List of minor Animorphs characters

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These are minor characters who appear briefly throughout the Animorphs book series who are neither humans, Andalites, Yeerks, or Hork-Bajir.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Ant-Cassie

An ant that acquired the ability to morph, and absorbed Cassie's DNA. Once it returned to ant form, Cassie stomped it to death.

[edit] Buffa-human

Buffa-human is a buffalo who accidentally acquires the power to morph, and absorbs Chapman's DNA. Cassie was convinced that the buffalo was learning, since it was mimicking human speech. Much to Cassie's dismay, the 'Buffa-human' was shot and killed by Dracon beam fire.

[edit] Champ

Loren's pet German Shepherd guide dog. Acquired by Tobias, Marco, and Rachel.

[edit] Father

A parastic sponge that absorbed the minds of thousands of other aliens of various species, killing them in the process. Father was so large that his power stretched across an entire moon. He killed the last of the remaining Ketrans, but kept Ellimist alive for company, playing rigged games with him and allowing him to communicate with the deceased Ketrans. Ellimist eventually began to defeat Father in the games, until he consumed all of Father's knowledge and left him as a husk. When Ellimist absorbed Father he found that the sponge had no sentience of its own, only that which was borrowed from its victims, which explained why Father was incapable of innovation.

[edit] Guide

An Iskoort who serves as a guide to the Animorphs while they are on the Iskoort planet. Guide became insanely rich after the Animorphs decided to sell him their memories. His full name is Guide, Grub of Skin-Seller, Brother of Memory-Wholesaler.

[edit] Homer

Jake's pet golden retriever. Also Jake's first morph.

[edit] The Inspector

The Inspector was sent to check up on Visser Three's progress on the invasion of Earth. His host is a Garatron, an alien similar to an Andalite, but one that moves much faster. However, he is bitten by Marco in cobra morph. Visser Three decides not to help him, because he knows the Inspector would have given him a bad review. The Inspector dies from the poison.

[edit] Lourdes

Lourdes is a Chee who poses as a homeless woman in the Animorphs timeline. Erek says that she was a glamorous movie star in her previous life. She was rescued by the Animorphs when the Drode interferes with their programming, causing their holograms to shut down. She later aids Cassie's return from Australia.

[edit] Mr. King

Erek King's 'father', Mr. King is a Chee android.

[edit] Naca

The Animorphs' Nartec tour guide.

[edit] The One

The One was encountered by the Animorphs in the final book, The Beginning. It is believed by some fans that The One was first shown at the end of #41: The Familiar as the entity who put Jake in the faked future, because both have an interest in Jake. The One somehow came into contact with several Yeerks who had been on the run from the Andalites, and The One promised them great power as long as the Yeerks worshipped it. To this end, it effectively turned them into a cult dedicated to worshipping The One. The One seemed to have the power to absorb or assimilate other beings, which is what it did to Ax. At the end of the book, a ship belonging to The One was possibly destroyed when Jake gave the order to ram his ship into The One's Blade Ship. It is not known what happened after that as the Animorph series ends with Jake giving that order.

[edit] Quatzhinnikon

The leader of the Arn during the battle for the Hork-Bajir world. He revealed to Dak Hamee and Aldrea that the Arn were responsible for the creation of the Hork-Bajir. Though unwillingly, he aided the Hork-Bajir in the battle against the Yeerks. However, he later gave up, informing them of the Arn's modificiation of themselves to prevent infestation. He was presumably killed by the Yeerks, along with almost every other Arn.

[edit] Quafijinivon

Quafijinivon is the last of the Arn. He also knew Aldrea and Dak Hamee. Years ago, Quafijinivon collected an Ixcila from both of them, though Dak's was destroyed. After stealing a Yeerk ship, he found the Hork-Bajir valley and asked to be allowed to collect DNA to raise a Hork-Bajir army on the home world. In the process, he transferred Aldrea's Ixcila to Cassie, allowing her to lead them to a cache of stolen weapons. His motives are unknown, as Arn are known for using the Hork-Bajir, but he has nothing to gain---possibly he merely hoped for the eventual defeat of the Yeerks or the survival of the Arn's Hork-Bajir creations. An incredibly old Arn, Quafijinivon was scheduled to die approximately 400 days after his arrival on Earth---give or take an hour.

[edit] Queen Soco

Queen Soco of the Nartec, a sea-dwelling race, planned to use Visser Three's Sea Blade to launch an attack on the surface, but the Sea Blade is destroyed by the Nartec after the Animorphs hijack it. After the Animorphs leave the underwater city, the fate of Queen Soco and the Nartec is unknown. They are presumed dead from excessive mutation. She is fluent in several surface dweller languages.

[edit] Wuss

"Wuss"' is a male Helmacron who serves as a teacher for Cassie and Marco when they are captured by the Helmacron ship. His nickname is derived from their first conversation; Cassie asks for a name, but the Helmacron does not know how to answer (implying that Helmacrons don't have names), so Marco starts calling him a wuss. He shows them that the Helmacrons have killed all high-ranking officers because they cannot trust them. The logic in that is that a captain (or anyone else in a high-ranking position) would inevitably make several mistakes, and since they cannot allow that, all Helmacrons have to be dead before they can rise to a position of power.