List of mathematics articles (R)

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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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[edit] R

R-function -- Rabdology -- Rabin automaton -- Rabin signature algorithm -- Rabinovich-Fabrikant equations -- Racah W-coefficient -- Racetrack (game) -- Racks and quandles -- RAD50 -- Radar chart -- Rademacher distribution -- Rademacher's theorem -- Rader's FFT algorithm -- Radial basis function -- Radial basis function network -- Radian -- Radiation condition -- Radical axis -- Radical of a module -- Radical of an algebraic group -- Radical of an ideal -- Radical of an integer -- Radical polynomial -- Radicand -- Radius -- Radius of convergence -- Radius of curvature -- Radius of gyration -- Radix -- Radix economy -- Radix point -- Rado graph -- Radon measure -- Radon–Nikodym theorem -- Radon space -- Radon transform -- Radonifying function -- Radon's theorem -- Rado's theorem -- Rado's theorem (Ramsey theory) --

[edit] Rag

Ragsdale conjecture -- Raised cosine distribution -- Ramanujan graph -- Ramanujan-Nagell equation -- Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture -- Ramanujan prime -- Ramanujan-Soldner constant -- Ramanujan summation -- Ramanujan theta function -- Ramanujan's congruences -- Ramanujan's constant -- Ramanujan's continued fractions -- Ramanujan's lost notebook -- Ramanujan's sum -- Ramification -- Ramp function -- Ramsey cardinal -- Ramsey reset test -- Ramsey theory -- Ramsey's theorem -- Rand index -- Random coil -- Random compact set -- Random dynamical system -- Random effect model -- Random effects estimation -- Random element -- Random field -- Random forest -- Random graph -- Random matrix -- Random measure -- Random minimal spanning tree -- Random number -- Random number generation -- Random number generator -- Random number table -- Random optimization -- Random permutation -- Random permutation statistics -- Random regular graph -- Random sample -- Random seed -- Random sequence -- Random variable -- Random variate -- Random walk -- Random walk hypothesis -- Randomization -- Randomized algorithm -- Randomized response -- Randomness -- Randomness tests -- Range encoding -- Range (mathematics) -- Range searching -- Range (statistics) -- Rank correlation -- Rank (differential topology) -- Rank filter -- Rank-into-rank -- Rank (linear algebra) -- Rank mobility index -- Rank-nullity theorem -- Rank of a tensor -- Rank of an abelian group -- Rank (set theory) -- Ranked poset -- Rankine-Hugoniot equation -- Rankine's method -- Ranking -- Rankit --

[edit] Rao

Rao–Blackwell theorem -- Raptor code -- Rarita-Schwinger equation -- Rasch model -- Rasch model estimation -- Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma -- Rate distortion theory -- Rate of convergence -- Ratio -- Ratio distribution -- Ratio test -- Rational function -- Rational mapping -- Rational normal curve -- Rational number -- Rational representation -- Rational root theorem -- Rational sieve -- Rational singularity -- Rational surface -- Rational trigonometry -- Rational variety -- Rational zeta series -- Raven paradox -- Raw score -- Ray transfer matrix analysis -- Rayleigh distribution -- Rayleigh quotient -- Rayleigh quotient iteration -- Rayleigh-Ritz method --

[edit] Rc4

RC4 -- RC5 -- RC6 -- Re-entrant polygon -- Reaction-diffusion -- Reactive search -- Real algebraic geometry -- Real analysis -- Real analytic Eisenstein series -- Real closed field -- Real computation -- Real line -- Real matrices (2 x 2) -- Real number -- Real part -- Real point -- Real projective line -- Real projective plane -- Real projective space -- Real representation -- Real tree -- Realcompact space -- Reality condition -- Rearrangement inequality -- Recall bias -- Receiver operating characteristic -- Reciprocal difference -- Reciprocal Gamma function -- Reciprocal lattice -- Reciprocal polynomial -- Reciprocal rule -- Reciprocating oscillation -- Reciprocation -- Reciprocity (mathematics) -- Reciprocity (projective geometry) -- Reconstruction conjecture -- Record linkage -- Recreational mathematics -- Rectangle -- Rectangle method -- Rectangular function -- Rectifiable set -- Rectification (geometry) -- Rectified 120-cell -- Rectified 24-cell -- Rectified 5-cell -- Rectified 600-cell -- Rectified cubic honeycomb -- Rectified tesseract -- Rectilinear polygon -- Recurrence plot -- Recurrence quantification analysis -- Recurrence relation -- Recurrent point -- Recurring decimal -- Recursion -- Recursion theory -- Recursionism -- Recursive Bayesian estimation -- Recursive definition -- Recursive function -- Recursive indexing -- Recursive language -- Recursive ordinal -- Recursive set -- Recursively enumerable language -- Recursively enumerable set --

[edit] Red

Red-black tree -- Redmond-Sun conjecture -- Reduced homology -- Reduced residue system -- Reduced ring -- Reduced row echelon form -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reduction -- Reduction (mathematics) -- Reduction of order -- Reduction (recursion theory) -- Reduction strategy -- Reductive group -- Redundancy (information theory) -- Reeb foliation -- Reed–Muller code -- Reed-Muller expansion -- Reeh–Schlieder theorem -- Refactorable number -- Reference class problem -- Refinable function -- Refinement calculus -- Reflection formula -- Reflection group -- Reflection (mathematics) -- Reflection principle -- Reflection symmetry -- Reflective subcategory -- Reflexive operator algebra -- Reflexive relation -- Reflexive space -- Reform mathematics --

[edit] Reg

Register machine -- Regression analysis -- Regression Analysis of Time Series -- Regression dilution -- Regression toward the mean -- Regular cardinal -- Regular category -- Regular Division of the Plane -- Regular expression -- Regular function -- Regular grammar -- Regular graph -- Regular grid -- Regular homotopy -- Regular isotopy -- Regular language -- Regular local ring -- Regular measure -- Regular number -- Regular part -- Regular polygon -- Regular polyhedron -- Regular polytope -- Regular Polytopes (book) -- Regular prime -- Regular representation -- Regular semigroup -- Regular sequence (algebra) -- Regular singular point -- Regular space -- Regularity theorem for Lebesgue measure -- Regularization (mathematics) -- Regulated function -- Regulated integral -- Regulator --

[edit] Rei

Reidemeister move -- Reinhardt cardinal -- Reisner Papyrus -- Rejection sampling -- Relabel-to-front algorithm -- Related rates -- Relation algebra -- Relation composition -- Relation construction -- Relation (mathematics) -- Relation reduction -- Relational algebra -- Relational calculus -- Relational model -- Relativator -- Relative contact homology -- Relative homology -- Relative interior -- Relative risk -- Relative standard deviation -- Relative tensor product -- Relative term -- Relatively compact subspace -- Relatively complemented lattice -- Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution -- Relaxation technique -- Relaxation technique (mathematics) -- Relevance logic -- Reliability (statistics) -- Reliability theory -- Rellich-Kondrachov theorem --

[edit] Rem

Remainder -- Remarkable cardinal -- Remez algorithm -- Removable singularity -- Rencontres numbers -- Rendezvous problem -- Renewal theory -- Renormalization group -- Repdigit -- Replacement set -- Replication (statistics) -- Replicator equation -- Representable functor -- Representation of a Hopf algebra -- Representation of a Lie algebra -- Representation of a Lie group -- Representation of a Lie superalgebra -- Representation of an algebra -- Representation rigid group -- Representation theorem -- Representation theory of diffeomorphism groups -- Representation theory of finite groups -- Representation theory of SU(2) -- Representation theory of the Galilean group -- Representation theory of the Poincaré group -- Representation theory of the symmetric group -- Representation validity -- Representations of Clifford algebras -- Representations of the Lorentz group -- Reproducing kernel Hilbert space -- Reptation Monte Carlo -- Repulsive particle swarm optimization -- Repunit --

[edit] Res

Resampling (statistics) -- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences -- Research subject -- Residual (mathematics) -- Residual sum of squares -- Residual variance -- Residually finite -- Residually finite group -- Residuated lattice -- Residue class-wise affine group -- Residue (complex analysis) -- Residue number system -- Residue theorem -- Resolution (logic) -- Resolution (mathematics) -- Resolution of singularities -- Resolvable space -- Resolvent formalism -- Resolvent set -- Resonance -- Resource bounded measure -- Response amplitude operator -- Response bias -- Response rate -- Restricted product -- Restricted representation -- Restricted sumset -- Restriction (mathematics) -- Resultant -- Retired numbers in football (soccer) -- Retract (group theory) -- Return period --

[edit] Reu

Reuleaux tetrahedron -- Reuleaux triangle -- Reverse-delete algorithm -- Reverse mathematics -- Reverse Monte Carlo -- Reverse perspective -- Reverse Polish notation -- Reversible dynamics -- Reversible jump -- Revising opinions in statistics -- Rewriting -- Reynolds stresses -- Rhind Mathematical Papyrus -- Rho calculus -- Rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb -- Rhombic dodecahedron -- Rhombic enneacontahedron -- Rhombic icosahedron -- Rhombic triacontahedron -- Rhombicosahedron -- Rhombicosidodecahedron -- Rhombicuboctahedron -- Rhombidodecadodecahedron -- Rhombitriangular-hexagonal prismatic honeycomb -- Rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron -- Rhombohedron -- Rhomboid -- Rhombus -- Rhumb line -- Ribbon Hopf algebra -- Ribbon knot --

[edit] Ric

Riccati equation -- Ricci curvature -- Ricci decomposition -- Ricci-flat manifold -- Ricci flow -- Rice distribution -- Rice's theorem -- Richard's paradox -- Richardson Chair of Applied Mathematics -- Richardson extrapolation -- Ridge detection -- Ridge (geometry) -- Riemann curvature tensor -- Riemann form -- Riemann-Hilbert -- Riemann-Hurwitz formula -- Riemann hypothesis -- Riemann hypothesis for curves over finite fields -- Riemann integral -- Riemann-Lebesgue lemma -- Riemann-Liouville differintegral -- Riemann mapping theorem -- Riemann problem -- Riemann–Roch theorem -- Riemann-Roch theorem for smooth manifolds -- Riemann series theorem -- Riemann-Siegel theta function -- Riemann solver -- Riemann sphere -- Riemann-Stieltjes integral -- Riemann sum -- Riemann surface -- Riemann tensor (general relativity) -- Riemann-von Mangoldt formula -- Riemann Xi function -- Riemann zeta function -- Riemannian connection -- Riemannian geometry -- Riemannian manifold -- Riemannian submanifold -- Riemannian submersion -- Riemannian symmetric space -- Riemann's differential equation -- Riesel number -- Riesz–Fischer theorem -- Riesz function -- Riesz mean -- Riesz potential -- Riesz representation theorem -- Riesz sequence -- Riesz space -- Riesz theorem -- Riesz-Thorin theorem -- Riesz's lemma --

[edit] Rig

Rigged Hilbert space -- Right angle -- Right quotient -- Rigid -- Rigid analytic space -- Rigid body -- Rigid body dynamics -- Rijndael mix columns -- Rijndael S-box -- Ring extension -- Ring homomorphism -- Ring (mathematics) -- Ring of integers -- Ring of sets -- Ring theory -- Ringed space -- Rippling -- Risch algorithm -- Risk function -- Risk management -- Risk-neutral measure -- Risk theory -- Rithmomachy -- Ritz method -- Rng (algebra) -- Road coloring conjecture -- Robbins algebra -- Robbins pentagon -- Robert Byrd -- Robert Parris Moses -- Robertson–Seymour theorem -- Robinson arithmetic -- Robinson-Schensted algorithm -- Robot control -- Robust -- Robust control -- Robust optimization -- Robust regression -- Robust statistics -- Robustification --

[edit] Rod

Rod (geometry) -- Rodrigues' rotation formula -- Rogers-Ramanujan identities -- Rokhlin's theorem -- Rolle's theorem -- Romaka Siddhanta -- Roman abacus -- Roman arithmetic -- Roman letters used in mathematics -- Roman numerals -- Roman surface -- Romanian numbers -- Romberg's method -- Roof pitch -- Rook's graph -- Root datum -- Root-finding algorithm -- Root group -- Root locus -- Root (mathematics) -- Root mean square -- Root mean square deviation -- Root mean square deviation (bioinformatics) -- Root mean square fluctuation -- Root of unity -- Root system -- Root test -- Rooted graph -- Rooted product of graphs -- Rose (mathematics) -- Rosenbrock function -- Rosser's theorem -- Rössler attractor --

[edit] Rot

Rotary reciprocation -- Rotation -- Rotation around a fixed axis -- Rotation group -- Rotation (mathematics) -- Rotation matrix -- Rotation number -- Rotation of axes -- Rotation operator -- Rotation representation (mathematics) -- Rotation system -- Rotational invariance -- Rotational-vibrational coupling -- Rothamsted Experimental Station -- Rothe-Hagen identity -- Roth's theorem -- Rotor (mathematics) -- Rouché's theorem -- Rough number -- Rough set -- Roulette (curve) -- Round function -- Round number -- Round-off error -- Rounding -- Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics -- Route inspection problem -- Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion -- Routh–Hurwitz theorem -- Routh's theorem --

[edit] Row

Row and column spaces -- Row echelon form -- Row equivalence -- Row vector -- Rowbottom cardinal -- Royal Statistical Society -- RSA -- RSA-100 -- RSA-1024 -- RSA-110 -- RSA-120 -- RSA-129 -- RSA-130 -- RSA-140 -- RSA-150 -- RSA-1536 -- RSA-155 -- RSA-160 -- RSA-170 -- RSA-180 -- RSA-190 -- RSA-200 -- RSA-2048 -- RSA-210 -- RSA-220 -- RSA-230 -- RSA-232 -- RSA-240 -- RSA-250 -- RSA-260 -- RSA-270 -- RSA-280 -- RSA-290 -- RSA-300 -- RSA-309 -- RSA-310 -- RSA-320 -- RSA-330 -- RSA-340 -- RSA-350 -- RSA-360 -- RSA-370 -- RSA-380 -- RSA-390 -- RSA-400 -- RSA-410 -- RSA-420 -- RSA-430 -- RSA-440 -- RSA-450 -- RSA-460 -- RSA-470 -- RSA-480 -- RSA-490 -- RSA-500 -- RSA-576 -- RSA-617 -- RSA-640 -- RSA-704 -- RSA-768 -- RSA-896 -- RSA Factoring Challenge --

[edit] Rub

Rubik's Cube -- Rubik's Cube group -- Rubik's Revenge -- Rubin Causal Model -- Rudolf Luneberg -- Rudvalis group -- Ruffini's rule -- Rule 110 cellular automaton -- Rule of 72 -- Rule of nines (mathematics) -- Rule of product -- Rule of succession -- Rule of sum -- Rule of thirds -- Rule of three (mathematics) -- Ruled surface -- Ruler -- Rules for the Direction of the Mind -- Run-length encoding -- Runcinated 120-cell -- Runcinated 24-cell -- Runcinated alternated cubic honeycomb -- Runcinated pentatope -- Runcinated tesseract -- Runcination -- Runcitruncated 120-cell -- Runcitruncated 16-cell -- Runcitruncated 24-cell -- Runcitruncated 5-cell -- Runcitruncated 600-cell -- Runcitruncated cubic honeycomb -- Runcitruncated tesseract -- Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method -- Runge–Kutta method (SDE) -- Runge–Kutta methods -- Runge's phenomenon -- Runge's theorem --

[edit] Rus

Russell's paradox -- Russo-Vallois integral -- Ruth-Aaron pair -- Ruziewicz problem -- Ryll-Nardzewski fixed point theorem --