List of sheep breeds

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This is a list of domestic sheep breeds. Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are derived from ancestral mouflon (Ovis orientalis) stock, and have diverged sufficiently to be considered a different species.

[edit] Breeds of domestic sheep currently used in farming

[edit] Hair sheep (mutton-type)

[edit] Milk Sheep

[edit] Dual-purpose (wool and mutton/lamb) sheep

[edit] Triple-purpose (wool, mutton/lamb and milk) sheep

[edit] Comprehensive list of domestic sheep breeds


Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

  • Acıpayam
  • Adal
  • Africana
  • Alai
  • Alcarreña
  • Algarve Churro
  • Alpines Steinschaf
  • Altay (Altai)
  • Ancon (Otter sheep)
  • Apennine
  • Arabi
    • Afghan Arabi
    • Algerian Arabi
  • Arapawa Island
  • Armenian Semicoarsewool
  • Askanian
  • Awassi

[edit] B

  • Balkhi
  • Baluchi
  • Barbados Blackbelly
    • American Blackbelly (Barbado)
  • Basco-Béarnais
  • Bentheimer Landschaf (Bentheim sheep)
  • Bergamasca
  • Berichon du Cher
  • Beulah Speckled-Face
  • Bibrik
  • Biellese
  • Blackhead Persian
  • Bleu du Maine (Blauköpfiges Fleischschaf)
  • Bluefaced Leicester
  • Bond
  • Border Leicester
  • Boreray
  • Bovska
  • Braunes Bergschaf (Brown Mountain sheep)
  • Brazilian Somali
  • Brillenschaf (Carinthian sheep)
  • British Milk sheep
  • Bündner Oberland

[edit] C

  • California Red
  • California Variegated Mutant
  • Cameroon sheep
  • Campanian Barbary
  • Castlemilk Moorit
  • Cine Capari
  • Charmoise
  • Charollais
  • Cheviot
    • Brecknock Hill Cheviot
    • North Country Cheviot
  • Chios
  • Cholistani
  • Churro (Churra sheep)
  • Cikta
  • Clun Forest
  • Coburger Fuchsschaf (Coburg sheep)
  • Columbia
  • Comeback
  • Comisana
  • Coopworth
  • Cormo
  • Corriedale
  • Cotswold
  • Criollo

[edit] D

  • Dala
  • Dalesbred
  • Dagliç
  • Damani
  • Damara
  • Danish Landrace
  • Dartmoor
    • Greyface Dartmoor
    • Whiteface Dartmoor
  • Debouillet
  • Derbyshire Gritstone
  • Deutsches Bergschaf (German Mountain sheep)
  • Devon Closewool
  • Devon Longwoolled
  • Dorper
  • Dorset
  • Dorset Down
  • Drysdale

[edit] E

[edit] F

  • Fabrianese
  • Faroes
  • Fat-tailed sheep
  • Finnsheep (Finnish Landrace sheep)
  • Flanders Milk sheep (extinct breed)
  • French Alpine sheep
  • Friesian Milk sheep
  • Fuglestad

[edit] G

  • Galway
  • Gansu Alpine Fine-wool
  • Gentile di Puglia
  • Geschecktes Bergschaf
  • Ghezel
  • Gotland sheep
  • Gotland Pelt
  • Gökçeada
  • Gromark
  • Groningen Milk sheep (extinct breed)
  • Gulf Coast
  • Gute
Hampshire Down sheep, in an 1887 illustration
Hampshire Down sheep, in an 1887 illustration

[edit] H

  • Hampshire
  • Han
  • Harnai
  • Hasht Nagri
  • Hazaragie
  • Hebridean
  • Heidschnucke (German Heath)
    • Graue gehörnte Heidschnucke (German Grey Heath)
    • Moorschnucke (Weiße hornlose Heidschnucke, White Polled Heath)
    • Weiße gehörnte Heidschnucke (White Horned Heath)
  • Herdwick
  • Herik
  • Hill Radnor
  • Hog Island
  • Hu

[edit] I

[edit] J

  • Jacob
  • Jezerskosolcavska
  • Juraschaf

[edit] K

  • Kachhi
  • Kajli
  • Kamakuyruk
  • Karakul
  • Karayaka
  • Katahdin
  • Kerry Hill
  • Kivircik
  • Kooka
  • Krainer Steinschaf

[edit] L

[edit] M

  • Maltese
  • Manchega
  • Manech
  • Manx Loaghtan
  • Masai
  • Massese sheep
  • Mehraban
  • Merinizzata Italiana
  • Merino
    • Argentine Merino
    • Arles Merino
    • Booroola Merino
    • Delaine Merino
    • Fonthill Merino
    • Karacabey Merino
    • Medium-wool Merino
    • Merinofleischschaft (German Mutton Merino)
    • Merinolandschaf (German Merino)
    • Merino Longwool
    • Poll Merino
    • South African Merino
    • South African mutton merino (South African Meat Merino or SAMM)
    • Strong Wool Merino
  • Moghani
  • Montadale
  • Morada Nova
  • Moles

[edit] N

[edit] O

[edit] P

  • Pag Island
  • Pagliarola
  • Pedi Sheep
  • Pelibüey
  • Perendale
  • Pinzirita
  • Pitt Island
  • Polwarth
  • Polypay
  • Portland
  • Priangan
  • Polish Heath

[edit] Q

  • Qashqai
  • Qinghai Black Tibetan
  • Qinghai Semifinewool
  • Quadrella
  • Quanglin Large-Tail

[edit] R

  • Rabo Largo
  • Racka
  • Rambouillet
  • Rasa Aragonesa
  • Rauhwolliges Pommersches Landschaf (Pomeranian Coarsewool)
  • Red Engadine
  • Red Karaman
  • Rhönschaf (Rhoen sheep)
  • Rideau Arcott
  • Romanov
  • Romney sheep (Romney Marsh)
  • Rouge de l'Ouest
  • Rouge de Roussillon (Roussillon Red)
  • Rough Fell
  • Royal White
  • Rya
  • Ryeland
  • Rygja

[edit] S

  • Sahel-type
  • Sakiz
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santa Inês
  • Sardinian
  • Šar Mountain
  • Schoonebeker
  • Schwarzköpfiges Fleischschaf (German Blackheaded Mutton)
  • Schwarzes Bergschaf
  • Scottish Blackface
  • Shetland
  • Shropshire
  • Sicilian Barbary
  • Skudde
  • Soay
  • Somali
  • Sopravissana
  • South Devon
  • South Dorset
  • South Hampshire
  • South Suffolk
  • Southdown
  • South Wales Mountain
  • Spælsau
  • Spiegel
  • St. Croix (Virgin Island white)
  • Steigar
  • Steinschaf
  • Suffolk
  • Sumavska
  • Swaledale
  • Swedish Fur sheep
  • Swifter
  • Schweizer Schwarzbraunes Bergschaf (Swiss Black-Brown Mountain sheep)
  • Schweizer Alpenschaf (Swiss Alpine)

[edit] T

  • Targhee
  • Teeswater
  • Texel
  • Thalli
  • Tiroler Steinschaf (Tyrol Mountain)
  • Tong
  • Touabire
  • Tsurcana
  • Tunis
  • Tuj
  • Türkgeldi

[edit] U

  • Uda
  • Ujumqin
  • Ushant

[edit] V

[edit] W

  • Walachenschaf (Valachian sheep)
  • Waldschaf (Bavarian Forest sheep)
  • Wallis Country sheep
  • Waziri
  • Weißes Bergschaf (Swiss White Alpine)
  • Weißköpfiges Fleischschaf (German Whiteheaded Mutton)
  • Welsh Hill Speckled Face
  • Welsh Mountain sheep
    • Balwen Welsh Mountain
    • Black Welsh Mountain
    • Welsh Mountain Badger Faced
  • Wensleydale
  • West African Dwarf
  • White Horned Heath sheep
  • White Karaman
  • White Suffolk
  • Whiteface Woodland
  • Wiltshire Horn

[edit] X

  • Xalda
  • Xaxi Ardia
  • Xinjiang Finewool

[edit] Y

  • Yankasa
  • Yemeni
  • Yemen White
  • Yiecheng
  • Yoroo
  • Yunnan Semifinewool

[edit] Z

  • Zackel
  • Zaghawa
  • Zagoria
  • Zaian
  • Zaïre Long-Legged
  • Zakynthos
  • Zeeland Milk
  • Zel
  • Zelazna
  • Zemmour
  • Zeta Yellow
  • Zlatusha
  • Zoulay
  • Zwartbles

[edit] External links

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