Talk:List of D.Gray-man characters

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[edit] I think that we need pictures of the characters from the anime

I think that we need pictures of the characters from the anime

Actually, we don't "need". We could have, it would be cute, but not "need". Let's remember wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a fan site. So, the images are here just for the sake of identification, only that (even if people in other articles don't do this). One image is enough for a character and the manga ones are more clear than the ones from anime (not to mention they already have an uniformed size). What we "need" is use the less images possible. Actually, one could say we already have too much (almost every character listed here have an image). - Access Timeco 00:05, 25 November 2006 (UTC)

Well, fans use wikipedia as a fan site, because they cant pay for their own. Are you a "lives by the book" type of guy? Abyway, I get that adding anime pics may take up too much space, but you dont need to go around, acting like an old married women "We have too much...". One pic for each character is fine. Forgive me if I sounded rude. - Count Mall

Yes, you sounded. I don't forgive, because I don't care enough. - Access Timeco 00:15, 11 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Source

Listen, does somebody have access to the shonen jump chapters? I have internet sources, but they dont work. - Count Mall

[edit] Allen

I think Allen is almost ready for his own page. Note the "almost" (like in a few chapters). -Count Mall

  • Yes, I was thinking about doing the Allen's article on vacations. Not only him, Lenalee also have a lot of material on the series (Kanda and Lavi, even being the other 2 main characters, still doesn't have so much to be said). So, I agree with that, but, of course, with a much more detailed info than the one they have now. - Access Timeco 13:04, 11 December 2006 (UTC)

OK. Allen is DEFINATLEY ready for his own page --Count Mall 19:45, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Characters

We are also missing alot of characters, like Fou.

Who ever added those missing characters, and added the missing pics, I thank you deepley. I was gonna come home and do that (even though my manga dowload source is crap), and I thank you for geeting that out of my way. -Count Mall

I recently added some characters. I also added their pics. Somebody added better pics. Thank you. I've ownly read volume 1-3, and chapters 78-82 (my download source is crap). Thank you. -Count Mall

[edit] Using this page

I have no idea why I put this here, but I'm the only one who uses this. Its become more of a "Count Mall's log".

[edit] Daisya Berry

What chapter did he die in?

He dies shortly after the Crowley arc, if that's any help.

When does he make his first appearence?

Never mind, I found out.

[edit] Debit and Jasdero

For the past few days, I've been updating Debit and Jasdero's profile. Only to find that on the next day, all my edits are gone. And so I update it again. Only to find that it has been deleted yet again. I wrote something about Debit and Jasdero's gender, which chapter 98 raised doubts about. I'm not making it up. You can go see chapter 98. Of course, my computer has been having problems lately, so that may be the reason... if it's not my computer, I'd really appreciate it if the person who's been deleting my edits would stop.

I fixed it. I hope it's better now. I sort of doubted that they were girls, too, but I don't speak Japanese, so I have to depend on the fan translations. Thanks to the user who cleared up the confusion.

I am translating the manga at (I know everybody could say that, so just disregard it, if you want) My translations are always interpretations. I rewrote the paragraph containing as much neutrality and information as could.

Please note, that when I say they're girls, than that is to be seen as my opinion. The fact is: we don't know. I would not be surprised if one of them or both where guys. Nobody knows, and speculations (like the "~tama"-thing I said) do not belong into an encyclopedia. I am currently translating night 100 the fact that what was written here implied, that I was trying to make ppl think they're female, while they are *insert weasleword here(obviously/probably/...)* male, just botherd me too much.

I hope the present version is neutral enough, as I only pointed out facts from both sides.-- 17:00, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

Their genders probably aren't that big of a deal. They're probably male, like everyone assumed. The translation just caused some confusion. No, speculations really don't belong in Wikipedia. I'm glad people are taking such good care of the D. Gray-man page. Jasdebit's gender will most likely be confirmed soon, anyways. Keep up the good work!

Yeah. In fact, I use this article, when I forget character names (which happens quite often). Chaoji is missing, btw... -- 19:20, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

In Chapter 102, Debit tells Lenalee to "... shut up and act like a girl or I'll rape you! Do you want that?!" I'm gonna say that's proof that at least Debit is a guy out of the two of them. Still not too sure about Jasdero even though he/she got pretty upset about his/her golden hair being damaged. Kangarugh22 06:05, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Hmm...That might be a translation error. My version said, "I'll rape you even though I'm a girl!" Anyone have any idea which version is right?

The version I posted is right. NJT, the owner of and one of the best translators around, cleared it up for me. Kangarugh22 01:00, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

Do they actually merge together? It showed they did, with a pic, but it was deleted. Do they actually merge? Or was that fan manga? The pic looked genuine to me. If they did merge, its worth mentoning and showing the pic. -Mall

[edit] Viz Media Name Changes

This is a small edit, but in Miranda Lotto's section, there's a small footnote that says her name is spelled "Miranda Lot" in the Viz Media edition of Volume 3. However, in my version it's actually spelled correctly. Perhaps there was an update, so is it alright if I remove the footnote? I can provide scanned evidence, if necessary. --Mr. Toto 23:23, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

No, no. It calledher Lot. -Mall

[edit] Toma

I've added Toma's profile. Feel free to edit. Xiao-Mei27 22:21, 4 December 2006

GREAT! I congratulate you! When I first started working on this, I intended to do that, and I forgot! Thank you! Now who does those great pics? Could that person put one up for us? - the Count

[edit] Guzol

Guzol, an accomadator to Lala's innocence heart? It was possible? Did you notice how Lala wasnt the same when her heart was put back in, but was exactly the same seconds before she broke? Guzol may have wished that she was back to normal.

Guzol wasn't the accomadator. just because he was near the innocence, doesn't mean that it was his. That is why they took it back to hevlaska to wait for a general to find its accomadator.

[edit] The unknown Noah

As for the lack of a pic for the UN, heres a hyperlink to her only appearence: [1]. I would make one myself, but I cant increase the size without pixalating it. -Mall —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Countmall (talkcontribs) 20:36, 28 December 2006 (UTC).

[edit] Allen's pics

Should this go up?
Should this go up?

I made this pic, it shows Allen's weapon's stages. Should this go up?

On a seperate note, we have a pic of Allen, Lenalee, and Kanda from the anime. I know that I put it up, but there are more important things that can go there.-Mall

[edit] Vote for Miranda's pic

Pic 1
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 2

Okay, we have two pics that two diffrent people want to use for the Miranda Lotto section. Pic 2 was the one that has been there, and depicts Miranda several volumes in the past. Pic 1 is a pic that is new to wikipedia, and depicts Miranda as she is now. Vote here for which one gets to be posted. Right now, Pic 2 will serve as the default pic untill the vote is over.

Pic 1: 1

Pic 2: _


A unanamous poll was made to cancel this poll -Mall

[edit] Lavi Bookman

Its stated that Lavi is part of the Bookman clan, so would that mean that his last name is Bookman?--Count Mall 19:00, 6 January 2007 (UTC)

Don't think so, he's an orphan but accepted into the bookman clan. So he doesn't necessary need to have "Bookman" as his last name. Since it is also not explicitly stated in the manga whether he has a last name or not, i feel that we shouldn't name him as " Lavi Bookman"

Just like Bookman(Panda) he stated that he doesn't have a name. But for simplicity, he allows others to call him by Bookman, which is his clan.

Bookman-s here i believe, are not related genetically, i believe the term is used for a group of historian who records the past(of the earl and the noah). So i don't think that there is a whole Family Tree of Bookman. I translate Bookman as a clan since it has the nearest meaning to the above.Delzac 02:57, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Pictures for togaochi

is it possible for someone to upload the picture of a togaochi in Suman Dark and for the main page of DGM, Togaochi, The Fallen OneDelzac 12:12, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

Sure it is! I'll ge taround to it! --Count Mall 18:14, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Anime characters

Could we put the anime-only characters on a serpaerate page. If we put them all here, this page will be really big really fast. I'll start it off, but I just need some approval first from you guys. --Count Mall 21:12, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Actually, I went ahead an did it anyways--Count Mall 21:35, 11 January 2007 (UTC)

Well i believe that it will be better if you separate anime character from the actual manga ones. Since, well the anime characters are strictly speaking, not related to DGM, so better to separate it.Delzac 12:41, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

I know, thats what I did, I put them on a seperate page --Count Mall 18:13, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Johnnys Robot

well since it was a invention made by a order member shouldn't it go under black order characters insted of anime only characters. i mean komulin 1 was only in the anime but it in the black order characters --Allen Walker 18:33, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

I'll move it. If anyone's too against the move, they can move it back. Xiao-Mei27 21:54, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

No, Komurin 1 was mentioned in the Japanese version of the manga--Count Mall 19:42, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Jeans Maid

would she count as enouth of a character to have her own bio? --Allen Walker 18:33, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Reverse Novel Characters

Should we add some characters from the novel series? I've read the first two chapters of the first novel. Although they have some interesting characters, I am unsure about this, since not many of the other mangas' pages seem to have anything on novel characters. Xiao-Mei27 03:33, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

Sure, add em in. --Count Mall 19:42, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Anime Pics?

Don't you think its about time the characters that have appered in the anime to have anime pics intesd of the manga one. this is just my opinion but i think by now they should --Allen Walker 8:57, 7 April 2007 (UTC)