Talk:List of progressive metal artists

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[edit] The Dillinger Escape Plan

I removed them because they're Mathcore not Progressive Metal. Mathcore would be the Core equivalent to Metal's Progressive Metal, yet they don't have anything in common really, aside from that both are considered technical in their respective genres.

[edit] Tool and A Perfect Circle

Per the allmusic guide:

--Boothy443 | comhrÚ 04:12, 21 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Is there any consensus on requirements for inclusion in this article, or is based entirely on the editor's opinion? Also, this list is super-incomplete.

Blind Guardian------------

Cu> I think it's necessary to add Blind Guardian in this list. Their "Night in the opera" and "Fly" are obviously much more near to progressive then their earlier epic albums.

Coheed and Cambria----

I think they're just strictly prog rock are they not? I'm taking them off the list.


Why would you ever remove one of the intricate bands in the start of it. also says that that's what they are, so I'm adding them back on


Another important one, even though their sound is more thrash and hardcore.

Iced Earth and In Flames-----

Last time I checked, they were prog metal.


Wouldn't Mudvayne be considered progressive metal? Just wondering.

King Diamond----

Definately re-adding him. Yes, he was Black Metal, however, most of his albums are in fact CONCEPT ALBUMS!!!

[edit] Metallica and Iron Maiden

I added both. All first Metallica albums are conceptual albums and latest Maiden works are pretty prog for my tastes. Stahn -- --Stahn 18:07, 12 September 2006 (UTC)

  they are gone, like they should be

Why was Iron Maiden deleted?, some of there album pages list progressive rock/metal as the genre even though it is not listed on the bands main page, and they are listed on I'm going to keep adding them back until somone can supply evidence as to why they should not be and sign your posts and give a reason why they shouldn't be. --E tac 22:16, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Tool and King Diamond

Will people quit removing King Diamond and Tool. They are Progressive Metal.

  King diamond is power metal, although he could fit in prog, tool sucks, they aren't prog

I don't like Tool but they are prog. --E tac 22:20, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Complete Changing of this List

This list needs a complete overhaul, I've brung it upon myself to accomplish such. I use sources such as Wikipedia band pages, song tags and Encyclopedia Metallum. Bands like Dragonforce, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Iced Earth and Megadeth are just NOT Progressive Metal at all. So they may have various progressive metal influences in a few albums, or a few songs - they aren't Prog Metal. If your definition of Progressive Metal is 'bands with a little influence of Progressive Metal', then this list could cover pretty much all Metal bands and all Progressive bands ever.

It is more accurate and useful to the reader if we add Progressive Metal bands to here and only Progressive Metal bands - and like the Power Metal list, I suggest adding flags to the bands listed (of their countries) and I would even be prepared to do a little description of a band (e.g: Opeth - Swedish Progressive Death Metal band)

What do you all think? - Skavuau

   Thats cool, yeah i dont get why people add metallica to this list. I also think the power metal list is corrupt, as in the people "gaurding" it think too speedy of power metal. nevermore is on the power metal list, jeff loomis himself said they weren't power metal!

AMG lists Megadeth under prog metal and listen to rust in peace and tell me its not, Iron Maiden is on [[1] and heavily influenced by 70s prog listen to 7th son, the x factor, or a matter of life and death, bands cannot define what genre the are, and listen to metallica's ...and justice for all and tell me thats not progressive, dragonforce is somewhat progressive when they go into their long instrumental sections. I'm sorry but to be prog doesn't mean a band has to be in odd time signatures their entire career. It is merely one common trait of progressive metal, not every prog band has to have every single trait associated with what people consider prog. After all prog is about progressing the music into new and different territories, not having every band sound exactly like dream theater, and that making it prog. --E tac 22:28, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

AMG is a joke E tac. They list Nightwish as Well do ever metal band is Heavy Metal Goth Metal They are not goth metal in the list bit. Symphonic Black Metal yeah becuase Nightwish is really for satan and they have those blast beats that Black Metal has. {rolls_eyes} So if that's what you are using then dude stop using it. Go up to any fan of Black metal and tell them how Nightwish is Black Metal and they will laugh at you all day long until the cows come home. truemetalfan Jan 10th, 2007.

[edit] Kamelot

Shoudl not be on the list of Prog bands. They started out as a Power Metal band and are still playing Power Metal. They may have some Prog elements in there music but a lot of different metal bands in different gernes do. But it's just not enough to list them as Prog metal band. They don't really have those long solos that you find more in Porg metal.

Have you even listened to Kamelot? Especially the black halo and seriously so every prog band has to have super long solos or it is not prog? There are plenty of bands without "long solos" on this list and by the way Kamelot has plenty of solos, they just aren't a wanker band. That doesn't make them not progressive. --E tac 22:31, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

I'm sorry but do you have any proof to them being a Prog Metal band? Hmmmmm well do you? I thought not they are not Prog Metal. They are Power Metal. And I can get lots of links to back it up. truemetalfan Jan 5th 2007

Here is one link yet another one last link

That would be me three points who zero. And yes I have listened to Kamelot I have five of there CD's a long with there live DVD. That's all Power Metal they are playing not Prog metal. truemetalfan Jan 5th 2007

They are progressive power metal buddy, when a site reviews an album they don't lost every genre, and by the way AMG lists kamelot as heavy/death/black metal so who cares what you found on some random webpage. The fact is they are progressive.

As wiki states prog metal is "Progressive metal is a genre of heavy metal music which shares traits with progressive rock including use of complex compositional structures, odd time signatures, and intricate instrumental playing. The high level of musical proficiency is often combined with a lyrical counterpart in the form of epic textual concepts, resulting in lengthy songs and concept albums. As a result of these factors, progressive metal is rarely heard on mainstream radio and video programs, much due to that the length of the songs are not suited for those medias."

Kamelot meets most of those requirements, to deny that they are prog is to deny them what they are. --E tac 15:34, 10 January 2007 (UTC) LISTS THEM AS POWER METAL NOT PROG METAL. IF you can find a site better then LAST.FM that lists them as Prog Metal then please show me until then they are not prog metal. One last thing Kamelot's songs on there CD's earch as far as 4 to 5 mintues. Some do earch beyond that. But guess what it's the same thing with Nightwish to. I will also add that there are other metal bands that have many of the same factors but are not Prog Metal one such band is Ram-Zet Also let's look at DragonForce on there new CD's they have really really longs songs yet you don't see them being listed as Prog. truemetalfan Jan 10th 2007

Well I did take a look into the Nightwish Page and you did edit it and put them as Prog Metal. Do you have any proof to back that up? Becuase there is not one thing Prog about them. They don't have long solos or odd time signatures. They do have long songs on there CD's but you find those on WishMaster which has only one longs song. CC which only has one long song. Then Once which has two long songs. But it's not enough to put them as Prog Metal. The fact is there are Metal bands that use much of what you listed but that does not out right make them Prog. Having a few songs that are really long does not = Prog Metal. Having one or two concept albums does not = Prog Metal. I can go on and on with this. truemetalfan Jan 10th 2007

meh kamelot is progressive, if somone can expalin to me what makes them not a progressive power metal band i'll gladly listen --E tac 22:28, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

They are just a melodic power metal band. The fact they don't sound like classic power metal (because they are melodic) does not make them progressive.



--Dexter prog 22:32, 18 January 2007 (UTC)


look i can list sites too--E tac 22:37, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

Ok you reall want to go at this yet again. Fine then. here we go yet again. complex compositional structures>>> Many many many different Metal bands use they yet that does not make them Prog Metal. Just to name one Ram-Zet.

Odd time signatures>>>> Again same thing with the last one intricate.

Instrumental playing>>>> Oh jeez there are Power Metal bands that do that to. DragonForce any one? How about Nightwish I can list more if you want. So that means they are Prog Metal to I guess.

The high level of musical proficiency is often combined with a lyrical counterpart in the form of epic textual concepts>>>> Wow you can find that in some Power Metal, Black Metal and a few Gothic Metal bands to. ;)

Resulting in lengthy songs and concept albums>>> Ram-Zet Escape is a concept album with songs longer then anything Kamelot has. Kamelot has like three long songs and that's it. You can say four but one of them does not even count. Any other Metal band Cradle of Filth Damnation and a Day: From Genesis To Nemesis the whole thing is a concept album. Want me to keep list bands that does some of the things you listed?

Becuase a lot of band do thost things but that does not make them Prog metal. All of those things have to be going on or at lest more then two of those things. Yet if it was up to you, you would start listing ever band as Prog Metal. Look ever Metal band takes a bit from Prog, Black, Trash, Power, Death, Gothic Metal, etc but they use one more then the others. Exmaple To-Meta has a bit of a Death Metal sound in there do to the drums. But it's not enough to list them as Death Meatl. Heck look at Children of Bodom. They have a bit of Death metal, Black Metal, Power Metal, Nu-Metal, and what ever else you can think of and yet not one person really knows where to list them. Then there is After Forever they are one point were a Death Metal band and then became a Symphonic metal band. Then there is Emperor who are Black metal but used a bit of Symphoinc elements in there music which made them part Symphoinc Black Metal.

There are so many bands that crossover into the other groups and will take a bit from others sounds. But it's never enough to then just go and list them as such. Nightwish has like at lest one or two songs that can be placed in the Gothic Metal side. But it's just not enough to list them as Gothic Metal. Which is why they are listed as Power Metal and Symphoinc metal or what is called Symphoinc Power Metal. turemetalfan Jan 18th, 2007

I am not trying to have their power metal tag removed, but they are more progressive than your typical power metal band and that really can't be denied.--E tac 07:56, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

And you have yet to show how they are Prog metal. You have not even listed any songs or any bands that you think they are like. You just keep listing them and ever time I or any one else asks you how they are Prog metal you just say read what it says on the list. I have read it and they don't have long songs even with the only CD of there's that comes close to a concept album ie Epica. Which may I add only has one long song though not long enough to be put into Prog metal. On top of that I have pointed out that concept albums are not something that is done just in Prog Metal.

So are you ready to show some good sold proof. You know pointing out songs and albums and links to major sites. Or are you just going to keep listing them as Prog Metal and not back it up with anything. truemetalfan Jan 19, 2007

I did listt several links including the bands OFFICIAL myspace which list them as progressive, and try listening to the black halo, oh that is also a concept album, and you don't have to have 15 minute long songs to be prog--E tac 08:24, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

You should know that non-independent sites are not reliable sources, not to mention that THEIR myspace is not trustable (any band can call themselves whatever they want...) --Dexter prog 16:52, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

Hah and the sites you list are reliable, how is metalarchives any more reliable then progarchives? metal archives is all fan submisions...--E tac 20:34, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

have you ever tried submiting a band to metal-archives? It takes weeks and sometimes months before a band is aproved. They have a very exhaustive criteria for new bands added, they check if the band has albums released, if the genre coincides with the one provided by the submitter,etc. It is not a non-reliable source. Progarchives nowadays has gone a little too permitive, they even categorize "Between the buried and me" as prog metal, and this band is nothing but another technical metalcore band... --Dexter prog 21:06, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

I'd trust a site that specializes in prog over a site that is a general heavy metal site anyday, the same thing you said goes for progarchives, have you ever tried submiting a band there?

No, I haven't, but if anyone can submit bands to progarchives then why did you stated this: "metal archives is all fan submisions". You have just proved that progarchives is a "fan submition" site as well... Apart from this source, do you have any other reliable sources that support your opinion? --Dexter prog 23:12, 20 January 2007 (UTC)

Reall Etac you would trust a site that lists Nightwish as a prog metal band. Ok forget about Kamelot for just a minute. Explain to me how Nightwish is Prog Metal? Show which song or CD of there's has something that is Prog in it. No really show me beucase after seeing them listed on progarchives. Also Myspace is not a reliable source at all. On top of that:

As wiki states prog metal is "Progressive metal is a genre of heavy metal music which shares traits with progressive rock including use of complex compositional structures, odd time signatures, and intricate instrumental playing. The high level of musical proficiency is often combined with a lyrical counterpart in the form of epic textual concepts, resulting in lengthy songs and concept albums. As a result of these factors, progressive metal is rarely heard on mainstream radio and video programs, much due to that the length of the songs are not suited for those medias."

Next time you say something to the effect of they don't need to have long songs to be Prog then please do not post this. Becuse you are the who first posted it. Last edit is also a joke of a site. Epica is not Prog Metal. Within Temptation is not Prog Metal. Yet what do they list them as Prog Metal. If they are a site that want's to list Prog metal bands then Epica and Within Temptation should not be anywhere on the site. truemetalfan Jan 20th, 2007

As wiki states prog metal is "Progressive metal is a genre of heavy metal music which shares traits with progressive rock including use of complex compositional structures, odd time signatures, and intricate instrumental playing. The high level of musical proficiency is OFTEN combined with a lyrical counterpart in the form of epic textual concepts, resulting in lengthy songs and concept albums. As a result of these factors, progressive metal is rarely heard on mainstream radio and video programs, much due to that the length of the songs are not suited for those medias."

Note that it doesn't say always, I suppose Dream Theaters first album shouldn't be considered prog since it's songs were no longer than those of Kamelot. Also the site that you posted to prove they aren't progressive metal, tags them as just that...--E tac 08:35, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Your still wrong. Kamelot is not Prog Metal. Nightwish is not Prog Metal. Epica is not Prog Metal, Within Temptation is Prog Metal.

[edit] Kiuas

I'm adding Kiuas to the list. They have many progelements in their music such as concept albums and odd time signatures. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 12:05, 3 December 2006 (UTC).