Talk:List of stars in Pegasus

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  • (54/α Peg) 2.49 Markab [Marchab] or Menkib al Faras [Matn al Faras]
    < مركب markab vehicle [saddle, boat, etc.]
    < منكب الفرس minkab[u] al-faras [The] shoulder of the horse
    < متن الفرس matn[u] al-faras [The] body of the horse
  • (53/β Peg) 2.42 Scheat [Sheat, Seat Alpheras] (or Menkib, see ξ Per)
    < ? as-sa'id al-faras The upper arm of the horse
  • (88/γ Peg) 2.83 Algenib
    < الجنب al-janb the flank
    or < الجانبal-jānib the flank
  • δ Peg: moved to Andromeda as α And
  • (8/ε Peg) 2.38 Enif [Enf, Enir, Al Anf] or Fom [Fum al Faras] or Os Pegasi
    < الأنف al-´anf nose
    < الفم الفرس al-fum al-faras The mouth of the horse
    < ōs pēgasi The mouth of Pegasus, < πήγασος
  • (42/ζ Peg) 3.41 Homam [Homan, Humam, Al Hammam]
    < سعد الهمام sa'd al-humām the high-minded [man]
  • (44/η Peg) 2.93 Matar [Sad al Matar]
    < سعد المطر sa'd al-maţar Luck of the rain
  • (26/θ Peg) 3.53 Baham [Biham, Sad al Baham]
    < سعد البهايم sa'd al-bahāyam Luck of the livestock
  • (47/λ Peg) 3.97 Sadalpheretz or Sadalpheris [Sad al Faris]
    < سعد الفارس sa'd al-faris Luck of the Horseman
  • (48/μ Peg) 3.51 Sadalbari [Sad al Bari] or Sad al Nazi
    < سعد البري sa'd al-bariyy Luck of the guiltless one
    < ? Luck of the starving camel?