Lefini
- Leopard's Kopje
- Leviathan Cave, Kenya
- Liamda
- Libyan Berbers
- List of Vice-Presidents of Tanzania
- Little Pop
- Lobetal
- LoDagaba
- Paul E. Lovejoy
- Loziland
- Lubaland
- Lula Ragaro
- Lyon Mission
[edit] M
[edit] Ma
- Ma Ba
- Climate of Madagascar
[edit] Mac-Mal
- Charles Macarthy
- Macequece
- George Maclean
- Mademba Sy
- Magwida
- Mai Muni
- Mak'Dala
- Makoko of Bateke
- Makolo
- Makombe
- Antonio Malfante
- Malik Si
- Malouine
[edit] Mam-Mar
- Mamadu Lamina
- Mamprussi
- Manding Mountains, Mali
- Mandraka Falls, Madagascar
- Maneromango
- Mangi Abdiel of Machame
- Mangi Sina of Kobosho
- Mango-Yendi
- Manica e Sofala
- Mankoya
- Mantees (Misspelling for Manatees?)
- Marabout Wars
- Marraba
[edit] Mas-Maz
- Massangano
- Massi Kessi
- Masufa
- Matacong
- Mataka of the Yao
- Matakil Falls, Central African Republic
- Gordon Mathaka
- Matmata Range, Tunisia
- Z.K. Matthews
- Mayombe
- Mazeo River
[edit] Mb-Mi
- Mbegisa
- Medina, Senegal
- Melakori
- Meli
- Mellacoree River
- Menouthias
- Military Committee of National Salvation
- Missionary Conference of Southern Rhodesia
[edit] Mo-Mt
- Moçambique Company, Mozambique Company (different spellings of same thing)
- J.S. Moffatt
- Moncullo
- Massamedes Company
- Mosuto
- Mountanga of Nioro
- Mourgoula
- Mrima Swahili
- Msidi
- Msiri of Shaba
- Mtoko
[edit] Mu-Mw
- al-Muhallabi
- Muhammad al-Kanami
- Muhammad al-Maghili
- Muhammad al-Shaykh
- Mukhtar al-Kunti
- Mulay 'Abd al-Aziz
- Mulay al-Rachid
- Mulay Zaydan
- Mumboism
- Patrick Munson
- Munzigumba
- Musadugu
- Musardu
- G.P Murdock
- Mutahangarwa of Buhaya
- Mvemba Nzinga
- Mwari
- Mwere
[edit] N
[edit] Na-Ne
- Nafata of Gobir
- Nana Olumu
- Nasomones
- National Africa Company
- National Committee of Public Safety
- National Congress of British West Africa
- National Milling Corporation
- Nautsi
- Ncouna
- Ndembo
- Néo-Destour (= Democratic Constitutional Rally)
- Neu Moshi
- New Calabar
[edit] Ng-Nu
- Ngomi
- Ngoulemakong
- Niagassola
- Nieuwe Afrikaansche Handels Vennootschap
- Niger Committee
- Njoya of Bamum
- George Nkwe
- Nokki
- Nord West Kamerun Gesellschaft
- Northern People's Congress
- Nuatja
- Nunez River
- Nupata
[edit] Ny-Nz
- Nzinga Kuwu
[edit] O
- Oculie-Cusai
- Oranyan Oranmiyan
- Ouhan
[edit] P
- Herbert Palma
- Ann Pettifor
- Pharusii
- Pipi Natural Bridge, Central African Republic
- Pondoland
- Pongo River
- Pongoro
- Prempeh of Ashanti
- Presidential Commission on Political Change
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Recadaire de Behanzin
- Régime domanial
- C.C. Reindorf
- Rhumel Gorge, Algeria
- Rime River
- Rimfa
- Rocher de Sel, Algeria
- Roda Island
- Romano-Berbers
- Royal Company of the Niger
[edit] S
[edit] Sa-Se
- Sabi River
- Saif'ibn Dhu Yazan
- Saifawa of Kanem
- St. Lois
- Salvador de Sá
- Sangoan culture
- J.M. Sarbah
- SCNC (Southern Cameroons National Council) (separatist group in Cameroon)
- Seyyid Said
[edit] Sh-St
- Shaba Invasions
- C. Thurstan Shaw
- Sidi Mukhtar al Kunti
- Sidi Umar al-Shaykh
- Simba Rebellion
- Soborom Hot Springs, Chad
- State Trading Corporation
- Stone Bowl cultures
[edit] Su
- Sulayman Bal
[edit] T
- Tagbaladougou Falls, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)
- Talari Gorges, Mali
- Tannogou Falls, Benin
- Terres de Couleurs, Mauritius
- Tinkisso Falls, Guinea
- Tritriva, Lake, Madagascar
- Twifo
[edit] U
- Uburetwa - System similar to ubuhake in Rwanda
- Ugandan Civil War
[edit] W
- Watasid dynasty
- Kevin Watkins
- Worker's Defence Committees
- Woodoo
[edit] Z
- Zaghouan, Djebel, Tunisia
- Ziz Gorges, Morocco