Talk:List of Kings of Lydia

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The dates given for the later kings on the "List of Kings of Lydia" entirely conflict with the dates given on the pages of the individual kings. A careful revision of all of this material is needed.

I think the dates here are based on Herodotus, which doesn't synchronize properly with Assyrian sources. This page needs to be changed, I think. john k 21:20, 5 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Disputed status - help needed for chronology

I tried, honestly. But I have no idea how to fix this important list of rulers. Here are the problems that I see:

  • The dates given for the later kings don't match the dates in those kings' articles. I'm not at all sure which, if any, are accepted.
  • Dynasty names. I've got some sources that seem to go with this Heraclid/Tilonid/Mermnad dynastic order, and others that go Atyad/Heraclid = Tilnoid/Mermnad. I suspect the latter, but I've got little to go on here.
  • Kings themselves. I've got no clue where the list of kings before Ardys I came from. Some of those names are more commonly identified with random mythological elements (Marsyas). Omphale is certainly attested to in classical text, although I wonder if she's semi-legendary. I've already removed Tantalus and Heracles from the list; I'm unwilling to accept claims that they are meant to represent real Lydian kings without serious documentation.
    • In the same vein, who the heck is Ker?

--Serpent's Choice 05:35, 26 December 2006 (UTC)

Indeed, the main Lydia article employs the Atyad/Heraclid = Tilonid/Mermnad dynastic progression. Of course, it is also virtually unreferenced. Serpent's Choice 05:43, 26 December 2006 (UTC)