List of physics topics M-Q
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[edit] M
[edit] Ma
[edit] Mac
[edit] Mag-Mal
- Magnetostatics
- Magnetic confinement
- Magnetic dipole
- Magnetic field
- Magnetic flux
- Magnetic flux density
- Magnetic induction
- Magnetic levitation
- Magnetic moment
- Magnetic monopole
- Magnetic permeability
- Magnetic quadrupole
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnetic susceptibility
- Magnetism
- Magnetodynamics
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Magnetohydrodynamoic Genrator
- Magnetoresistance
- Magnetostriction
- Magnetron
- Magnitude
- Magnitude comparison
- Malus, Etienne-Louis
[edit] Man-Mau
- Mandelshtam, Leonid Isaakovich
- Manhattan Project
- Many-minds interpretation
- Many-worlds interpretation
- Marconi, Guglielmo
- Mariotte, Edme
- Maser
- Mass
- Mass (relativistic)
- Mass-energy equivalence
- Material equivalence
- Material implication
- Materials science
- Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics
- Mathematical physics
- Matrix mechanics
- Matter
- Matteuci effect
- Maupertuis' principle
[edit] Max
[edit] Me-Mh
- Mean free path
- Measurement
- Measurement problem
- Measuring instruments
- Mechanical advantage
- Mechanical equilibrium
- Mechanical wave
- Mechanics
- Mechanics of fluids
- Medical physics
- Meissner effect
- Meson
- Mesonic atom
- Metric space
- Metric tensor
- MHD generator
[edit] Mi
- Michelson-Morley experiment
- Michelson, Albert Abraham
- Microcanonical distribution
- Mie theory
- Miller, Dayton C.
- Millikan, Robert
- Mills, Robert
- Minkowski space
- Minkowski, Hermann
[edit] Mo-Mu
- Mobility
- Modern physics
- Modified Newtonian Dynamics
- Molar mass
- Molecular dynamics
- Molecular physics
- Molecule
- Moment (physics)
- Momentum
- Moment of inertia
- Morley, Edward
- Mössbauer effect
- Mössbauer, Rudolf Ludwig
- Motion
- Mott, Sir Nevill Francis
- Mottelson, Ben Roy
- Mpemba effect
- Müller, K. Alexander
- Mulliken, Robert S.
- Multipath interference
- Muon
- Muonium
[edit] N
[edit] Na
[edit] Ne
- Néel, Louis Eugène Félix
- Neel temperature
- Nernst, Walther
- Neumann, John von
- Neutrino
- Neutrino mass
- Neutrino oscillation
- Neutron
- Neutronium
- Newton's bucket
- Newton (force)
- Newton's law of cooling
- Newton laws of gravity. See gravity.
- Newton's laws of motion
- Newton, Isaac
- Isaac Newton (in depth)
- Isaac Newton/Authoring Principia
- Isaac Newton/Later life -- the Mint and the Royal Society
- Newtonian fluid
- Newtonian physics
- Newtonian relativity
- Newton's cannonball
[edit] Ni-Nu
- Nichols, Ernest Fox
- Nichols radiometer
- Nobel Prize in Physics
- No cloning theorem
- Noether, Emmy
- Noether's theorem
- Non-critical string
- Non-Euclidean geometry
- Nonlinear Coulomb field
- Non-linear dynamical system
- Nonlinear optics
- Non-Newtonian fluid
- Novikov self-consistency principle
- Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich
- Nuclear chain reaction
- Nuclear fission
- Nuclear fusion
- Nuclear magnetic resonance
- Nuclear physics
- Nucleon
[edit] O
- Oersted
- Ørsted, Hans Christian
- Ohm, Georg
- Ohm's law
- Oil-drop experiment
- Onsager, Lars
- Operational calculus
- Operator
- Oppenheimer, Robert
- Optical spectrum
- Optics
- Optoelectronic
- Orders of magnitude
- Ørsted, Hans Christian
- Orthogonal matrix
- Orthonormal basis
- Osheroff, Douglas D.
[edit] P
[edit] Pa
[edit] Pak-Pat
- Pake doublet
- Parallel universe
- Paramagnetism
- Paraphysics
- Pardies, Ignace
- Parity
- Parity law
- Parity violation
- Particle
- Particle accelerator
- Particle in a box
- Particle in a one-dimensional lattice (periodic potential)
- Particle in a ring
- Particle physics
- Particle radiation
- Partition function (statistical mechanics)
- Partition function (quantum field theory)
- Pascal, Blaise
- Paschen, Friedrich
- Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
[edit] Pau
- Paul, Wolfgang
- Pauli effect
- Pauli matrices
- Pauli exclusion principle
- Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst
- Pauling, Linus
[edit] Pe
- Péclet, Jean Claude Eugène
- Péclet number
- Pélerin de Maricourt
- Pelletron
- Peltier effect
- Pendulum
- Pendulum (mathematics)
- Penrose, Roger
- Penzias, Arno Allan
- Perfect gas
- Perfect gas equation of state
- Period
- Perl, Martin
- Permeability
- Permittivity
- Perrin, Jean Baptiste
- Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)
[edit] Ph
[edit] Pha-Pho
- Phase diagram
- Phase of matter
- Phase space
- Phase transition
- Phase velocity
- Phasor (physics)
- Phillips, William D.
- Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
- Phonon
- Photoconductivity
- Photodiode
- Photoelectric effect
- Photon
[edit] Phy
- Physical chemistry
- Physical constant
- Physical economics
- Physical experiment
- Physical field
- Physical information
- Physical interaction
- Physical law
- Physical observation
- Physical phenomenon
- Physical quantity
- Physical Science
- Physical space
- Physical state
- Physical system
- Physical theory
- Physical unit
- Physicist
- Physics
- PhysicsWeb
- Physics basic topics
[edit] Pi-Pl
- Pion
- Pionium
- Planck's constant
- Planck, Max
- Planck's law
- Planck's law of black body radiation
- Plasma
- Plasma equilibria and stability
- Plasma physics
- Plum pudding model
[edit] Po
[edit] Pod-Pou
- Podolsky, Boris
- Poincaré group
- Poincaré, Henri
- Point group
- Poiseuille's law
- Poiseuille, Jean Louis Marie
- Poisson, Siméon-Denis
- Poisson bracket
- Poisson's equation
- Polar coordinates
- Polariton
- Polarization
- Polarized light
- Polymer physics
- Population inversion
- Positron
- Positronium
- Potential
- Potential difference
- Potential energy
- Potential flow
- Pouillet, Claude
[edit] Pow-Poy
[edit] Pr-Pu
- Prandtl number
- Pressure
- Principal quantum number
- Principia Mathematica
- Principle of equivalence
- Principle of least action
- Principle of locality
- Principle of maximum entropy
- Principle of relativity
- Prism
- Probability
- Projection operator
- Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich
- Proof of angular momentum
- Propagation
- Proper time
- Proton
- Proton decay
- Prout, William
- Pseudoscalar
- Pseudovector
- Purcell, Edward Mills
[edit] Q
[edit] Qu
[edit] Qua
[edit] Quad
[edit] Quant
[edit] Quanti
[edit] Quantu
- Quantum
- Quantum chemistr
- Quantum chromodynamic
- Quantum compute
- Quantum cryptograph
- Quantum electrodynamic
- Quantum energy level
- Quantum entanglement
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum fluctuation
- Quantum fluid
- Quantum gravity
- Quantum Hall effect
- Quantum harmonic oscillator
- Quantum immortality
- Quantum information
- Quantum leap
- Quantum level
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum neutrino field
- Quantum number
- Quantum string theory
- Quantum suicide
- Quantum superposition
- Quantum theory
- Quantum tunneling
[edit] Quar
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