Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest/A-B

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Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest

Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by fields of interest; Subjects titles between "A" to "B"
This page is dedicated to organization of Wikipedians by encyclopedic topics that they are knowledgeable about or specialize in. Feel free to add new categories and your name! It would be nice if you could add your specialization as well.

Please add yourself and categories in alphabetical order. The original page has grown so large that it has been broken up into smaller sections with their own separate subpages. This section is only for subjects that begin with A to B. If your subject begins with later alphabetic symbols, i.e. C through Z, please go up to the Index and click onto your particular section. Add your subject (if new) and your user name to particular page.


[edit] Advertising, marketing, and propaganda

Branding - Amitesh

  • Rachel Cakes - Advertising techniques
  • User:LisaSastro- Company Logos, Advertising techniques, and Viral Marketing
  • User:Naturemisstress- Interested in everything having to do with these subjects

[edit] Aging and Longevity Studies

[edit] Ancient History

[edit] Anthropology

[edit] Archaeology

[edit] Art

[edit] Anime and Manga

[edit] Calligraphy

  • Deaghaidh various styles of WesternCalligraphy.
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Comic Books

(See also: Wikipedia:WikiProject Comics)

[edit] Ass-Kickery

[edit] Astrology

[edit] Astronomy

(see WikiProject Astronomical Objects and WikiProject Constellations)


[edit] Astrophysics

  • Vaclon -Self taught in astrophysics

[edit] Autism and Asperger syndrome

  • Pokey2006 (parent of small, lovable Aspie child)
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Aviation

[edit] Biochemistry

  • Purple - Prions, biochemistry, clinical biochemistry.
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Pharmacology

[edit] Toxicology

  • FMephit (signaling effects of glutathione S-transferase overexpression)
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Biography

[edit] Biology

(see WikiProject Tree of Life, WikiProject Evolutionary biology, WikiProject Dog breeds)

[edit] Birds

[edit] Body Modification

[edit] Botany

[edit] Cats

[edit] Cybernetics

[edit] Dogs

(see WikiProject Dog breeds)

[edit] Ecology

(see Wikipedia:WikiProject Ecoregions)

[edit] Ferrets

[edit] Horses

[edit] Mammals

[edit] Neuroscience

  • ClockworkSoul
  • cyberied
  • David Iberri (learning & memory)
  • John Schmidt (action potentials, neurotransmitters, learning, memory, development, Biologically-inspired computing)
  • Michael Gatch (behavior, learning, drugs of abuse: stimulants and alcohol, attention deficit disorder)
  • Phyzome (cybernetic interfaces, vertically integrated models of the mind)
  • Renato Sabbatini (History of neuroscience, techniques and equipment, psychobiology)
  • Ashleyisachild
  • Xen0phile (considering pursuing a related major)
  • ffangs (computational models of psychological development)
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Pharmacology

See Biochemistry category
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Reptiles

  • Macarion Skinks are awesome, so are Jesus Lizards
  • Naturemisstress
  • Pharaoh Hound - I don't own any, but I think that they're beautiful and fascinating (especially day geckos)

[edit] Toxicology

See Biochemistry category

[edit] Business

[edit] Accounting

[edit] Corporate

Corporate Leaders, Lists of companies

[edit] Management

[edit] Real Estate, Mortgage

RE topics

  • Rj
  • Naturemisstress

[edit] Theory

Biz Theorists

  • Lorraine Lee (theory of interest)
  • BD2412 (I've done some work on zero-transaction cost, nexus of contracts, and corporate citizen theories)
  • Naturemisstress