List of montes on Venus

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This is a list of montes (mountains, singular mons) on the planet Venus. Venusian mountains are all named after goddesses in the mythologies of various cultures, except for the Maxwell Montes.

The four main mountain ranges of Venus are named Maxwell Montes, Frejya Montes, Akna Montes, and Danu Montes. These are found on Ishtar Terra.

Mountain ranges are formed by the folding and buckling of a planet's crust. The mountain ranges of Venus, like those of the Earth, are characterized by many parallel folds and faults.

The presence of mountain ranges on Venus may provide evidence that the planet's surface is in motion.

Name Lat. Long. Diam. (km) AS Origin
Abeona Mons 44.8°S 273.1°E 375.0 (1) Abeona, Roman goddess of travelers.
Akna Montes 68.9°N 318.2°E 830.0 (1) Akna, Mayan goddess of birth.
Aleksota Mons 9.0°S 308.5°E 250.0 (1) Aleksota, Lithuanian goddess of love.
Anala Mons 11.0°N 14.1°E 525.0 (1) Anala (Hindu), Hindu fertility goddess. Name changed from Anala Corona.
Api Mons 38.9°N 54.7°E 190.0 (1) Api, Scythian goddess of earth.
Atai Mons 22.0°S 291.0°E 250.0 (1) Atai, Efik (Ghana) wife of sky god Abassi.
Atanua Mons 9.5°N 308.9°E 1000.0 (1) Atanua, dawn goddess from Marquesas Islands.
Atira Mons 52.2°N 267.6°E 152.0 (1) Atira, Pawnee wife of Great Spirit Tirawa.
Atsyrkhus Mons 78.5°S 227.0°E 170.0 (1) Atsyrkhus (Ossetian people of central Asia), Ossetian, daughter of sun god Khur.
Awenhai Mons 60.0°S 248.0°E 100.0 (1) Awenhai , Mohawk/Iroquois fertility goddess.
Bagbartu Mons 65.5°N 279.0°E 600.0 (1) Bagbartu (Urartian), Urartu goddess, worshipped at Musasir.
Bécuma Mons 34.0°N 21.9°E 0.0 (1) Bécuma (Celtic), Irish dawn goddess.
Bunzi Mons 45.8°N 354.9°E 36.0 (1) Bunzi (Woyo people of Dem. Rep. Congo), Woyo (Zaire) rainbow goddess.
Chloris Mons 45.4°S 294.6°E 180.0 (1) Chloris, Greek flower goddess.
Chuginadak Mons 38.0°S 246.0°E 450.0 (1) Chuginadak (Aleut Inuit), Aleutian volcano goddess.
Cipactli Mons 31.5°S 332.5°E 200.0 (1) Cipactli, Aztec crocodile-like monster-goddess from which the earth was created.
Ciuacoatl Mons 53.0°N 150.9°E 100.0 (1) Ciuacoatl, Aztec earth goddess. Changed from Ciuacoatl Corona.
Cotis Mons 44.1°N 233.1°E 62.0 (3) Thracian goddess, mother of gods, similar to Cybele. Name changed to Cotis Tholus.
Danu Montes 58.5°N 334.0°E 808.0 (1) Danu (Celtic), Celtic mother of gods.
Dzalarhons Mons 0.5°N 34.0°E 120.0 (1) Dzalarhons (Haida people of North America), Haida (NW Coast) volcano goddess.
Egle Mons 59.0°S 134.0°E 110.0 (1) Egle, Lithuanian underwater queen.
Eostre Mons 45.1°N 329.1°E 26.0 (1) Eostre (Germanic), Teutonic goddess of spring.
Erzulie Mons 68.0°S 8.0°E 300.0 (1) Erzulie (Haitian), Haitian voodoo goddess of love.
Fand Mons 7.0°N 158.0°E 300.0 (1) Fand (Celtic), Celtic goddess of healing and pleasure.
Faravari Mons 43.5°S 309.0°E 500.0 (1) Faravari (Malagasy), Malagasy (Madagascar) water goddess.
Freyja Montes 74.1°N 333.8°E 579.0 (1) Freyja, Norse fertility goddess.
Furki Mons 35.9°N 236.4°E 79.0 (3) Chechen and Ingush (Caucasus) goddess, wife of thunder god Sela. Name changed to Furki Tholus.
Gauri Mons 20.2°S 102.2°E 75.0 (1) Gauri (Hindu), Indian mountain goddess.
Gula Mons 21.9°N 359.1°E 276.0 (1) Gula (Babylonian), Babylonian earth mother, creative force.
Gurshi Mons 47.5°S 58.5°E 210.0 (1) Gurshi (Buryat), Buryatian fishing deity.
Gwen Mons 21.4°S 238.7°E 200.0 (1) Irish goddess of happiness and smiles.
Hallgerda Mons 53.1°N 198.3°E 57.0 (1) Hallgerda (Norse), Icelandic goddess of vanity.
Hathor Mons 38.7°S 324.7°E 333.0 (1) Hathor (Egyptian), Egyptian sky goddess.
Idunn Mons 46.5°S 214.5°E 250.0 (1) Idun, Norse goddess.
Ilithyia Mons 13.5°S 315.5°E 90.0 (1) Ilithyia, Greek goddess of childbirth.
Innini Mons 34.6°S 328.5°E 339.0 (1) Innini, Babylonian earth mother worshipped at Kish.
Irnini Mons 14.6°N 16.0°E 525.0 (1) Irnini, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of cedar-tree mountains.
Iseghey Mons 9.0°N 171.0°E 500.0 (1) Iseghey (Sakha people of Russia), Yakutian/Saha goddess of cows.
Ixtab Mons 15.7°N 242.2°E 80.0 (1) Ixtab, Mayan goddess of death.
Jael Mons 51.2°N 120.8°E 36.0 (1) Jael (Hebrew), Hebrew goddess of dawn.
Kali Mons 9.4°N 29.2°E 325.0 (1) Kali (Hindu), Hindu goddess, mother of death.
Katl-Imi Mons 69.0°S 126.0°E 120.0 (1) Katl-Imi, Khanty sun goddess.
Kokyanwuti Mons 35.5°N 212.0°E 400.0 (1) Kokyanwuti (Hopi people of North America), Hopi earth goddess - "Spider Woman".
Kshumay Mons 54.9°S 58.0°E 250.0 (1) Kshumay (Nurestan, Afghanistan), Nuristan (NE Afghanistan) vegetation goddess.
Kunapipi Mons 33.9°S 86.0°E 220.0 (1) Kunapipi (Australian aborigine), Australian mother earth goddess. Changed from Kunapipi Corona.
Kurukulla Mons 48.7°N 103.0°E 59.0 (1) Kurukulla (Tibetan), Etan (Tibet) goddess of wealth.
Lahar Mons 14.0°N 162.0°E 225.0 (1) Lahar, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of domestic animals.
Laka Mons 79.9°N 262.0°E 220.0 (1) Laka (Hawaiian), Hawaiian uncultivated area goddess.
Lamashtu Mons 2.8°N 172.7°E 260.0 (1) Lamashtu (Sumerian), Sumerian goddess who inflicted children with diseases.
Lanig Mons 68.5°S 91.0°E 400.0 (1) Lanig (Semang people of the Malay peninsula), Semang (Malay Peninsula) creator goddess.
Loo-Wit Mons 59.5°S 56.0°E 150.0 (1) Loowit (Multnomah and Klikitat people of North America), Multnomah and Klikitat (NW Coast) volcano goddess, embodied in Mt. St. Helens.
Ludjatako Mons 12.0°S 251.0°E 500.0 (3) Creek (SE USA) Giant Turtle deity. Changed to Ludjatako Corona.
Maat Mons 0.5°N 194.6°E 395.0 (1) Ma'at (Egyptian), Ancient Egyptian goddess of truth and justice.
Maxwell Montes 65.2°N 3.3°E 797.0 (1) James Clerk Maxwell, physicist, James C.; British physicist (1831-1879).
Mbokomu Mons 15.1°S 215.2°E 460.0 (1) Ngombe (Zaire) ancestor goddess.
Melia Mons 62.8°N 119.3°E 311.0 (1) Greek nymph.
Mem Loimis Mons 9.5°N 209.0°E 300.0 (1) Wintun (California) goddess.
Mentha Mons 43.0°N 237.3°E 79.0 (3) Roman goddess, personification of the human mind. Name changed to Mentha Tholus.
Mertseger Mons 38.1°S 270.3°E 450.0 (1) Snake goddess of the Theban necropolis.
Mielikki Mons 27.8°S 280.5°E 450.0 (1) Finnish forest goddess.
Milda Mons 52.5°N 159.4°E 48.0 (1) Lithuanian goddess of love.
Mokosha Mons 57.7°N 255.0°E 270.0 (1) East Slavic main goddess.
Muhongo Mons 10.6°N 174.5°E 175.0 (1) Mbundu (Angola) ancestor deity.
Muta Mons 55.5°N 358.3°E 54.0 (1) Roman goddess of silence.
Nahas-tsan Mons 14.0°N 205.0°E 500.0 (1) Navajo Mother Earth.
Nayunuwi Montes 2.0°N 83.0°E 900.0 (1) Cherokee stone-clad female monster.
Nazit Mons 22.5°N 240.0°E 350.0 (1) Egyptian winged serpent goddess.
Ne Ngam Mons 43.0°S 257.5°E 200.0 (1) Lao world creator goddess.
Nepthys Mons 33.0°S 317.5°E 350.0 (1) Egyptian goddess of barren lands.
Nijole Mons 45.0°N 185.0°E 150.0 (1) Lithuanian underworld goddess. Spelling changed from Niola Mons.
Ninisinna Mons 25.7°N 197.5°E 110.0 (2) Mesopotamian goddess of health and healing.
Nokomis Montes 20.0°N 189.0°E 486.0 (1) Algonquin (N. America) earth mother.
Nyx Mons 30.0°N 48.5°E 875.0 (1) Greek goddess of night.
Ongwuti Mons 2.0°S 194.5°E 500.0 (1) Hopi salt-woman deity, predicts seasons.
Ozza Mons 4.5°N 201.0°E 507.0 (1) Persian goddess honored by the Koreishies.
Pahto Mons 64.5°S 114.5°E 300.0 (1) Yakima/Klickitat (NW Coast) mountain goddess.
Polik-mana Mons 24.5°N 264.0°E 600.0 (1) Hopi butterfly maiden ('kachina').
Ptesanwi Mons 2.8°N 45.4°E 200.0 (1) Lakota (Sioux) White Buffalo Woman.
Rakapila Mons 43.7°S 321.5°E 130.0 (1) Malagasy (Madagascar) sacred trees deity.
Renpet Mons 76.0°N 236.2°E 138.0 (1) Egyptian goddess of springtime and youth.
Rhea Mons 32.4°N 282.2°E 217.0 (1) Greek Titaness.
Rhpisunt Mons 2.5°N 301.5°E 250.0 (1) Haida (NW Coast) Bear Mother deity.
Sakwap-mana Mons 35.0°N 219.5°E 500.0 (1) Hopi maiden of blue corn ('kachina').
Samodiva Mons 13.6°N 291.0°E 200.0 (1) Bulgarian winged water deity.
Sapas Mons 8.5°N 188.3°E 217.0 (1) Phoenician goddess.
Sekmet Mons 44.5°N 240.5°E 285.0 (1) Ancient Egyptian goddess of war and battle.
Sephira Mons 43.0°S 28.0°E 275.0 (1) Spanish goddess of intelligence and creativity.
Seshat Mons 26.3°N 33.2°E 62.0 (3) Egyptian goddess of writing.
Shala Mons 39.4°N 208.0°E 90.0 (2) Canaanite storm goddess.
Siduri Mons 42.3°S 297.3°E 105.0 (1) Babylonian goddess of wine and wisdom.
Sif Mons 22.0°N 352.4°E 200.0 (1) Teutonic goddess; Thor's wife.
Skadi Mons 64.0°N 4.0°E 40.0 (1) Norse mountain goddess.
Somagalags Montes 9.3°N 348.5°E 105.0 (1) Bella Coola earth mother. Name changed from Somagalags Corona.
Spandarmat Mons 16.5°S 255.0°E 400.0 (1) Iranian mother goddess.
Talakin Mons 11.0°S 355.4°E 175.0 (1) Navajo (USA) goddess.
Tefnut Mons 38.6°S 304.0°E 182.0 (1) Ancient Egyptian goddess of dew or rain.
Tepev Mons 29.0°N 44.3°E 301.0 (1) Quiche Mayan creator goddess.
Thallo Mons 76.0°N 233.5°E 216.0 (1) Greek goddess of vegetation flowering (Spring Hora).
Theia Mons 22.7°N 281.0°E 226.0 (1) Greek Titaness.
Toma Mons 12.9°S 232.0°E 80.0 (2) Tibetan goddess of intelligence and creativity.
Ts'an Nu Mons 27.2°S 272.9°E 310.0 (1) Chinese goddess of silkworms.
Tuli Mons 13.3°N 314.6°E 750.0 (1) Samoan goddess of creation.
Tuulikki Mons 10.3°N 274.7°E 520.0 (1) Finnish wood goddess.
Tuzandi Mons 42.5°S 41.5°E 200.0 (1) Palaun (Mon-Khmer of Burma/Myanmar) ancestor deity.
Ua-ogrere Mons 40.5°N 117.0°E 200.0 (1) Kivai (New Guinea) ancestor deity, oldest woman who "ever existed."
Uretsete Mons 12.0°S 261.0°E 500.0 (1) Keresan Pueblo ancestor goddess.
Ushas Mons 24.3°S 324.6°E 413.0 (1) Indian goddess of dawn.
Uti Hiata Mons 16.0°N 69.0°E 500.0 (1) Pawnee Mother Corn deity.
Var Mons 1.2°N 316.2°E 1000.0 (1) Scandinavian love goddess.
Venilia Mons 32.7°N 238.8°E 320.0 (1) Ancient Italian sea goddess.
Vostrukha Mons 6.3°S 299.4°E 180.0 (1) Belorussian deity of home.
Waka Mons 26.3°N 207.7°E 60.0 (2) Polynesian lizard goddess.
Wyrd Mons 14.0°N 247.2°E 150.0 (1) Anglo-Saxon weaving goddess.
Xochiquetzal Mons 3.5°N 270.0°E 80.0 (1) Aztec goddess of flowers.
Xtoh Mons 39.7°N 194.2°E 110.0 (2) Quiche (Guatemala) goddess of weather and rain.
Yolkai-Estsan Mons 17.0°N 194.0°E 600.0 (1) Navajo myth female deity.
Yunya-mana Mons 18.0°S 285.0°E 500.0 (1) Hopi prickly pear cactus maiden.
Zaltu Mons 18.0°N 163.5°E 220.0 (1) Assyro-Babylonian goddess.


  • DIAM — Diameter or longest dimension of feature in kilometers
  • AS — Approval status
    • (1) — Adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly
    • (2) — Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) approval
    • (3) — Dropped, no longer in use

[edit] See also

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