List of orders of battle

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This is a list of orders of battle. The battles are listed in chronological order by starting date (or planned start date).


[edit] Up to the Crimean War

Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
Battle of Lepanto Holy League and Turkish fleets October 7, 1571
English Civil War
Battle of Marston Moor Scots, Parliamentarians and Royalists July 2, 1644
Russo-Swedish War (1788–1790)
Battle of Reval Russian and Sweedish fleets May 13, 1790
Napoleonic Wars
Battle of Trafalgar British and Franco-Spanish fleets October 21, 1805
Battle of Austerlitz French, Austrian and Russian December 2, 1805
Waterloo Campaign French, Anglo-Allied and Prussian June 16 - 18, 1815
Russo-Turkish War (1806–1812)
Battle of Athos Russian and Turkish navies July 1, 1807
American Revolutionary War
Battle of Long Island American and British armies August 27, 1776
Siege of Yorktown American, French, and British armies September 28 – October 17, 1781
Crimean War
Battle of Sinop Fleets of the Russian and Ottoman Empires November 30, 1853
Battle of Balaclava British, French and Russian armies October 25, 1854

[edit] American Civil War

See also: American Civil War
Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
First Battle of Bull Run Confederate Army of the Potomac and Army of the Shenandoah
and Union Military Department of Washington
July 21, 1861
Battle of Wilson's Creek Confederate Army
and Union Army of the West
August 10, 1861
Battle of Pea Ridge Confederate Army of the West
and Union Army of the Southwest
March 7-8, 1862
Battle of Kernstown I Confederate Valley District
and Union 1st Division, V Corps, Army of the Potomac
March 23, 1862
Battle of Shiloh Confederate Army of Mississippi
and Union Army of the Tennessee and Army of the Ohio
April 6-7, 1862
Battle of Cedar Mountain Confederate Left wing, Army of Northern Virginia
and Union I Corps, Army of Virginia
August 9, 1862
Second Battle of Bull Run Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of Virginia and detachments, Army of the Potomac
August 29-30, 1862
Battle of Chantilly Confederate Left wing, Army of Northern Virginia
and Union III and IV Corps, Army of the Potomac
September 1, 1862
Battle of Antietam Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac
September 17, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac
December 13, 1862
Battle of Stones River Confederate Army of Tennessee
and Union Army of the Cumberland
December 31, 1862-January 2, 1863
Battle of Chancellorsville Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac
April 30-May 2, 1863
Battle of Vicksburg Confederate Army of Mississippi
and Union Army of the Tennessee
May 18-July 4, 1863
Battle of Winchester II Confederate Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia
and Union 2nd division, VIII Corps
June 13-15, 1863
Battle of Gettysburg Confederate Army of North Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac
July 1-3, 1863
Battle of Salineville Confederate Cavalry vs. Union Army July 26, 1863
Battle of Chickamauga Confederate Army of Tennessee
and Union Army of the Cumberland
September 18-20, 1863
Battle of Olustee Confederate District of East Florida
and Union District of Florida
February 20, 1864
Battle of the Wilderness Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac and IX Corps
May 5-7, 1864
Battle of Spotsylvania Court House Convederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac and IX Corps
May 8-21, 1864
Battle of Cold Harbor Confederate Army of Northern Virginia
and Union Army of the Potomac
May 31 – June 12, 1864
Battle of New Market Confederate Department of Western Virginia
and Union Department of West Virgnia
May 15, 1864
Battle of Kennesaw Mountain Confederate Army of Tenneesee
and Union Army of the Cumberland, Army of the Tennessee, and Army of the Ohio
June 27, 1864
Battle of Monocacy Junction Confederate Army of the Valley District
and Union Middle Department
July 9, 1864
Battle of Peachtree Creek Confederate Army of Tennessee
and Union Army of the Cumberland
July 20, 1864
Battle of Kernstown II Confederate Army of the Valley District
andUnion Army of Western Virginia
July 24, 1864
Battle of Cedar Creek Confederate Army of the Valley
and Union Army of the Shenandoah
October 19, 1864
Battle of Franklin II Confederate Army of Tennessee
and Union IV and XXIII Corps
November 30, 1864
Battle of Nashville Confederate Army of Tennessee
and Union army
December 15-16, 1864
Battle of Bentonville Confederate Army of the South
and Union Grand Army of the West
March 19-21, 1865

[edit] World War I

See also: World War I
Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
Battle of Tannenberg German Eighth Army and Russian Northwest Front August 17-September 1, 1914
Battle of Mons British Expeditionary Force and German First Army August 23, 1914
Battle of Jutland British and German fleets May, 1916
Battle of Vimy Ridge Canadian Corps and German Sixth Army April 9-12, 1917
Battle of Hill 70 Canadian Corps and German 7th and 185th Infantry Divisions and 4th Guard Infantry Division August 15-25, 1917
Battle of Cambrai British III, IV, V, VII, and Tank Corps and German Second Army November 20-December 3, 1917
Battle of Jerusalem Forces of U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Ottoman Empire December 8-26, 1917
Battle of Amiens British Fourth, French First, and German Second and Eighteenth Armies August 8, 1918

[edit] Inter-war period

Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
Second Italo-Abyssinian War
Second Italo-Abyssinian War Italian Army and Ethiopian Army October 1935-May 1937
Second Sino-Japanese War
Operation Nekka Japanese Kwangtung Army and Manchukuoan Force January 1-May 31, 1933
Defense of the Great Wall Chinese Northeastern Army January 1-May 31, 1933
Operation Chahar Japanese Peiping Railway Garrison Force, Kwangtung Army, and Chahar Expeditionary Force August 1937
Battle of Shanghai Japanese and Chinese forces August 13-November 26, 1937
Battle of South Guangxi Japanese and Chinese forces November 15-November 30, 1939

[edit] World War II

See also: World War II
Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
Polish Campaign German Army, Polish Army
and Soviet Army
September, 1939
Winter War Finnish Army December, 1939
Norwegian Campaign Allies and German April, 1940
Battle of France Allies and Axis May 10, 1940
Operation Sealion German September, 1940 (planned)
Balkans Campaign German Army April 6 - May 3, 1941
Battle of Crete Axis & Allied Armies & Navies May 20 - June 1, 1941
Attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese December 7, 1941
Battle of Midway Japanese and U.S. Navies June 4 - 6, 1942
Battle of the Aleutian Islands Imperial Japanese Navy Alaskan Strike Group June 6, 1942 – August 15, 1943
Battle of the Coral Sea Japanese and U.S. Navies May, 1942
Battle of Guadalcanal Japanese and U.S. Armies August, 1942 - February, 1943
Dieppe Raid Allied and German August, 1942
Sicily Campaign Allies and Axis July - August, 1943
Gothic Line Allied 15th Army Group and German Army Group C August 1944-April 1945
Battle of Saipan Japan and U.S. June 15 - July 9, 1944
Operation Market Garden Allied and German September 17 - 25, 1944
Battle of the Bulge Allied and German December 16, 1944-January 25, 1945
Borneo Campaign (1945) Allied and Japanese May 1 - August 15, 1945
Operation Downfall Allied and Japanese August, 1945 (planned)

[edit] Modern era

Battle or Campaign Order of Battle Date
Korean War United Nations June, 1950
U.S. operations in Afghanistan Afghanistan War order of battle October 2001 onward
Invasion of Iraq British Armed Forces March, 2003
2003- onwards US and Allies' operations in Iraq Iraq War order of battle May 2003 - present

[edit] See also