Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest/M-N

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Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest

Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest; Subjects titles between "M" to "N"
This page is dedicated to organization of Wikipedians by encyclopedic topics that they are knowledgeable about or specialize in. Feel free to add new categories and your name! It would be nice if you could add your specialization as well.

Please add yourself and categories in alphabetical order. The original page has grown so large that it has been broken up into smaller sections with their own separate subpages. This section is only for subjects that begin with M to N. If your subject begins with other alphabetic symbols, i.e. A through L, and O through Z, please go up to the Index and click onto your particular section. Then, add your subject (if new) and your user name to that particular page.


[edit] Maritime

[edit] Marketing

[edit] Mathematics

(See WikiProject Mathematics)

[edit] Advanced

[edit] Medicine

(also Health science)

[edit] Military Science

[edit] Music

(see WikiProject Songs, WikiProject Albums)

[edit] Classical music

(see WikiProject classical music)

[edit] Choral music

[edit] Heavy metal

[edit] House music

[edit] Musicians

[edit] Opera

  • Blakelylaw
  • Myke209
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Soundtracks/Musical Theater

[edit] Third-wave ska

[edit] Mythology

  • Adam Bishop
  • AmethystAngel (all mythologies, proficient in Greek and Roman but know a little about mythologies of many cultures)
  • Anna_nym (Greco-Roman, Mayan, Aztec)
  • bcatt (limited knowledge)
  • Blakelylaw
  • CamelsRmammals
  • Chance (Hindu mythology)
  • Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick
  • Cnyborg (Greek and Roman)
  • ConstellationMagick (Greek, mostly, and a bit of Japanese)
  • Cswrye
  • Cyberjunkie (Greek, Roman, Chinese and Aboriginal)
  • DataPacRat
  • E. Underwood (Greek, Roman, ancient Near Eastern (incl. Biblical), a little bit of Norse, modern loopiness like ancient astronauts and reptile men)
  • Eequor
  • HeyWayne (Greek, Native American, Norse, Celtic, Urban, Egyptian, British)
  • Jin Freaks (interestedin Hindu, Norse, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Mesopotamian and others though most of my knowledge is from this very site)
  • JohnAlbertRigali (particularly European - especially Greek, Roman and Arthurian legend)
  • KrazyCaley Greek/Roman, East Asian.
  • Lady Aleena Greek, Eqyptian, and Norse
  • Lauren Boland Several, including the Runemal, Nordic...
  • Monika (Arthurian legends)
  • Moondoggy (Greek)
  • NeoJustin (European)
  • Nichalp
  • Nikola (slavic)
  • Oop (Ancient Near Eastern (Sumerian, Akkadian, Ugaritic, Elamite, Hittite...), Estonian, Nordic, classical (Greco-Roman), astral mythology, modern mythology (from urban legends to literary and political myths), tidbits of everything else)
  • Optim (just interested, know nothing, greek, egyptian, indian, chinese, nordic)
  • !paradigm! (cryptozoology, united states folklore, Creatures mostly, Created the article Fearsome Critters)
  • Paddu (Hindu)
  • Rccarman
  • Shimeru (Various)
  • Shpoffo (Native American stories - though I'm not native, a smattering of obscure tales across cultures)
  • sjc
  • Slideyfoot Greek, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse, Hindu, Egyptian
  • Tb (greco-roman)
  • Tom Harrison (folklore, fable)
  • Tuf-Kat
  • Pharaoh Hound Greek mostly, some Norse and Roman. Would like to know Egyptian.
  • Aequitas Saint
  • Lighthead absolutely any mythology
  • Myke209 (Classical, Aztec, and others)
  • Naturemisstress
  • Regeane Silverwolf Greek, Roman, Celtic, Egyption, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, name it!!!
  • Midasminus Harry Potter books, Draconology, various folklores' fan and writer, magical creatures liker and believer.

[edit] Neuroscience

  • Evolauxia
  • Kaushik Ghose
  • KrazyCaley Very far from an expert, but interested in its application to and proof(?) of reductionist/elimintivist materialism as related to the mind/body problem.
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Noise (Both environmental and musical)

[edit] Nursing

[edit] Nutrition