Talk:List of stars in Perseus
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- Stars with proper names:
- (33/α Per) 1.79 Mirfak [Mirphak, Marphak, Markfak] or Algenib [Alcheb]
- < مرفق mirfaq "Elbow", derived from المرفق الثريا al-mirfaq al-thurayya "Elbow of the Pleiades"
- < الجنب al-janb "the Flank"
- (26/β Per) ~2.09 Algol [El Ghoul] or Gorgona [Gorgonea Prima] or Demon Star or Ghoul Star - eclipsing binary, Algol variable prototype
- < رأس الغول ra's al-ghūl The demon's (ghoul's) head
- < gorgonea prīma The first gorgonean star
- (23/γ Per) – double 2.91, 3.00 Alphecher [Al Fakhir] or Seid
- < الفاخر al-faakhir Proud One or Excellent One (referring to the bearer of the ghoul's head)
- < السيد al-sa'id the forearm (of the Pleiades)
- (39/δ Per) 3.01 Basel or Basil or Adid Borealis
- < الباسل al-basil The Brave One (referring to the bearer of the ghoul's head)
- < العضد al-adid "the Upper Arm" + Borealis "northern" (al-adid derived from العضد الثريا al-adid al-thurayya "Upper Arm of the Pleiades")
- (45/ε Per) 2.90 Adid Australis
- < العضد al-adid "the Upper Arm" + Australis "southern" (al-adid derived from العضد الثريا al-adid al-thurayya "Upper Arm of the Pleiades")
- (27/κ Per) (or Misam, see h & χ Per) 3.79
- (46/ξ Per) 3.98 Menkib [Menkhib, Menchib]
- < منكب mankib
- (41/ν Per) 3.77 Adad or Adid Media
- < العضد al-adid "the Upper Arm" + Media "middle" (al-adid derived from العضد الثريا al-adid al-thurayya "Upper Arm of the Pleiades")
- (38/ο Per) 3.83 Atik [Ati, Al Atik, Atiks]
- عتق catiq shoulder [of the Pleiades]
- (22/π Per) 4.68 Gorgonea Secunda
- (25/ρ Per) 3.32 Gorgonea Tertia
- (υ Per) Nembus
- (φ Per) 4.01 Seif or Alseiph
- < السيف al-saif the Sword (from the Arabic asterism السيف و الانفال al-saif wa al-anfal "The Sword and the Spoils")
- (28/ω Per) 4.61 Gorgonea Quarta
- Misam or Perseus Double Cluster or Chi/h Persei
- < معصم macşam wrist