List of wheelchair organizations

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Several organizations exist that help to give and receive wheelchair equipment. Organizations that accept wheelchair equipment donations typically attempt to identify recipients and match them with the donated equipment they have received. Organizations that accept donations in the form of money for wheelchairs typically have the wheelchairs manufactured and distributed in large amounts, often in developing countries.


[edit] Organizations that accept and/or distribute used wheelchairs

These organizations receive donations of wheelchair equipment and then attempt to identify recipients to match with the donated equipment. They also often refurbish the wheelchairs before they give them to someone else. They typically operate in regional areas, and usually have difficulty getting wheelchairs to people outside of their areas of operations because of the large costs associated with transporting wheelchair equipment.

  • Chariots of Hope is a nonprofit organization established for the purpose of collecting used wheelchairs. The donated wheelchairs are then repaired and distributed, at no cost to the recipient, to those in need.
  • Direct Relief International
  • Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) provides wheelchairs and other medical supplies to people in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area with disabilities.
  • Kansas Equipment Exchange helps Kansans obtain affordable, durable medical equipment and assistive technology. Accepts donated wheelchairs, hospital beds, lifts and other medical equipment, which is then refurbished and given to Kansas residents in need.
  • Hope Haven
  • LifeNets - The Wheelchair Project matches donated wheelchairs with needy recipients who cannot afford or qualify for wheelchairs in the United States. The organization networks with medical missionary organizations and individuals to access and provide donated wheelchairs.
  • The Mobility Project exists to serve disabled people living in poverty throughout the developing nations of the world by:
    • Delivering and individually fitting refurbished mobility aids such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers and other medical equipment to the disabled in need.
    • Providing sports programs for the disabled, to help them achieve greater confidence and health as well as ability with their mobility equipment.
    • Building wheelchair refurbishing and manufacturing facilities in some of the countries where we work, to provide vocational training for local people with disabilities, as well as an ongoing source for repairs to mobility aids to other disabled people in the area.
  • Wheelchair Recycling Program offers low cost, refurbished mobility and medical equipment to those who lack the resources to acquire new equipment.
  • Wheels for Humanity refurbishes donated wheelchairs and individually fits them to children and adults with disabilities in developing nations. The organization partners with international health-care organizations to identify those in greatest need.

[edit] Organizations that accept monetary donations for new wheelchairs

These organizations typically have the wheelchairs manufactured in China, and distributed by container-load to ports of developing countries. The organizations often partner with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are in the destination countries. These NGOs usually act as the consignees at the ports, transport the wheelchairs on land, and identify recipients for the wheelchairs.

  • Free Wheelchair Mission Partners with worldwide charitable organizations to create and donate wheelchairs to physically challenged individuals living in 46 countries.
  • Wheelchair Foundation Manufactures wheelchairs in China and delivers them to various countries. Has delivered over 500,000 wheelchairs in 145 countries worldwide. The foundation partners with various service organizations, including Rotary International and the Knights of Columbus.
  • Wine for Wheels An international association of wine enthusiasts dedicated to the "fruit of the vine" and bringing great wine, fine cuisine, and good friends together, at the same time providing wheelchair donations and philanthropic support. Wine for Wheels works in conjunction with the Wheelchair Foundation, and all proceeds are donated Wheelchair Foundation.

[edit] Other wheelchair-related organizations

These organizations don't necessarily accept donations of wheelchairs or money to purchase wheelchairs, but they deal with something related to wheelchairs.

  • Special Kids Fund Special Kids Fund is an alliance of schools, hospitals, and social service organizations that providing for the special needs of children with disabilities and at-risk youth. Through the Special Kids Fund Vehicles for the Disabled Program, donated wheelchair vans and vehicles are given to physically disabled persons who are not able to afford them.
  • Whirlwind Wheelchair International Whirlwind does not take or provide wheelchair donations. Rather the engineering company provides the teaching and technology to help developing countries manufacture, fit and provide long-term mobility support to communities in need. In particular, this organization has developed the whirlwind wheelchair, which uses the principle of open source design.

[edit] See also