Wikipedia:List of encyclopedia topics

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WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles
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Weekly focus : Hotlist of topics/I Only 286 remain!
Hotlist of topics - 79% done
1911 verification - 1.9%
General topics - 67.8% done
Other Wikipedias: de es fr
Biographies - 96.7% done
Science topics - 43% done
Catholic topics - 43.2% done
Easton's Bible Dictionary - 77.9% done
Gutenberg authors - 41.4% done
Literary Encyclopedia - 68% done
Find-A-Grave - 14.7% done
Many other lists of politicians, albums, films, TV shows and others.
Overall progress - 50.5%
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The following is a list of encyclopedia topics that do not appear to have articles in Wikipedia, but really should for maximum coverage. The intent is to create a sensible article with the given link - many being redirects - and then to remove it from these pages. Thus each page of the list should get steadily shorter. There are certain links which may be better not having pages created for them. An explanation for this should be noted next to the link and it moved to the bottom of the page.

Some of the topics listed are largely dictionary definitions and may not warrant a distinct article on Wikipedia.

[edit] Purpose of this page

The purpose of this page is to help contributors find holes in the coverage of Wikipedia.

Some of the links here can be "activated" with a sensible redirect; if you have a minute of spare time, please take a peek at some of the links. If Wikipedia articles exist on some of the topics, create redirects to them and remove them from the list. Others should become disambiguation pages.

If you find that there is no article to redirect the link to, but an article should exist, you can leave a short note to indicate this so no one duplicates your work, and to give a clue as to why the article deserves to be written. For example: "-- plant"; "-- mineral"; or "-- politician"; etc. Even better yet, write an article and remove the link from the list.

Biographies moved to Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/biographies.

[edit] List

Each page started with 1,000 entries except page 78, which started with 877, for 77,877 starting articles.

67.8% done
Page From - to Remaining Complete
01 A Woman's Secret - Aderus 230 77.0%
02 Adja Bosu - Annat 259 74.1%
03 Anne Anglin - Artafallie 277 72.3%
04 Arteriosclerosis of Extremities - AWLU 314 68.6%
05 Axinopalpis - Barrow Burn 333 66.7%
06 Barrow's Green - Bellsquarry 246 75.4%
07 Belnacraig - Bioxidona 314 68.6%
08 Birch Cross - Bohuntine 340 66.0%
09 Bojewyan - Brazacott 255 74.5%
10 Breadcrumb sponge - Bucephalia 370 63.0%
11 Buchanty - Cairisiadar 355 64.5%
12 Cairnbrogie - Carnon Downs 372 62.8%
13 Carol Anderson - Challock Lees 310 69.0%
14 Chambers Green - Chloralum 295 70.5%
15 CIDIN - Clovulin 320 68.0%
16 Clunas - Constable Lee 260 74.0%
17 Construction Grants - Creamore Bank 252 74.8%
18 Creasing - DWAPS 371 62.9%
19 Daccombe - Delta Metal 326 67.4%
20 Delvine - Donovan Scott 351 64.9%
21 Doomsday Green - Eadie Adams 385 61.5%
22 Eagle Barnsdale - Edwardstone 327 67.3%
23 Edwin Arden - Ephemeral Stream 313 68.7%
24 Episernus - Fairseat 320 68.0%
25 Fairview No. 22 - Flaxpool 351 64.9%
26 Fledborough - Franklyn Farnum 304 69.6%
27 Frasera - Gary Allen 372 62.8%
28 Gary Bayer - Gnathostoman 292 70.8%
29 Goat Lees - Guepratte 363 63.7%
30 Guignotus - Harold Kasket 371 62.9%
31 Harold Warrender - Henry Gauntlett 358 64.2%
32 Henry Manning - Holmes Hill 420 58.0%
33 Holmfield - Hyton 334 66.6%
34 IAR-825 TP - Irish Guinness Oaks 369 63.1%
35 Iron Clay - James Wainwright 229 77.1%
36 James Westmoreland - John Kenyon 273 72.7%
37 John Longden - Kathleen Lloyd 255 74.5%
38 Kathleen O'Regan - Knayton 413 58.7%
39 Knenhall - Lane Side 284 71.6%
40 Lang Jeffries - Leslie Weiner 342 65.8%
41 Lesser Marbled Fritillary - Llanbadarn-y-garreg 426 57.4%
42 Llanbeder - Lower Failand 468 53.2%
43 Lower Fittleworth - Magistral Line 385 61.5%
44 Magnadur - Marne Maitland 370 63.0%
45 Marpessa Dawn - Meldon Park 274 72.6%
46 Meleager's Blue - Millheugh 337 66.3%
47 Millin Cross - Mothecombe 303 69.7%
48 Motherby - Naouri 310 69.0%
49 Napleton - Newton Ferry 326 67.4%
50 Newton Harcourt - Norway Carp 300 70.0%
51 Norwegian Forest - Omphghent 323 67.7%
52 Omuli - POPs 277 72.3%
53 POSI - Pawston 307 69.3%
54 Payden Street - Philonthus 376 62.4%
55 Philotus - Political action 285 71.5%
56 Polled Welsh Black - Pseudo-Warm Front 341 65.9%
57 Pseudoptilinus - Ramshope 368 63.2%
58 Ramshorn - Rhinosimus 311 68.9%
59 Rhipiphoridae - Rockwork 323 67.7%
60 Rocky Run - Ruth McDevitt 356 64.4%
61 Ruth Vivian - Sarah Bay 272 72.8%
62 Sarah Holcomb - Senachwine 289 71.1%
63 Sengen - Siddick 306 69.4%
64 Sidemoor - William Lucy 206 79.4%
65 Slaid Hill - South Olga 285 71.5%
66 South Otter - Stambourne Green 277 72.3%
67 Stampers Creek - Stratton Strawless 393 60.7%
68 Stravithie - Synderford 344 65.6%
69 Synharmonia - TextReader 307 69.3%
70 Thackthwaite - Tilted updraft 374 62.6%
71 Tim Bobbin - Tregawne 392 60.8%
72 Tregeare - Ugthorpe 425 57.5%
73 Uigshader - Vedanta Brahman 273 72.7%
74 Velibor Andrejevic - Walter Whitmore 274 72.6%
75 Walters Green - West Learmouth 290 71.0%
76 West Lees - William Budd 376 62.4%
77 William C. Cozzens - Wormiston 239 76.1%
78 Worsley Mesnes - Zorochrus 111 87.3%
Total 25043 67.8%

Note that page 78 started with 877 missing rather than 1000.

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