List of motifs on banknotes

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This is a list of current motifs on the banknotes of different countries. The customary design of banknotes in most countries is a portrait of a notable citizen on the front (or obverse) and a different motif on the back (or reverse) - often something relating to that person. One exception to this is the Euro banknotes, where non-existent architectural structures have been chosen to avoid the impression of a national bias. Even though most banknotes have more than one motif on each side, only the main motifs are described here.


[edit] Argentina

Obverse of a 100 Argentine peso banknote
Obverse of a 100 Argentine peso banknote

The official currency of Argentina is the Argentine peso (ARS). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
ARS 2 Bartolomé Mitre Mitre Museum
ARS 5 José de San Martín Cerro de la Gloria, Mendoza
ARS 10 Manuel Belgrano National Flag Memorial
ARS 20 Juan Manuel de Rosas Battle of Vuelta de Obligado
ARS 50 Domingo Faustino Sarmiento Casa de Gobierno
ARS 100 Julio Argentino Roca Desert Conquest

[edit] Australia

Obverse of a 100 Australian dollar banknote
Obverse of a 100 Australian dollar banknote

The official currency of Australia is the Australian dollar (AUD). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
AUD 5 Queen Elizabeth II Parliament House
AUD 5 Henry Parkes Catherine Helen Spence (Federal note)
AUD 10 AB 'Banjo' Paterson Mary Gilmore
AUD 20 Mary Reibey John Flynn
AUD 50 David Unaipon Edith Cowan
AUD 100 Dame Nellie Melba Sir John Monash

[edit] Brazil

Obverse of a 100 Brazilian real banknote
Obverse of a 100 Brazilian real banknote

The official currency of Brazil is the Brazilian real (BRL). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
BRL 1 The Republic's sphinx, portrayed as a bust Sapphire-spangled Emerald Hummingbird
BRL 2 The Republic's sphinx Hawksbill Turtle
BRL 5 The Republic's sphinx Great Egret
BRL 10 The Republic's sphinx Greenwing Macaw
BRL 20 The Republic's sphinx Golden Lion Tamarin
BRL 50 The Republic's sphinx Jaguar
BRL 100 The Republic's sphinx Dusky Grouper

[edit] Canada

The official currency of Canada is the Canadian dollar (CAD). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
CAD 5 Wilfrid Laurier Children playing winter sports
CAD 10 John A. Macdonald Peacekeeping forces and war memorial
CAD 20 Queen Elizabeth II Artwork of Bill Reid
CAD 50 William Lyon Mackenzie King The Valiant Five and Thérèse Casgrain
CAD 100 Robert Borden Maps of Canada, historic and modern

[edit] Colombia

Front view of a  Colombian peso 20000 banknote
Front view of a Colombian peso 20000 banknote

The official currency of Colombia is the Colombian peso (COP). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
COP 1000 Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (face) Jorge Eliécer Gaitán (body until the chest) and a crowd
COP 2000 Francisco de Paula Santander The door of the Casa de la moneda
COP 5000 Jose Asuncion Silva Hacienda El Paraiso, from Maria
COP 10000 Policarpa Salavarrieta Guaduas main plaza
COP 20000 Julio Garavito Armero The Moon, a reference to the Garavito Crater
COP 50000 Jorge Isaacs A paragraph of La María

[edit] Croatia

Obverse and reverse of a 200 Croatian kuna banknote
Obverse and reverse of a 200 Croatian kuna banknote

The official currency of Croatia is the Croatian kuna (HRK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
HRK 5 Fran Krsto Frankopan and ban Petar Zrinski Castle in Varaždin (mirrored)
HRK 10 Juraj Dobrila Arena in Pula
HRK 20 Ban Josip Jelačić Castle of the Eltz family in Vukovar and Vučedol Dove
HRK 50 Ivan Gundulić Dubrovnik
HRK 100 Viceroy (ban) Ivan Mažuranić Church of Saint Vitus in Rijeka
HRK 200 Stjepan Radić Building of the High military command in the Austrian fortress Tvrđa in Osijek
HRK 500 Marko Marulić Diocletian's Palace in Split
HRK 1000 Ante Starčević Statue of the medieval king Tomislav and Zagreb cathedral in Zagreb

[edit] Denmark

Obverse and reverse of a 1000 Danish krone banknote
Obverse and reverse of a 1000 Danish krone banknote

The official currency of Denmark is the Danish krone (DKK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
DKK 50 Karen Blixen Centaur from Landet Church
DKK 100 Carl Nielsen Basilisk from Tømmerby Church
DKK 200 Johanne Luise Heiberg Lion from Viborg Cathedral
DKK 500 Niels Bohr Knight fighting a dragon from Lihme Church
DKK 1000 Anna and Michael Ancher Tournament from Bislev Church

[edit] Egypt

Obverse and reverse of a 100 Egyptian pound banknote
Obverse and reverse of a 100 Egyptian pound banknote

The official currency of Egypt is the Egyptian pound (EGP). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
LE 1 the Mosque of Sultan Qaitbay a part of the facade of Abu Simbel Temple
LE 5 Mosque of Ibn Tulun جامع أحمد بن طولون , in Cairo the River Nile bestowing its blessing on the Valley
LE 10 Al Rifa'i Mosque جامع الرفاعى ,in Cairo A statute of Khafre الملك خفرع
LE 20 Mosque of Muhammad Ali جامع محمد على at the Citadel, Cairo relief pharaonic drawings on one of the pillars of Sesostris I Temple
LE 50 Abu Hariba Mosque an inside view of Edfu Temple
LE 100 Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan جامع السلطان حسن , in Cairo head of the Sphinx statue

[edit] England

Obverse and reverse of a Bank of England 20 Pound sterling banknote
Obverse and reverse of a Bank of England 20 Pound sterling banknote

The official currency of England is the pound sterling (GBP). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
GBP 5 Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth Fry
GBP 10 Queen Elizabeth II Charles Darwin
GBP 20 Queen Elizabeth II Edward Elgar
GBP 50 Queen Elizabeth II John Houblon

[edit] Estonia

 Carl Robert Jakobson on the obverse side of the 500 EEK banknote.
Carl Robert Jakobson on the obverse side of the 500 EEK banknote.

The official currency of Estonia is the Estonian kroon (EEK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
EEK 1 Kristjan Raud Toompea Castle in Tallinn
EEK 2 Karl Ernst von Baer University of Tartu
EEK 5 Paul Keres The Narva river and the Jaanilinn stronghold
EEK 10 Jakob Hurt The Tamme-Lauri oak at Urvaste
EEK 25 Anton Hansen Tammsaare A view of Vargamäe
EEK 50 Rudolf Tobias The Estonia Opera House in Tallinn
EEK 100 Lydia Koidula North Estonian limestone shore
EEK 500 Carl Robert Jakobson A barn swallow flying over a landscape

[edit] Euro Area

Obverse of a 500 euro banknote
Obverse of a 500 euro banknote

The Euro (EUR) is the official currency of the Eurozone (some European Union countries). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
EUR 5 Classical window Classical bridge
EUR 10 Romanesque gateway Romanesque bridge
EUR 20 Gothic windows Gothic bridge
EUR 50 Renaissance windows Renaissance bridge
EUR 100 Baroque/Rococo gateway Baroque/Rococo bridge
EUR 200 19th/20th century windows 19th/20th century bridge
EUR 500 Modern windows Modern bridge

[edit] Hungary

The official currency of Hungary is the Hungarian forint (HUF). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
HUF 200 Róbert Károly Diósgyőr Castle
HUF 500 Francis II Rákóczi Sárospatak Castle
HUF 1000 King Matthias Corvinus Hercules Fountain in Visegrád
HUF 2000 Gábor Bethlen Bethlen and his scientists
HUF 5000 Count István Széchenyi Széchenyi Mansion in Nagycenk
HUF 10000 King Stephen I of Hungary Esztergom
HUF 20000 Ferenc Deák Hungarian Parliament

[edit] Iceland

The official currency of Iceland is the Icelandic króna (ISK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
ISK 500 Jón Sigurðsson Reykjavík grammar school
ISK 1000 Brynjólfur Sveinsson Brynjólfskirkja
ISK 2000 Jóhannes S. Kjarval Painting and drawing by Karval
ISK 5000 Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir Laufáskirkja altar cloth

[edit] India

Obverse of a 1000 Indian rupee banknote
Obverse of a 1000 Indian rupee banknote

The official currency of India is the Indian rupee (INR). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
INR 5 Mahatma Gandhi Tractor
INR 10 Mahatma Gandhi Rhinoceros, elephant, tiger
INR 20 Mahatma Gandhi Palm trees
INR 50 Mahatma Gandhi Parliament of India
INR 100 Mahatma Gandhi Himalaya Mountains
INR 500 Mahatma Gandhi Dandi March
INR 1000 Mahatma Gandhi Economy of India

[edit] Japan

Obverse of a 1984 series 1000 Japanese yen banknote
Obverse of a 1984 series 1000 Japanese yen banknote

The official currency of Japan is the Japanese yen (JPY). The motifs used are:

1984 Series:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
JPY 1000 Natsume Soseki Pair of Cranes
JPY 5000 Nitobe Inazo Mt. Fuji, Lake Motosuko and Cherry blossoms
JPY 10000 Fukuzawa Yukichi Pair of Pheasants

2004 Series:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
JPY 1000 Noguchi Hideyo Mt. Fuji, Lake Motosuko and Cherry blossoms
JPY 5000 Higuchi Ichiyo "Kakitsubata-zu" (Painting of Irises, a work by Ogata Korin)
JPY 10000 Fukuzawa Yukichi Statue of hōō (phoenix) from Byōdō-in Temple

[edit] Jersey

Reverse of a Jersey 20 pound note
Reverse of a Jersey 20 pound note

Banknotes of the Jersey pound (JEP) are issued in Jersey. The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
JEP 1 Queen Elizabeth II St. Helier Parish Church
(commemorative showing Mont Orgueil also in circulation)
JEP 5 Queen Elizabeth II La Corbière lighthouse
JEP 10 Queen Elizabeth II The Death of Major Pierson, Battle of Jersey
JEP 20 Queen Elizabeth II St. Ouen's manor
JEP 50 Queen Elizabeth II Government House

[edit] Lithuania

500 litas banknote (observe and reserve)
500 litas banknote (observe and reserve)

The official currency of Lithuania is the Lithuanian litas (LTL). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
LTL 1 (no longer in print) Žemaitė Wooden church of Palūšė
LTL 2 (no longer in print) Motiejus Valančius Trakai Island Castle
LTL 5 (no longer in print) Jonas Jablonskis Sculpture "Vargo mokykla" (School of Hardship) by Petras Rimša
LTL 10 Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas Lituanica flying over the Atlantic Ocean
LTL 20 Maironis Vytautas the Great War Museum and its carillon tower, the Statue of Liberty in Kaunas
LTL 50 Jonas Basanavičius Vilnius Cathedral and its belfry, Monument to Grand Duke Gediminas, Gediminas Tower and the Hill of Three Crosses
LTL 100 Simonas Daukantas Vilnius Old Town: Vilnius University and Church of St. John
LTL 200 Vydūnas Lighthouse in Klaipėda
LTL 500 Vincas Kudirka Loops of the Neman River

[edit] Norway

Obverse of a 1000 Norwegian krone banknote
Obverse of a 1000 Norwegian krone banknote

The official currency of Norway is the Norwegian krone (NOK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
NOK 50 Peter Chr. Asbjørnsen Water lillies
NOK 100 Kirsten Flagstad Norwegian National Opera
NOK 200 Kristian Birkeland Northern lights
NOK 500 Sigrid Undset Wreath
NOK 1000 Edvard Munch Sun (painting by Munch)

[edit] Pakistan

Obverse of a 5000 Pakistani rupee banknote
Obverse of a 5000 Pakistani rupee banknote

The official currency of Pakistan is the Pakistani rupee (PKR). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
PKR 10 M. Ali Jinnah Khyber Pass in Peshawar
PKR 20 M. Ali Jinnah Mohenjo-daro in Larkana
PKR 50 M. Ali Jinnah Alamgiri Gate of the Lahore Fort in Lahore
PKR 100 M. Ali Jinnah Ziarat Residency in Quetta
PKR 500 M. Ali Jinnah Badshahi Mosque in Lahore
PKR 1000 M. Ali Jinnah Tomb of Jahangir in Lahore
PKR 5000 M. Ali Jinnah Faisal Mosque in Islamabad

[edit] Philippines

The official currency of the Philippines is the Philippine peso (PHP). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
PHP 5 Emilio Aguinaldo Scene from the Philippine Declaration of Independence
PHP 10 Apolinario Mabini and Andres Bonifacio Barasoain Church and the initiation rites of the Katipunan
PHP 20 Manuel Quezon Malacañang Palace
PHP 50 Sergio Osmeña National Museum of the Philippines
PHP 100 Manuel Roxas Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas complex
PHP 200 Diosdado Macapagal Scene from EDSA Dos and the swearing-in of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as president
PHP 500 Benigno Aquino, Jr. Scenes related to the life of Benigno Aquino, Jr.
PHP 1000 Jose Abad Santos, Vicente Lim, and Josefa Llanes Escoda Banaue Rice Terraces, Manunggul jar cover and Langgal
PHP 2000 Inauguration of Joseph Estrada as President President Fidel Ramos and First Lady Amelita Ramos during the flag-raising ceremonies of the 1998 Philippine Independence Centennial Celebrations.

[edit] Poland

The official currency of Poland is the Polish złoty (PLN). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
PLN 10 Mieszko I Silver coin from reign of Mieszko I
PLN 20 Boleslaus I the Brave Silver coin from reign of Boleslaus I
PLN 50 Casimir III the Great Eagle from royal seal of Casimir III
PLN 100 Wladislaus II Jagiełło Eagle from tombstone of Wladislaus II
PLN 200 Sigismund I the Old Eagle from the Sigismund Chapel, Wawel Hill

[edit] Romania

Reverse and Obverse of a 5 Romanian New Lei banknote

The official currency of Romania is the New Leu (RON). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
RON 5 George Enescu (1881-1955), Coat of arms of Romania at top right Romanian Athenaeum concert hall at left, A fragment of the score of the Enescu's opera King Oedipus above. A musician's piano at centre right.
RON 10 Nicolae Grigorescu (1838-1907, Hollyhock flower, an artist's palette and paintbrush Nicolae Grigorescu's painting "Rodica"
RON 50 Aurel Vlaicu (1882-1913), A mountain flower edelweiss, an aircraft propeller, Romanian coat of arms Mountain eagle head, "Vlaicu II" aircraft design and "Gnome" engine sketch
RON 100 Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), Comedy masks and a violet flower Old building of the Bucharest National Theatre, Caragiale's statue at left
RON 200 Issue expected on 01.12.06 Lucian Blaga (1895-1961) Issue expected on 01.12.06
RON 500 Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), Lime tree blossoms, a quill and an inkpot Timpul newspaper, University Library in Iaşi

[edit] Russia

Obverse of a 1000 Russian ruble banknote
Obverse of a 1000 Russian ruble banknote

The official currency of Russia is the Russian ruble (RUB). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
RUB 10 Krasnoyarsk, cathedral Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric plant
RUB 50 Sculpture from Rostral Column Former stock exchange building
RUB 100 Sculpture from Bolshoi Theatre The Bolshoi Theatre
RUB 500 Peter the Great, port Solovetsky Monastery
RUB 1000 Yaroslav the Wise Church of the Precursor
RUB 5000 Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky Bridge of Amur

[edit] Scotland

The official currency of Scotland is the Pound sterling (GBP). Under Scottish legislation, banknotes are issued by commercial banks not the government. The motifs issued by the Bank of Scotland are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
GBP 5 Sir Walter Scott vignette of oil and energy
GBP 10 Sir Walter Scott vignette of distilling and brewing
GBP 20 Sir Walter Scott vignette of education and research
GBP 50 Sir Walter Scott vignette of arts and culture
GBP 100 Sir Walter Scott vignette of leisure and tourism

The Royal Bank of Scotland issues:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
GBP 1 Lord Ilay Edinburgh Castle
GBP 5 Lord Ilay Culzean Castle
GBP 10 Lord Ilay Glamis Castle
GBP 20 Lord Ilay Brodick Castle
GBP 50 Lord Ilay Inverness Castle
GBP 100 Lord Ilay Balmoral Castle

The Clydesdale Bank issues:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
GBP 5 Robert Burns vignette of mouse and rose
GBP 10 Mary Slessor vignette of Nigeria and missionary work
GBP 20 Robert the Bruce vignette of Bruce, Wallace, Stirling Castle
GBP 50 Adam Smith vignette of 18th century engineering and agriculture
GBP 100 Lord Kelvin Kelvin's university lecture room

[edit] Serbia

Nikola Tesla is featured on 100 RSD banknote
Nikola Tesla is featured on 100 RSD banknote

The official currency of Serbia is the Serbian dinar (RSD). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
RSD 10 Vuk Stefanović Karadžić First Slavic Congress in Prague
RSD 20 Petar II Petrović Njegoš Njegoš' figure, Mount Lovćen
RSD 50 Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac Motif from Mokranjac's musical score
RSD 100 Nikola Tesla Tesla's electro-magnetic induction engine
RSD 200 Nadežda Petrović Gračanica monastery
RSD 500 Jovan Cvijić Stylized ethnic motifs
RSD 1000 Đorđe Weifert Interior of National Bank of Serbia building
RSD 5000 Slobodan Jovanović Interior of Serbian Parliament

[edit] Slovakia

The official currency of Slovakia is the Slovak crown (SKK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
SKK 20 Prince Pribina Nitra Castle
SKK 50 Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius Dražovce church and Glagolitic alphabet
SKK 100 Madonna at Levoča church Levoča church and city hall
SKK 200 Anton Bernolák Trnava in the 18th century
SKK 500 Ľudovít Štúr Bratislava Castle
SKK 1000 Andrej Hlinka Ružomberok church
SKK 5000 Milan Rastislav Štefánik Stefanik's grave

[edit] South Africa

The official currency of South Africa is the South African rand (ZAR). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
ZAR 10 Rhinoceros Agriculture
ZAR 20 Elephant Mining
ZAR 50 Lion Manufacturing
ZAR 100 Buffalo Tourism
ZAR 200 Leopard Transport and Communications

[edit] Sweden

The official currency of Sweden is the Swedish krona (SEK). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
SEK 20 Selma Lagerlöf Nils Holgersson
SEK 50 Jenny Lind Silver harp
SEK 100 Carolus Linnaeus Bee pollinating a flower
SEK 500 King Charles XI Christopher Polhem
SEK 1000 King Gustav Vasa Harvest by Olaus Magnus

[edit] Switzerland

Obverse of a 1000 Swiss franc banknote
Obverse of a 1000 Swiss franc banknote

The official currency of Switzerland is the Swiss franc (CHF). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
CHF 10 Le Corbusier Le Corbusier’s buildings in Chandigarh
CHF 20 Arthur Honegger Elements from Honegger's Pacific 231
CHF 50 Sophie Taeuber-Arp Taeuber-Arp's Dada Head
CHF 100 Alberto Giacometti Giacometti's Man Walking
CHF 200 Charles Ferdinand Ramuz Swiss mountains and Lavaux area
CHF 1000 Jacob Burckhardt Detail from the Palazzo Strozzi

[edit] Turkey

The official currency of Turkey is the New Turkish lira (TRY). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
TRY 1 Kemal Atatürk Dam in Şanlıurfa - Adıyaman
TRY 5 Kemal Atatürk Anitkabir Mausoleum in Ankara
TRY 10 Kemal Atatürk A world map and a sailing ship
TRY 20 Kemal Atatürk Efes ruins in Selcuk
TRY 50 Kemal Atatürk Cappadocia rock formations
TRY 100 Kemal Atatürk Ishakpasha Palace in Dogubayazit

[edit] Ukraine

Obverse of a 20 Ukrainian hryvnia banknote
Obverse of a 20 Ukrainian hryvnia banknote

The official currency of Ukraine is the Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
UAH 1 Volodymyr the Great Kyiv in the time of Ruthenian Kingdom
UAH 2 Yaroslav the Wise St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
UAH 5 Bohdan Chmielnicki A church in Subotiv
UAH 10 Ivan Mazepa Cave Monastery in Kyiv
UAH 20 Ivan Franko Opera house in Lviv
UAH 50 Mykhailo Hrushevsky Former parliament building in Kyiv
UAH 100 Taras Shevchenko Dnieper
UAH 200 Lesya Ukrainka Fortress in Lutsk
UAH 500 Hryhoriy Skovoroda Mohyla Academy Kyiv

[edit] United States

Obverse of a 100 U.S. dollar banknote
Obverse of a 100 U.S. dollar banknote

The official currency of the United States is the United States dollar (USD). The motifs used are:

Denomination Obverse Reverse
USD 1 George Washington Great Seal of the United States
USD 2 Thomas Jefferson Declaration of Independence
USD 5 Abraham Lincoln Lincoln Memorial
USD 10 Alexander Hamilton Treasury building
USD 20 Andrew Jackson White House
USD 50 Ulysses S. Grant U.S. Capitol
USD 100 Benjamin Franklin Independence Hall
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