List of replaced loanwords in Turkish
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This list of replaced loanwords in Turkish includes Ottoman Turkish loanwords mostly of Arabic and Persian, but also French, Greek, and Italian origin, which were replaced with their Turkish counterparts suggested by the Turkish Language Association (Turkish: Türk Dil Kurumu - TDK) as a part of the cultural reforms - in the broader framework of Atatürk's Reforms - following the foundation of Republic of Turkey.
The Turkish Language Association (TDK), established in 1932 by Mustafa Kemal for conducting research on Turkish language, also undertook the initiative to replace Arabic and Persian loanwords with their Turkish counterparts. The association succeeded in removing several hundred Arabic words from the language. While most of the words introduced to the language in this process were newly derived from existing Turkish verbal roots, TDK also suggested using old Turkish words which had not been used in the language for centuries.
Older and younger people in Turkey tend to express themselves with different vocabulary. While the generations born up to the 1940s tend to use the old Arabic origin words (even the obsolete ones), the younger generations favor using the new expressions. Some new words are not used as often as their old counterparts or have failed to convey the intrinsic meanings of their old equivalents. In addition, many new words have inevitably taken up somewhat different meanings, and, therefore, cannot be always interchangeably used with their old words.
Contents |
[edit] Lists of replaced loanwords
[edit] Loanwords of Persian and Arabic origin
The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English.
Ottoman Turkish word and its transliteration | Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word | Modern Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Remarks |
عضله ˤaḍale | adale | kas | muscle | from the verbal version kasmak which means "to oppress" |
affetmek* | affetmek | bağışlamak | to forgive | In Turkish, etmek is an auxiliary verb which verbalizes a noun corresponds to the verb "to do" in English. In this case af is the Arabic loan word. |
عقد ˤaqd *, مقاوله mukâvele | akit, mukavele | sözleşme, anlaşma | contract | |
عامل ˤâmil | amil | etmen (for individuals) | factor | |
بارز bâriz * | bariz | kesin, belli | obvious | |
بسيط basîṭ * | basit | kolay | easy, simple | |
جنوب cenûb | cenup | güney | south | |
جواب cevâb * | cevap | yanıt | answer | |
جمله cümle * | cümle | tümce ** | sentence | |
چهره çehre | çehre | yüz | face | |
çeşit*,*** | çeşit | tür | kind, variety | |
دفعه defˤa *, کره kere * | defa, kere | kez | times (repetition) | An example is: I did this three times. |
درد derd * | dert | ağrı | pain | |
دور devr * | devir | çağ | era | |
دوره devre * | devre | dönem | semester | The old word is used in many other meanings, and not used anymore in the meaning of "semester". |
ابعاد ebˤâd * | ebat | boyut | dimension, size | |
ابدى ebedî * | ebedî | sonsuz | forever | |
اجداد ecdâd | ecdat | ata | ancestry | |
اجل ecel | ecel | ölüm | death | |
اجنبی ecnebî | ecnebi | el, yabancı | stranger, foreigner | |
امنيت emniyyet * | emniyet | güvenlik | security | |
اثر eser * | eser | yapıt | production (music, film) | |
اسير esîr * | esir | tutsak | hostage | |
اوراق evrâk * | evrak | belge | paper document | In Arabic, evrāk is the plural of vārāk; in modern Turkish, evrak is used as a singular. |
اول evvel * | evvel | önce | before | |
فعال faˤâl * | faal | etkin | active | |
فن fenn *, علم ilm * | fen, ilim | bilim | science | |
فعل fi'l * | fiil | eylem | verb | |
غرب garb | garp | batı | west | |
غير gayr | gayri | olmayan, başka, dışı | non-, other | In Arabic, "gayr-i" is a prefix which means non- as in "he is a non-Muslim"; "he is not a Muslim". |
گزيده güzîde *** | güzide | seçkin | élite | |
hadise * | hadise | olay | event, happening, fact, occurrence | |
حافضه hâfıza * | hafıza | bellek | memory | The new word is commonly used in electronics, like computer memory, i.e. önbellek for RAM |
حفریات hafriyyât | hafriyat | kazı | excavation | |
حق hak * | hak | pay | portion | The old word hak has many other meanings in Turkish. |
حقيقت hakikat * | hakikat | gerçek | reality | |
حاكم hâkim * | hâkim | yargıç | judge | |
حال hâl *, وضعيت vaziyet * | hâl, vaziyet | durum | situation | |
خليطه halîta | halita | alaşım | alloy | |
خراب harâb *, ویران viran *** | harap, viran | yıkık | ruin | |
حرارت harâret * | hararet | ısı ¹, sıcaklık ² | heat¹, temperature² | The old word can be used in both meanings in Turkish language. |
حرف harf * | harf | ses ** | letter | The new word is homophonic with "sound". |
hassas * | hassas | duyarlı | sensitive | |
حشره haşere * | haşere | böcek | insect | |
خطا hatâ *, قصور kusûr * | hata, kusur | yanlış | mistake | |
خاطره hâtıra * | hatıra | anı | memoir | |
حيات hayât *, عمر ömr * | hayat, ömür | yaşam | life | |
حيثيت haysiyyet * | haysiyet | saygınlık | respectability | |
هديه hediyye * | hediye | armağan | gift | |
هنوز henüz *, *** | henüz | daha | (not) yet | |
حدت hiddet * | hiddet | kızgınlık, öfke | anger | |
خلاف hilâf | hilaf | karşıt | opposite | |
خواجه hôca * | hoca | öğretmen | teacher | |
خصوص husûs | husus | konu | subject | |
حضور huzûr * | huzur | dirlik ** | comfort | |
هجوم hücûm * | hücum | saldırı | attack | |
حرمت hürmet * | hürmet | saygı | respect | |
ابتدائی ibtidâ'î | iptidai | ilkel | primary; primitive | |
افتخار iftihâr * | iftihar | övünme | pride | |
اختيار ihtiyâr * | ihtiyar | yaşlı | old (age) | |
احتياط ihtiyât | ihtiyat | yedek | backup, spare | |
الهام ilhâm * | ilham | esin | inspiration | |
عمار i'mâr * | imar | bayındırlık | construction, development | |
امكان imkân * | imkân | olanak | opportunity, possibility | |
imla * | imla | yazım | spelling | |
imtihan | imtihan | sınav, yazılı | examination | |
imtiyaz * | imtiyaz | ayrıcalık | franchise | |
inhisar | inhisar | tekel | monopoly | |
insan * | insan | kul ** | human | The new word is used almost only in religious context. |
irtifa | irtifa | yükseklik | altitude | The old word is only used in aviation, as in "the altitude of the plane". |
ارثی irsî * | ırsi | kalıtsal, kalıtımsal | hereditary | |
اسم ism * | isim | ad | name | |
istirahat * | istirahat | dinlenme | rest | |
استشناء istisnâ' * | istisna | aykırı | exception | |
iştigal | iştigal | uğraş / uğraşı | occupation | |
iştirak | iştirak | ortaklık | association | |
izah * | izah | açıklama | clarification | |
izdivaç | izdivaç | evlilik | marriage | |
kabiliyet * | kabiliyet | yetenek / yeti | talent, ability | |
kader * | kader | yazgı ** | fate | |
kâfi | kâfi | yeter | enough | |
كائنات kâinât | kâinat | evren | universe | |
kalp * | kalp | yürek | heart | |
kanun * | kanun | yasa | law | |
kafiye * | kafiye | uyak ** | rhyme | |
كانون اول kanun-ı evvel | aralık | December | ||
كانون شانى kanun-ı sânî | ocak | January | ||
كلمه kelime * | kelime | sözcük | word | |
kısım * | kısım | bölüm | part | |
kuvvet * | kuvvet | güç or erk | power, force | In physics, the old word is used for force and the new word is used for power. |
لطيفه lâtîfe | latife | şaka | joke | |
لسان lisân * | lisan | dil | language | |
لغات lûġat | lügat | sözlük | dictionary | |
لزوملو lüzûmlu * | lüzumlu | gerekli | necessary | |
معاش maâş * | maaş | aylık | salary | |
mabed * | mabet | tapınak | temple | |
mafsal * | mafsal | eklem | ligament | The old word is used for "hinge" (non-anatomical). |
mağdur * | mağdur | kıygın ** | wronged, injured | The new word is almost never used. |
mahlûk * | mahluk | yaratık | creature | Sometimes the plural of the old word ("mahlukat") is used by its singular meaning. |
mahsul * | mahsul | ürün | product | The old word is used for the noun "produce". |
mahsus * | mahsus | özgü | peculiar | |
maksat *, gaye *, hedef * | maksat, gaye, hedef | amaç or erek | goal | |
makul * | makul | uygun, elverişli | reasonable | |
manâ * | mâna | anlam | meaning | |
مانع mâni' * | mani | engel | obstacle | |
مصرف masraf * | masraf | gider, harcama | cost | |
مجبور mecbûr * | mecbur | zorunlu | obligation, obligatory | Both the new and the old words can be used as either a noun or an adjective. |
مجهول meçhul * | meçhul | bilinmeyen | unknown | |
مفهوم mefhum * | mefhum | kavram | concept | |
مهتاب mehtap *** | mehtap | ay ışığı | moonlight | |
مکروه mekruh | mekruh | iğrenç | disgusting | The old word also has the religious meaning: forbidden. |
melez * | melez | kırma | hybrid | |
مملکت memleket * | memleket | ülke | country | The old word is used for "one's native region" |
مراسم merasim * | merasim | tören | ceremony | |
مرثیه mersiye | mersiye | ağıt | elegy | |
مسعود mes'ûd | mesut | mutlu | happy | |
مشهور meşhûr * | meşhur | ünlü | famous | |
مشروبات meşrubat | meşrubat | içecek | beverage | |
موقعى mevkiî, مكان mekân * | mevki, mekân | yer, konum | location | |
ميدان meydân *, ساحه sâha | meydan, saha | alan ** | open area, plaza | While the new word is used mainly in mathematics (as in the "area" of a triangle), it is seldom used with the same meaning of the old words. |
ميل meyil | meyil | eğim | slant | |
ميل meyil * | meyil | eğilim | tendency | |
miras * | miras | kalıt ** | inheritance | The new word is almost never used, but its derivatives are in use, such as kalıtımsal (hereditary). |
مسافر misâfir * | misafir | konuk | guest | |
مثال misâl * | misal | örnek | example | |
مسکين miskîn | miskin | uyuşuk | supine | |
معامله muamele * | muamele | davranış | treatment, behavior | |
معما muamma | muamma | bilmece | puzzle, trivia | |
معاصر muasır | muasır | çağdaş, güncel | contemporary | |
معاون muavin *, yaver *** | muavin, yaver | yardımcı | helper | |
معجزه mucize * | mucize | tansık ** | miracle | The new word is almost never used. |
محقق muhakkak* | muhakkak | kesin(likle) | certain(ly) | |
محاربه muhârebe, حرب harb, جنگ cenk *** | muharebe, harp, cenk | savaş | war | |
محتويات muhteviyyât | muhteviyat | içindekiler | ingredients | |
مقدس mukaddes | mukaddes | kutsal | sacred | |
منتظم muntazam * | muntazam | düzgün, düzenli | tidy | |
مربع murabba | murabba | kare | square | |
معتدل mutedil | mutedil | ılım(lı) | moderate(ly) | |
موفقيت muvaffakıyyet | muvaffakiyet | başarı | success | |
مبالغه mübalâgâ | mübalağa | abartma | exaggeration | |
مجادله mücadele * | mücadele | çaba, uğraş | endeavor | |
مدافعه müdâfaa | müdafaa | koruma | sustain, protect | |
مداخله müdâhale * | müdahale | karışma | intervention | |
مدت müddet * | müddet | süre | duration | |
موسسه müessese | müessese | kurum | foundation | |
مهم mühim * | mühim | önemli | important | |
مومن | mümin | inanan, inançlı | believer | |
مناسبت münâsebet * | münasebet | ilişki | relation | |
مراجعت müracaat | müracaat | başvuru | application | |
mürekkep | mürekkep | birleşmiş, birleşik | composed of | The word mürekkep is still used in Turkish in another meaning: ink. |
مسابقه müsâbaka | müsâbaka | karşılaşma | match | |
مسامحه müsamaâ | müsamaha | hoşgörü | tolerance | |
مستحجن müstehcen * | müstehcen | uygunsuz | inappropriate | |
مسوده müsvedde * | müsvedde | taslak | draft | |
مطالعه mütâlaa | mütalaa | düşünce | thought | |
متارکه mütareke | mütareke | antlaşma | treaty to end hostility | |
متفرق müteferrik | müteferrik | dağınık | untidy | |
متخصص mütehassıs | mütehassıs | uzman | expert | |
مزمن müzmin | müzmin | süreğen | chronic | The new word is seldom used. |
نغمه nağme | nağme | ezgi | melody | |
nafile * | nafile | boşuna | futile | |
نصيحت nasîhat * | nasihat | öğüt | advice, counsel | |
nazır | nazır | bakan | minister | |
نفس nefes * | nefes | soluk | breath | |
nesil * | nesil | kuşak | generation | |
نتيجه netîce * | netice | sonuç | result | |
نهايت nihâyet * | nihayet | son(unda) | final(ly) | |
نكاح nikâh * | nikâh | düğün | wedding | In modern Turkish, nikâh is generally used for the wedding ceremony, while düğün is used for the wedding reception or party. |
نسبت nisbet * | nispet | oran | ratio | |
نطق nutq * | nutuk | söylev | speech | |
پاپوش pabuç | pabuç | ayakkabı | shoe | |
رای rey | rey | oy | vote | |
رئيس reîs | reis | başkan | president | |
rutubet * | rutubet | nem | moisture | |
رویا rüya * | rüya | düş | dream | |
روزگار rüzgâr *, *** | rüzgâr | yel | wind | |
ساده sade *,*** | sade | yalın | plain | |
سطح satıh | satıh | yüzey | surface | |
سیاره sayyâre | seyyare | araba | car | |
سبب sebeb * | sebep | neden | reason | |
سلامت selâmet | selamet | esenlik | health, soundness | |
سما sema | sema | gök | sky | |
سنه sene * | sene | yıl | year | |
صحت sıhhat | sıhhat | sağlık | health | |
صحبت sohbet * | sohbet | söyleşi | chat | The new word is used in somewhat different contexts. |
سوال sual | sual | soru | question | |
صلح sulh | sulh | barış | peace | |
سکوت sükût | sükût | sessizlik | silence | |
sürat* | sürat | hız | velocity, speed | In physics, the old word word is used for speed (scalar) and the new word is used for velocity (vectoral). |
şahit * | şahit | tanık | witness | |
شرق şark | şark | doğu | east | |
şart * | şart | koşul | condition | |
şatafat(lı) | şatafat(lı) | gösteriş(li) | spectacular (noun and adjective) | |
شمال şimal | şimal | kuzey | north | |
şuur * | şuur | bilinç | conscience | |
طبيعت tabîat * | tabiat | doğa | nature | |
طبيعى tabîî * | tabii | doğal | natural | |
tabir, ifade* | tabir, ifade | deyiş** | narration | |
طلب taleb * | talep | istek | request, demand, wish | |
طلبه talebe | talebe | öğrenci | student | |
تعمير ta'mîr *, تعديلات ta'dîlât * | tamir, tadilat | onarım | renovation | |
tasavvur | tasavvur | canlandırma, tasarı | imagine | |
tasdik | tasdik | onay | approve | |
tashih | tashih | düzeltme | correction | |
تصوير tasvîr * | tasvir | betimleme | description | |
طياره tayyâre | tayyare | uçak | airplane | |
تفصيه tavsiye * | tavsiye | öneri | advice | |
تعادل teâdül | teadül | denklik | equivalence | |
تعامل teâmül | teamül | tepkime, davranış | reaction, behavior | |
tebessüm | tebessüm | gülümseme | smile | |
تبديل tebdîl | tebdil | değişiklik | change | |
تبريق tebrîk * | tebrik | kutlama | congratulate | The new word also has the meaning "celebration". |
تجلى tecellî | tecelli | belirme | emerge | |
تجسم tecessüm | tecessüm | görünme | appearance, manifestation | |
tecrübe * | tecrübe | deneyim | experience | |
teçhizat | teçhizat | donanım | equipment | |
tedbir * | tedbir | önlem | precaution | |
teessür | teessür | üzüntü | agony | |
تكامل tekâmül | tekamül | evrim, başkalaşım | maturation, metamorphosis | |
تقاعد tekaüd | tekaüt | emeklilik | retirement | |
tekeffül | tekeffül | yükümlenme | beholden | |
تكليف teklîf * | teklif | öneri | proposal | |
تلاش telâş * | telaş | tasa, kaygı | worry | |
tenasüp | tenasüp | uyum | congruity | |
تنبيه tenbîh * | tembih | uyarı | warning | |
تنبل tenbel *, *** | tembel | haylaz | lazy | |
tercih etmek | yeğlemek | to prefer | ||
tercüme * | tercüme | çeviri | translation | |
تشرين اول teşrîn-i evvel | ekim | October | ||
تشرين شانى teşrîn-i sânî | kasım | November | ||
usül * | usül | yöntem | method | |
vaat * | vaat | söz | promise (noun) | |
vakâ | vaka | olay | event | |
vakur | vakur | ağır başlı | dignified | The Turkish expression literally means heavy headed. |
vasıf * | vasıf | nitelik | feature, quality | |
vâsi | vâsi | engin | vast | |
vaz geçmek * | vaz geçmek | caymak ** | to change one's mind | Here, vaz is the Arabic loan word, and geçmek is a Turkish auxiliary verb. |
فضيفه vazîfe * | vazife | görev | task, mission | |
vilayet* | vilayet | il | province | |
yekpare *** | yekpare | bütün | whole | |
tefsir * | tefsi | yorum | interpretation, analysis, comment | |
ضمير zamîr * | zamir | adıl ** | pronoun | |
زور zôr *, ***,مشكل müşkül | zor, müşkül | çetin ** | difficult |
* Old words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
** New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.
*** Old words that are of Persian origin.
[edit] Loanwords of other origin
Please note that the list is highly incomplete.
Loanword | Turkish equivalent | Meaning in English | Remarks |
detay * | ayrıntı | detail | Loanword is of French origin |
doktrin * | öğreti | doctrine | Loanword is of French origin |
kalite * | nitelik | quality | Loanword is of French origin |
klas * | sınıf (toplum bilimi) | class (sociology) | Loanword is of French origin |
kuaför * | güzellik salonu/berber | beauty/hair salon, barber | Loanword is of French origin |
kundura * | ayakkabi | shoe | Loanword is of Greek origin |
lokanta * | aşevi | restaurant | Loanword is of Italian origin |
meridyen * | boylam | longitude | Loanword is of French origin |
paralel * | enlem | latitude | Loanword is of Greek origin |
plaj * | kumsal | beach | Loanword is of French origin |
plato * | yayla | plateau | Loanword is of French origin |
problem * | sorun | problem | Loanword is of French origin |
proje * | tasarı | project | Loanword is of French origin |
restoran * | aşevi | restaurant | Loanword is of French origin |
spesiyal * | özel | special | Loanword is of French origin |
tretuar * | kaldırım | pavement / sidewalk | Loanword is of French origin |
karakter * | kişilik | character, personality | Loanword is of French origin |
* Old words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
[edit] See also
[edit] Sources
- Yazım Kılavuzu, the official spelling guide of the Turkish language on TDK website