List of rice diseases

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This article is a list of diseases of rice (Oryza sativa).


[edit] Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases
Bacterial blight Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae = X. campestris pv. oryzae
Bacterial leaf streak Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola
Foot rot Erwinia chrysanthemi
Grain rot Pseudomonas glumae
Pecky rice (kernel spotting) Damage by bacteria (see also underfungal and miscellaneous diseases)
Sheath brown rot Pseudomonas fuscovaginae

[edit] Fungal diseases

Fungal diseases
Aggregate sheath spot Ceratobasidium oryzae-sativae

Rhizoctonia oryzae-sativae [anamorph]

Black kernel Curvularia lunata

Cochiobolus lunatus [teleomorph]

Blast (leaf, neck [rotten neck], nodal and collar) Pyricularia grisea = P. oryzae

Magnaporthe grisea [teleomorph]

Brown spot Cochliobolus miyabeanus

Bipolaris oryzae [anamorph]

Crown sheath rot Gaeumannomyces graminis
Downy mildew Sclerophthora macrospora
Eyespot Drechslera gigantea
False smut Ustilaginoidea virens
Kernel smut Tilletia barclayana = Neovossia horrida
Leaf smut Entyloma oryzae
Leaf scald Microdochium oryzae = Rhynchosporium oryzae
Narrow brown leaf spot Cercospora janseana = C. oryzae

Sphaerulina oryzina [teleomorph]

Pecky rice (kernel spotting) Damage by many fungi including

Cochliobolus miyabeanus
Curvularia spp.
Fusarium spp.
Microdochium oryzae
Sarocladium oryzaeand other fungi.

Root rots Fusarium spp.

Pythium spp.
P. dissotocum
P. spinosum

Seedling blight Cochliobolus miyabeanus

Curvularia spp.
Fusarium spp.
Rhizoctonia solani
Sclerotium rolfsii
Athelia rolfsii [teleomorph]
and other pathogenic fungi.

Sheath blight Thanatephorus cucumeris

Rhizoctonia solani [anamorph]

Sheath rot Sarocladium oryzae = Acrocylindrium oryzae
Sheath spot Rhizoctonia oryzae
Stackburn (Alternaria leaf spot) Alternaria padwickii
Stem rot Magnaporthe salvinii

Sclerotium oryzae [synanamorph]

Water-mold (seed-rot and seedling disease) Achlya conspicua

A. klebsiana
Fusarium spp.
Pythium spp.
P. dissotocum
P. spinosum

[edit] Miscellaneous diseases and disorders

Miscellaneous diseases and disorders
Alkalinity or salt damage Excessive salt concentration in soil or water
Bronzing Zinc deficiency
Cold injury Low temperatures
Panicle blight Cause undetermined
Pecky rice (kernel spotting) Feeding injury by rice stink bug
Straighthead[1] Arsenic induced, unknown physiological disorder
White tip (see nematodes) Aphelenchoides besseyi

[edit] Nematodes, parasitic

Nematodes, parasitic
Crimp nematode, summer Aphelenchoides besseyi
Root-knot Meloidogyne spp.
Root nematode, rice Hirschmaniella oryzae
Stem nematode, rice Ditylenchus angustus

[edit] Viral diseases

(Also a mycoplasmalike organism [MLO] disease)

Viral diseases
Giallume Barley yellow dwarf virus
Rice black streak dwarf Rice black streak dwarf virus (RGSDV)
Rice dwarf Rice dwarf virus (RDV)
Rice grassy stunt Rice grassy stunt virus (RGSV)
Rice hoja blanca Rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV)
Rice necrotic mosaic Rice necrotic mosaic virus (RNMV)
Rice ragged stunt Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV)
Rice stripe Rice stripe virus (RStV)
Rice transitory yellowing Rice transitory yellowing wirus (RTYV)
Rice yellow dwarf MLO
Rice yellow mottle Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV)
Tungro (rice tungro disease) (RTD) Rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV)

Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV)

[edit] External links

[edit] References