List of waste management acronyms

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The following article contains a list of acronyms used in the waste management industry.[1][2]


[edit] A

  • ABPO Animal By-Products Order 1999 - Rplcd by (Amendment) (England) Order 2001
  • ABPR Animal By-Products Regulations
  • ACL Approved Carriers List
  • ACOP Approved Code of Practice
  • AD Anaerobic Digestion
  • ADI Acceptable Daily Intake
  • ADR `Accord Europeen Relatif aux Transport International des Marchandises Dangereuses par Route` (European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road)
  • ALANI Association of Local Authorities in Northern Ireland
  • ALCO Association of London Cleansing Officers
  • APC Air Pollution Control
  • APC Air Particulate Cleaning residues
  • APSWG Associate Parliamentary Sustainable Waste Management Group
  • AR Accredited Reprocessor
  • ARM Alternative Raw Material
  • ASBO Anti Social Behaviour Order
  • ASSURE Association for Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources
  • ATEX Atmospheres Explosibles Directive 94/9/EC
  • ATF Authorised Treatment Facility
  • AV Abandoned Vehicle/s
  • AWP Area Waste Plan

[edit] B

  • BAME Black and Minority Ethnic (groups)
  • BANANA Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything
  • BAT (NEEC) Best Available Technique (Not Entailing Excessive Costs)
  • BATRRT Best Available Treatment Recycling and Recovery Technology
  • BFR Brominated Flame Retardants
  • BMT Biological mechanical treatment
  • BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste
  • BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
  • BOO Build Own Operate
  • BOT Build Operate Transfer
  • BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option (soon to be replaced with BO Best Option)
  • BPF British Plastics Federation
  • BPPO Best Practicable Planning Option
  • BRITE Better Regulation in the Environment (Environment Agency initiative)
  • BREF BAT Reference Note
  • BREW(p) Business Resource Efficiency and Waste programme
  • BSI British Standards Institute
    • BSI PAS 100 Composting specification
    • BSI PAS 101 Specification for recovered container glass
    • BSI PAS 102 Specification for processed glass for selected secondary end markets
    • BSI PAS 103 Specification for quality and guidance for good practice in collection and preparation for recycling
    • BSI PAS 104 Specification for quality and guidance for good practice for the supply of post consumer wood for consumption in the manufacture of panel board products
    • BSI PAS 105 Specification for paper waste
  • BVPI Best Value Performance Indicator
  • BVPP Best Value Performance Plan

[edit] C

[edit] D

  • DAC Dense Ashphaltic Concrete
  • DCF Designated Collection Facility
  • DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • DEL Delivering the Essentials of Life
  • DGSA Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
  • DGXI Directorate General of the European Commission responsible for the Environment
  • DOC Duty Of Care - (Environmnetal Protection (DOC) Regs 1991 and (England) (Amendment) Regs 2003)
  • DOENI Department for the Environment Northern Ireland
  • DRI Dynamic Respiration Index
  • DSO Direct Service Organisation
  • DTI Department of Trade and Industry
  • DTLR Department for Transport, Local Government & the Regions

[edit] E

[edit] F

  • FAPP Fit And Proper Person
  • FEL Front end loader
  • FOE Friends of the Earth
  • FORWARRD Forum for Waste and Resource Research and Development
  • Frag Fragmentised Waste (from the motor trade industry)

[edit] G

[edit] H

  • HCRW Healthcare Risk Waste
  • HCW Healthcare Waste
  • HDPE High Density Polyethylene
  • HHW Household Hazardous Waste
  • HSC Health & Safety Commission
  • HSE Health & Safety Executive
  • HW Household Waste
  • HWD Hazardous Waste Directive (91/689/EEC)
  • HWRA Household Waste Recycling Act (2003)
  • HWRC Household Waste Recycling Centre

[edit] I

[edit] J

  • JMWMs Joint Municipal Waste Management strategies

[edit] K

  • KAT Kerbside Assessment Tool

[edit] L

[edit] M

[edit] N

[edit] O

[edit] P

[edit] Q

[edit] R

[edit] S

[edit] T

[edit] U

[edit] V

[edit] W

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Waste management jargonyms CIWM website, Accessed 9.11.06
  2. ^ Acronyms, Environment Agency Waste Technology Data Centre, Accessed 22.11.06