List of terrae on Mars

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The following is a list of regions on Mars given the name Terra (pl. Terrae). Most cover large, rugged areas, often including outflow channels, cratering, and "chaos terrain". They maybe contrasted with the Planitia (e.g., Amazonis Planitia) and Mare (e.g., Mare Erythraeum), smoother regions of differing albedo.


Name North lattitude (deg) West longitude (deg) Feature diameter (km)
Aonia Terra -58.2 94.8 3372
Arabia Terra 25.0 330.0 6000
Terra Cimmeria -34 215.0 2285
Margaritifer Terra -16.2 21.3 2049
Terra Meridiani -7.2 356.0 1622
Noachis Terra -45 350.0 3500
Promethei Terra -52.9 262.2 2761
Terra Sabaea -10.4 330.6 1367
Terra Sirenum -37 160.0 2165
Tempe Terra 41.3 70.5 2055
Tyrrhena Terra -14.3 278.5 2817
Xanthe Terra 4.2 46.3 3074

[edit] See also

[edit] References