List of mathematics categories

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mathematics categories
0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mathematicians categories
0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mathematics-related categories
0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] Mathematics categories

The contents of these categories will be automatically added to the list of mathematics articles.

[edit] 0–9

3-manifolds -- 4-dimensional geometry -- 4-manifolds -- 5-polytopes --

[edit] A

Abelian group theory -- Abelian varieties -- Abstract algebra -- Additive categories -- Adjoint functors -- Affine geometry -- Algebra -- Algebra stubs -- Algebraic curves -- Algebraic geometry -- Algebraic graph theory -- Algebraic groups -- Algebraic homogeneous spaces -- Algebraic logic -- Algebraic number theory -- Algebraic numbers -- Algebraic surfaces -- Algebraic topology -- Algebraic varieties -- Analysis of variance -- Analytic number theory -- Applied mathematics -- Applied mathematics stubs -- Approximation theory -- Arbitrary precision algorithms -- Archimedean solids -- Arithmetic -- Arithmetic functions -- Arithmetic problems of plane geometry -- Arithmetic problems of solid geometry -- Asymptotic analysis -- Automated theorem proving -- Automorphic forms -- Axiom of choice -- Axiomatics of Euclidean geometry -- Axioms of set theory --

[edit] B

Babylonian mathematics -- Banach algebras -- Banach spaces -- Base-dependent integer sequences -- Basic concepts in infinite set theory -- Basic concepts in set theory -- Bayesian statistics -- Bifurcation theory -- Bilinear forms -- Binary operations -- Biographies and autobiographies of mathematicians -- Biorthogonal wavelets -- Birational geometry -- Boolean algebra -- Boundary conditions -- Bourbaki --

[edit] C

C*-algebras -- Calculus -- Calculus of variations -- Cardinal numbers -- Catalan solids -- Categorical logic -- Category theory -- Category theory stubs -- Category-theoretic categories -- Chaos theory -- Chaotic maps -- Characteristic classes -- Chiral polyhedra -- Circles -- Class field theory -- Classical geometry -- Clifford algebras -- Closed categories -- Closure operators -- Coalgebras -- Coding theory -- Combinatorial algorithms -- Combinatorial game theory -- Combinatorial group theory -- Combinatorial optimization -- Combinatorics -- Combinatorics stubs -- Commutative algebra -- Complex analysis -- Complex manifolds -- Complex numbers -- Computational group theory -- Computational number theory -- Computational statistics -- Computer algebra -- Conformal geometry -- Conformal mapping -- Conic sections -- Conjectures -- Connection (mathematics) -- Constructible universe -- Continued fractions -- Continuous distributions -- Continuous mappings -- Continuous wavelets -- Continuum theory -- Convergence tests -- Convex analysis -- Convex geometry -- Coordinate systems -- Covariance and correlation -- Curves -- Cyclotomic fields --

[edit] D

Dagger categories -- Definitions of mathematical integration -- Deltahedra -- Descriptive set theory -- Determinacy -- Determinants -- Diffeomorphisms -- Differential algebra -- Differential calculus -- Differential equations -- Differential forms -- Differential geometry -- Differential operators -- Differential structures -- Differential topology -- Dimension -- Dimension theory -- Diophantine approximation -- Diophantine equations -- Diophantine geometry -- Discrete distributions -- Discrete geometry -- Discrete groups -- Discrete mathematics -- Disproven conjectures -- Dot patterns -- Duality theories -- Dynamical systems --

[edit] E

Effective descriptive set theory -- Egyptian fractions -- Elementary algebra -- Elementary arithmetic -- Elementary geometry -- Elementary mathematics -- Elementary number theory -- Elementary special functions -- Elliptic curves -- Elliptic functions -- Elliptic partial differential equations -- Ergodic theory -- Estimation theory -- Euclidean geometry -- Euclidean plane geometry -- Euclidean solid geometry -- Euclidean symmetries -- Experimental mathematics -- Exponentials --

[edit] F

FFT algorithms -- Factorial and binomial topics -- Fiber bundles -- Fibonacci numbers -- Field theory -- Figurate numbers -- Finite differences -- Finite fields -- Finite groups -- Finite rings -- Fixed points -- Foliations -- Forcing -- Formally real field -- Fourier analysis -- Fourier series -- Fractal curves -- Fractals -- Fractions -- Fredholm theory -- Free algebraic structures -- Functional analysis -- Functional calculus -- Functional subgroups -- Functions and mappings -- Functors --

[edit] G

Galois theory -- Gamma and related functions -- General topology -- Generalized functions -- Generalized manifolds -- Geometric algorithms -- Geometric graph theory -- Geometric group theory -- Geometric shapes -- Geometric topology -- Geometry -- Geometry of divisors -- Geometry of numbers -- Geometry stubs -- Golden ratio -- Graph algorithms -- Graph coloring -- Graph enumeration -- Graph families -- Graph invariants -- Graph products -- Graph theory -- Graphical concepts in set theory -- Graphs -- Group actions -- Group automorphisms -- Group theory --

[edit] H

Hardy spaces -- Harmonic analysis -- Harmonic functions -- Higher category theory -- Hilbert space -- Hilbert's problems -- History of logic -- History of mathematics -- Homeomorphisms -- Homogeneous polynomials -- Homogeneous spaces -- Homological algebra -- Homology theory -- Homotopy theory -- Honeycombs (geometry) -- Hopf algebras -- Hyperbolic geometry -- Hyperbolic partial differential equations -- Hypercomplex numbers -- Hypergeometric functions -- Hypothesis testing --

[edit] I

Ideals -- Incidence geometry -- Independence results -- Inequalities -- Infinity -- Inner model theory -- Institute for Advanced Study -- Integer factorization algorithms -- Integer sequences -- Integers -- Integral calculus -- Integral equations -- Integral geometry -- Integral transforms -- Integrals -- Interpolation -- Intersection theory -- Invariant theory -- Inverse functions -- Irrational numbers -- Isometric operators --

[edit] J

Johnson solids --

[edit] K

K-theory -- Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra -- Kepler-Poinsot solids -- Knot theory --

[edit] L

Lambda calculus -- Large cardinals -- Large numbers -- Latin squares -- Lattice points -- Lattice theory -- Lemmas -- Lie algebras -- Lie groupoids -- Lie groups -- Limit sets -- Limits in categories -- Linear algebra -- Lipschitz maps -- Lists of mathematicians -- Logarithms -- Logic books -- Logical calculi -- Lorentzian manifolds --

[edit] M

Magic squares -- Manifolds -- Mathematical analysis -- Mathematical analysis stubs -- Mathematical analysts -- Mathematical axioms -- Mathematical chairs -- Mathematical characters -- Mathematical congresses -- Mathematical constants -- Mathematical constructivism -- Mathematical disambiguation -- Mathematical examples -- Mathematical films -- Mathematical games -- Mathematical identities -- Mathematical institutes -- Mathematical institutes and societies -- Mathematical journals -- Mathematical literature -- Mathematical logic -- Mathematical logic stubs -- Mathematical modeling -- Mathematical notation -- Mathematical physics -- Mathematical publication stubs -- Mathematical publications -- Mathematical relations -- Mathematical science occupations -- Mathematical series -- Mathematical societies -- Mathematical symbols -- Mathematical terminology -- Mathematical theorems -- Mathematical tools -- Mathematics -- Mathematics and culture -- Mathematics awards -- Mathematics books -- Mathematics competitions -- Mathematics education -- Mathematics education reform -- Mathematics fiction books -- Mathematics navigational boxes -- Mathematics of computing -- Mathematics of music -- Mathematics paradoxes -- Mathematics publications -- Mathematics stubs -- Mathematics timelines -- Mathematics websites -- Mathematics-related lists -- Matrices -- Matrix normal forms -- Matrix theory -- Matroid theory -- Means -- Measure theory -- Measures (measure theory) -- Measures (set theory) -- Metric geometry -- Millennium Prize Problems -- Minimal surfaces -- Misuse of statistics -- Model theory -- Modular arithmetic -- Modular forms -- Module theory -- Moduli theory -- Monoidal categories -- Monte Carlo methods -- Moonshine theory -- Morphisms of schemes -- Morse theory -- Multi-dimensional geometry -- Multilinear algebra -- Multiplicative functions -- Multivariate calculus -- Multivariate interpolation -- Multivariate statistics --

[edit] N

Network flow -- Nilpotent groups -- Non-Euclidean geometry -- Non-linear systems -- Non-parametric statistics -- Non-standard positional numeral systems -- Nonassociative algebra -- Nonlinear functional analysis -- Normed spaces -- Norms (mathematics) -- Number stubs -- Number theoretic algorithms -- Number theory -- Number theory stubs -- Numbers -- Numeral systems -- Numeration -- Numerical analysis -- Numerical differential equations -- Numerical integration -- Numerical linear algebra -- Numerical prefixes and suffixes --

[edit] O

Objects (category theory) -- Octonions -- Operator theory -- Operator topologies -- Optimization -- Optimization algorithms -- Order theory -- Ordered groups -- Ordinal numbers -- Ordinary differential equations -- Orthogonal polynomials -- Orthogonal wavelets --

[edit] P

Pandigital numbers -- Parabolic partial differential equations -- Paradoxes of naive set theory -- Parametric statistics -- Partial differential equations -- Partial fractions -- Particle statistics -- Permutation groups -- Permutations -- Perturbation theory -- Philosophy of mathematics -- Pi -- Pi algorithms -- Platonic solids -- Poker probability -- Polychora -- Polyforms -- Polygons -- Polyhedra -- Polyhedra rest category -- Polyhedral compounds -- Polyhedral stellation -- Polyhedron stubs -- Polynomials -- Polytopes -- Positional numeral systems -- Potential theory -- Primality tests -- Prime numbers -- Prismatoid polyhedra -- Probability -- Probability and statistics -- Probability distributions -- Probability stubs -- Probability theory -- Probability theory paradoxes -- Projective geometry -- Proof theory -- Proofs -- Properties of groups -- Properties of topological spaces -- Pseudoprimes -- Pyramids and bipyramids -- Pythagorean symbols --

[edit] Q

Q-analogs -- Quadratic forms -- Quadrics -- Quadrilaterals -- Quantum groups -- Quasirandomness -- Quasiregular polyhedra -- Quaternions --

[edit] R

Ramsey theory -- Random dynamical systems -- Rational functions -- Rational numbers -- Real algebraic geometry -- Real analysis -- Real closed field -- Real numbers -- Recreational mathematics -- Recurrence relations -- Recursion theory -- Regression analysis -- Regular polyhedra -- Representation theory -- Representation theory of Lie algebras -- Representation theory of Lie groups -- Representation theory of algebraic groups -- Representation theory of finite groups -- Representation theory of groups -- Representation theory of topological groups -- Riemann surfaces -- Riemannian geometry -- Ring theory -- Roman mathematics -- Root-finding algorithms --

[edit] S

Sampling (statistics) -- Sampling techniques -- Scheme theory -- Self-dual polyhedra -- Semigroup theory -- Separation axioms -- Sequences -- Sequences and series -- Series of mathematics books -- Set families -- Set theory -- Set-theoretic universes -- Sets of real numbers -- Several complex variables -- Sheaf theory -- Simplicial sets -- Singular value decomposition -- Singularity theory -- Smooth functions -- Sobolev spaces -- Solitons -- Solvable groups -- Special functions -- Special hypergeometric functions -- Spectral sequences -- Spectral theory -- Spherical trigonometry -- Spirals -- Spiric sections -- Splines -- Sporadic groups -- Stability theory -- Statistical algorithms -- Statistical awards -- Statistical deviation and dispersion -- Statistical distance measures -- Statistical inequalities -- Statistical laws -- Statistical lemmas -- Statistical methods -- Statistical paradoxes -- Statistical randomness -- Statistical tests -- Statistical theorems -- Statistical theory -- Statistics -- Statistics journals -- Stochastic differential equations -- Stochastic processes -- Structures on manifolds -- Subgroup properties -- Subharmonic functions -- Substructural logic -- Summary statistics -- Super linear algebra -- Surfaces -- Symmetric functions -- Symplectic topology -- Systems of set theory --

[edit] T

Tensors -- Tensors in general relativity -- Ternary operations -- Theorems -- Theta functions -- Tiling -- Topological algebra -- Topological graph theory -- Topological groups -- Topological methods of algebraic geometry -- Topological rings -- Topological spaces -- Topological vector spaces -- Topology -- Topology of Lie groups -- Topology of function spaces -- Topology of homogeneous spaces -- Topology stubs -- Topos theory -- Toric sections -- Traditional mathematics -- Transcendental numbers -- Transforms -- Triangles -- Trigonometry --

[edit] U

Uniform polyhedra -- Uniform spaces -- Unitary operators -- Units of angle -- Universal algebra -- Unsolved problems in mathematics -- Urelements --

[edit] V

Vector bundles -- Vector calculus -- Von Neumann algebras --

[edit] W

Wavelets -- Wellfoundedness --

[edit] Z

Zeta and L-functions -- Zeta functions -- Zonohedra --

[edit] Mathematicians categories

The contents of these categories will be automatically added to the list of mathematicians.

[edit] 0–9

10th century mathematicians -- 11th century mathematicians -- 12th century mathematicians -- 13th century mathematicians -- 14th century mathematicians -- 15th century mathematicians -- 16th century mathematicians -- 17th century mathematicians -- 18th century mathematicians -- 19th century mathematicians -- 20th century mathematicians -- 21st century mathematicians -- 5th century mathematicians -- 6th century mathematicians -- 7th century mathematicians -- 8th century mathematicians -- 9th century mathematicians --

[edit] A

Abel laureates -- Adams Prize recipients -- Afghan mathematicians -- African mathematicians -- Albanian mathematicians -- Algebraic geometers -- Algebraists -- American logicians -- American mathematician stubs -- American mathematicians -- American statisticians -- Ancient Greek mathematicians -- Ancient Indian mathematicians -- Ancient mathematicians -- Arab mathematicians -- Argentine mathematicians -- Armenian mathematicians -- Asian mathematician stubs -- Atheist mathematicians -- Australian mathematicians -- Austrian logicians -- Austrian mathematicians -- Azerbaijani mathematicians --

[edit] B

Basque mathematicians -- Belarusian mathematicians -- Belgian mathematicians -- Belgian statisticians -- Bengali mathematicians -- Brazilian logicians -- Brazilian mathematicians -- British logicians -- British mathematicians -- British statisticians -- Buddhist mathematicians -- Bulgarian mathematicians --

[edit] C

Canadian mathematicians -- Canadian statisticians -- Category theorists -- Chilean mathematicians -- Chinese logicians -- Chinese mathematicians -- Christian mathematicians -- Combinatorists -- Croatian mathematicians -- Czech logicians -- Czech mathematicians --

[edit] D

Danish mathematicians -- David Crighton medalists -- Differential geometers -- Dutch logicians -- Dutch mathematicians --

[edit] E

Egyptian mathematicians -- English logicians -- English mathematicians -- English statisticians -- European mathematician stubs --

[edit] F

Fields Medalists -- Finnish mathematicians -- French mathematician stubs -- French mathematicians --

[edit] G

Geometers -- Georgian mathematicians -- German logicians -- German mathematician stubs -- German mathematicians -- German statisticians -- Graph theorists -- Greek logicians -- Greek mathematicians -- Group theorists --

[edit] H

Hindu mathematicians -- Historians of mathematics -- Hong Kong mathematicians -- Hungarian mathematicians -- Hungarian statisticians --

[edit] I

Icelandic logicians -- Indian logicians -- Indian mathematicians -- Iranian mathematicians -- Irish mathematicians -- Israeli mathematicians -- Italian mathematicians --

[edit] J

Japanese logicians -- Japanese mathematicians -- Japanese statisticians -- Jewish mathematicians --

[edit] L

Lattice theorists -- Latvian mathematicians -- Lithuanian mathematicians -- Logicians -- Logicians by nationality --

[edit] M

Maldivian mathematicians -- Mathematical historians -- Mathematician stubs -- Mathematicians -- Mathematicians by century -- Mathematicians by field -- Mathematicians by nationality -- Mathematicians by religion -- Mathematicians who committed suicide -- Mathematics educators -- Mexican mathematicians -- Moroccan mathematicians -- Muslim mathematicians --

[edit] N

New Zealand mathematicians -- Nigerian mathematicians -- Norwegian mathematicians -- Norwegian statisticians -- Number theorists -- Numerical analysts --

[edit] P

Palestinian mathematicians -- Persian mathematicians -- Polish logicians -- Polish mathematicians -- Polish statisticians -- Portuguese mathematicians -- Probability theorists --

[edit] R

Romanian mathematicians -- Russian logicians -- Russian mathematicians -- Russian statisticians --

[edit] S

Scottish mathematicians -- Scottish statisticians -- Serbian mathematicians -- Set theorists -- Sicilian mathematicians -- Slovak mathematicians -- Slovenian mathematicians -- South African mathematicians -- Spanish mathematicians -- Statisticians -- Statisticians by nationality -- Swedish mathematicians -- Swedish statisticians -- Swiss mathematicians --

[edit] T

Topologists -- Turkish mathematicians --

[edit] U

Ukrainian mathematicians -- United Kingdom mathematician stubs --

[edit] V

Vietnamese mathematicians --

[edit] W

Welsh mathematicians -- Wolf Prize recipients -- Women mathematicians --

[edit] Mathematics-related categories

These categories are somewhat mathematics-related, and may show up in a "true" mathematics category, but they are not mathematical enough for their contents to be in either the list of mathematics articles or the list of mathematicians.

[edit] A

Actuarial associations -- Actuarial science -- Actuaries -- Alan Turing -- Algorithms -- American cryptographers -- Angle -- Archimedes -- Aristotle -- Article proofs -- Artificial life -- Automata -- Aviation statistics --

[edit] B

Baseball statistics -- Basketball statistics -- Bayesian networks -- Bioinformaticists -- Bioinformatics -- Biological theorems -- Biostatistics -- Books related to Flatland -- Braids -- British cryptographers --

[edit] C

Calculating prodigies -- Calculators -- Cartographic projections -- Celestial coordinate system -- Cellular automata -- Character encoding -- Charts -- Cheminformatics -- Cipher-machine cryptographers -- Complex systems -- Computation -- Computational complexity theory -- Computational models -- Computational physics -- Computational science -- Computer algebra systems -- Computer arithmetic -- Computer hardware tuning -- Computer science -- Computing -- Conservation laws -- Constants -- Control devices -- Control theory -- Cross-sectional analysis -- Cryptographers -- Cryptography -- Cryptography books -- Cryptography stubs -- Cyberneticists -- Cybernetics --

[edit] D

Data mining -- Demographers -- Demography -- Descriptive complexity -- Detection theory -- Dice -- Digital geometry -- Digital signal processing -- Digital systems -- Dimensional analysis -- Dimensionless numbers -- Domes -- Donald Knuth --

[edit] E

Econometrics -- Econometrics stubs -- Economic data -- Economics -- Economics theorems -- Egyptian cryptographers -- Entropy -- Equations -- Error -- Error detection and correction -- Evolutionary algorithms -- Exactly solvable models -- Experimental design --

[edit] F

Fictional dimensions -- Fictional mathematicians -- Filter theory -- Finger counting -- Forensic statistics -- Formal languages -- Formal methods -- Frames of reference -- Free Bayesian statistics software -- Fundamental constants --

[edit] G

GCHQ cryptographers -- Game theorists -- Game theory -- Game theory stubs -- Genetic algorithms -- Geographic coordinate systems -- Geostatistics -- Gottfried Leibniz -- Graphs (images) --

[edit] H

Hamiltonian mechanics -- Helices --

[edit] I

Images of curves -- Images of fractals -- Index numbers -- Information theorists -- Interactive evolutionary computation -- Interactive geometry software -- Isaac Newton --

[edit] J

Jorge Luis Borges --

[edit] K

Kerala school -- Knot stubs -- Knots --

[edit] L

Leonardo da Vinci -- Lewis Carroll -- Lists of ambiguous numbers -- Logic -- Logic in computer science -- Logic puzzles --

[edit] M

M. C. Escher -- Machine learning -- Mathematical and quantitative methods (economics) -- Mathematical biology -- Mathematical ecologists -- Mathematical economics -- Mathematical finance -- Mathematical quantization -- Mathematical software -- Mathematics images -- Mathematics templates -- Mechanical calculators -- Mechanical puzzles -- Model checkers -- Modern cryptographers -- Monte Carlo software --

[edit] N

National statistical services -- Network performance -- Network topology -- Networks -- Neural networks -- Noise -- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics -- Number-related lists -- Numbers in pop culture -- Numerical software -- Numerology --

[edit] O

Operations research -- Optimization software -- Orientation --

[edit] P

Paradoxes -- Perspective projection -- Pharmaceutical statistics -- Physics theorems -- Placeholder names -- Polish cryptographers -- Polychoral image -- Polyhedra templates -- Polyhedral image -- Population statistics -- Potential -- Power laws -- Pre-19th century cryptographers -- Pre-computer cryptographers -- Precession -- Presidents of the Royal Statistical Society -- Probability distributions images -- Process calculi -- Pseudorandom number generators -- Psychometrics -- Public-key cryptographers -- Putnam Fellows -- Pythagorean philosophy -- Pythagoreans --

[edit] Q

Quantum mechanics -- Queueing theory --

[edit] R

Randomness -- Relational algebra -- Relativity -- Researchers in geometric algorithms -- Rotational symmetry -- Rubik's Cube --

[edit] S

Scaling symmetries -- Self-organization -- Serialism -- Set theoretic programming languages -- Signal processing stubs -- Social statistics -- Sociology theorems -- Sort algorithms -- South African cricket statisticians -- Spanning tree -- Specific models -- Spinors -- Sports records and statistics -- Statistical charts and diagrams -- Statistical data sets -- Statistical lists and tables -- Statistical mechanics -- Statistical organizations -- Statistical software -- Statistics stubs -- Stellation diagram -- Sudoku -- Supersymmetry -- Supertasks -- Symmetry --

[edit] T

TeX -- Technical drawing -- Theorem provers -- Theoretical biology -- Theoretical computer science -- Theoretical physics -- Tiling puzzles -- Time series analysis -- Trees (structure) -- Troff --

[edit] U

Unified Modeling Language --

[edit] V

Variational formalism of general relativity -- Volume --

[edit] W

Warp drive theory -- Wave mechanics -- Waves -- Wikipedia and mathematics --

[edit] Z

Z notation --

In other languages