List of mathematics articles (B)
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Mathematics articles: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[edit] B
(B, N) pair -- B-spline -- BA model -- Ba space -- Baby Monster group -- Baby-step giant-step -- Babylonian mathematics -- Babylonian numerals -- Bach tensor -- Bach's algorithm -- Back-stepping -- Backcasting -- Background and genesis of topos theory -- Bäcklund transform -- Backtracking linesearch -- Bad group -- Baer ring -- Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula -- Baillie-PSW primality test -- Baire category theorem -- Baire function -- Baire one star function -- Baire set -- Baire space -- Baire space (set theory) -- Bairstow's method -- Bak-Sneppen model -- Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile -- Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula -- Baker's dozen -- Baker's map -- Bakhshali Manuscript --
[edit] Bal
Balanced prime -- Balanced set -- Balanced ternary -- Balian-Low theorem -- Balkan Mathematical Olympiad -- Ball and beam -- Ball (mathematics) -- Balls and vase problem -- Baltic Way (mathematical contest) -- Ban number -- Banach-Alaoglu theorem -- Banach algebra -- Banach bundle -- Banach fixed point theorem -- Banach limit -- Banach manifold -- Banach–Mazur game -- Banach-Mazur theorem -- Banach measure -- Banach space -- Banach–Tarski paradox -- Banach's matchbox problem -- Band (algebra) -- Band matrix -- Band sum -- Bandelet (computer science) -- Bang-bang control -- Banker's dozen -- Bankruptcy problem -- Banks-Zaks fixed point -- Banzhaf power index --
[edit] Bap
Bapat-Beg theorem -- Bar induction -- Bar product (coding theory) -- Baralipton -- Barber paradox -- Barbier's theorem -- Barnes G-function -- Baroclinity -- Baroco -- Barometric formula -- Barotropic vorticity equation -- Barrelled set -- Barrelled space -- Barrier function -- Barrow's inequality -- Bartlett's test -- Barycentric coordinates -- Barycentric coordinates (mathematics) -- Barycentric subdivision -- Base 13 -- Base 24 -- Base 30 -- Base 32 -- Base 36 -- Base conversion divisibility test -- Base flow (random dynamical systems) -- Base (geometry) -- Base (group theory) -- Base (mathematics) -- Base rate -- Base (topology) -- Basel problem -- Basic hypergeometric series -- Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms -- Basic skills -- Basis function -- Basis (linear algebra) -- Bass diffusion model -- Basu's theorem --
[edit] Bat
Bateman-Horn conjecture -- Bateman Manuscript Project -- Bathtub curve -- Bauer-Fike theorem -- Bayes estimator -- Bayes factor -- Bayes' theorem -- Bayesian -- Bayesian average -- Bayesian experimental design -- Bayesian game -- Bayesian inference -- Bayesian information criterion -- Bayesian linear regression -- Bayesian model comparison -- Bayesian multivariate linear regression -- Bayesian network -- Bayesian probability -- Bayesian search theory -- Bayesian spam filtering -- BBGKY hierarchy -- BCH code -- BCJR algorithm -- B,C,K,W system -- BCMath -- Beal's conjecture -- Bean curve -- Bean machine -- Beatty sequence -- Beatty's theorem --
[edit] Bec
Beckman-Quarles theorem -- Beck's monadicity theorem -- Beck's theorem -- Beck's theorem (geometry) -- Bedlam cube -- Bee colony optimization -- Beeman's algorithm -- Beer-Lambert law -- Beggar-My-Neighbour -- Begriffsschrift -- Behavioral modeling -- Behrens-Fisher problem -- Bel decomposition -- Belief propagation -- Belief revision -- Bell curve -- Bell number -- Bell polynomials -- Bell series -- Bellman equation -- Bellman-Ford algorithm -- Bell's theorem -- Belyi's theorem -- Bendixson-Dulac theorem -- Benford's law -- Benjamin Franklin -- Benjamin Graham formula -- Bennequin number -- Beremiz Samir -- Berezinian -- Berger code -- Berkson's paradox -- Berlekamp-Massey algorithm -- Berlekamp's algorithm -- Bernays–Schönfinkel class -- Bernoulli differential equation -- Bernoulli distribution -- Bernoulli number -- Bernoulli polynomials -- Bernoulli process -- Bernoulli scheme -- Bernoulli trial -- Bernoulli's inequality -- Bernoulli's principle -- Bernstein inequalities (probability theory) -- Bernstein inequality -- Bernstein polynomial -- Bernstein–Sato polynomial -- Bernstein's inequality (mathematical analysis) -- Bernstein's theorem -- Berry–Esséen theorem -- Berry paradox -- Bertrand's ballot theorem -- Bertrand's box paradox -- Bertrand's paradox (probability) -- Bertrand's postulate --
[edit] Bes
Bessel-Clifford function -- Bessel function -- Bessel polynomials -- Bessel process -- Bessel's inequality -- Best-case performance -- Best response -- Beta-binomial model -- Beta distribution -- Beta-dual space -- Beta function -- Beta helix -- Beta normal form -- Beta prime distribution -- Beta wavelet -- Beth number -- Bethe ansatz -- Betti number -- Betti's theorem -- Betweenness -- Bevel -- Beyer Chair of Applied Mathematics -- Bézier curve -- Bézier spline -- Bézier surface -- Bézier triangle -- Bézout domain -- Bézout matrix -- Bézout's identity -- Bézout's theorem --
[edit] Bfg
BFGS method -- Bhaskara's lemma -- Bhattacharya coefficient -- Bhattacharyya distance -- BHK interpretation -- Bi-directional delay line -- Bi-quinary coded decimal -- Biadjacency matrix -- Bialgebra -- Bianchi classification -- Bianchi group -- Biangular coordinates -- Biarc -- Bias of an estimator -- Bias (statistics) -- Biased graph -- Biased sample -- Biaugmented pentagonal prism -- Biaugmented triangular prism -- Biaugmented truncated cube -- BIBO stability -- Bicategory -- Bicoherence -- Bicommutant -- Bicomplex number -- Biconditional elimination -- Biconditional introduction -- Biconjugate gradient method -- Biconnected graph -- Bicorn -- Bicubic interpolation -- Bicupola (geometry) -- Bicuspid curve -- Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics -- Bicyclic semigroup --
[edit] Bid
Bidiagonal matrix -- Bidiagonalization -- BidIndex -- Bidirected graph -- Bidirectional search -- Bieberbach conjecture -- Bifrustum -- Bifundamental representation -- Bifurcation diagram -- Bifurcation locus -- Bifurcation theory -- Big Numbers -- Big O notation -- Big Omega function -- Bigyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron -- Biharmonic Bézier surface -- Biharmonic equation -- Biholomorphy -- Bijection -- Bijection, injection and surjection -- Bijective numeration -- Bijective proof -- Bilinear form -- Bilinear interpolation -- Bilinear operator -- Bilinear program -- Bilinear transform -- Billionth -- Bilunabirotunda -- Bimagic cube -- Bimagic square -- Bimodal distribution -- Bimodule -- Bimonster --
[edit] Bin
Bin packing problem -- Binary and -- Binary classification -- Binary-coded decimal -- Binary entropy function -- Binary erasure channel -- Binary function -- Binary GCD algorithm -- Binary Golay code -- Binary logarithm -- Binary matrix -- Binary numeral system -- Binary operation -- Binary point -- Binary prefix -- Binary relation -- Binary search tree -- Binary set -- Binary space partitioning -- Binary splitting -- Binary symmetric channel -- Binary tree -- Binet-Cauchy identity -- Bing metrization theorem -- Bingham plastic -- Binomial -- Binomial coefficient -- Binomial (disambiguation) -- Binomial distribution -- Binomial heap -- Binomial inverse theorem -- Binomial probability -- Binomial proportion confidence interval -- Binomial regression -- Binomial series -- Binomial test -- Binomial theorem -- Binomial transform -- Binomial type --
[edit] Bio
Bioinformatics -- Biometrika -- Biorthogonal system -- Biorthogonal wavelet -- Biostatistics -- Bipartite graph -- Bipolar coordinates -- Bipolar cylindrical coordinates -- Biproduct -- Bipyramid -- Biquadratic field -- Biquandle -- Biquaternion -- Biquinary -- Birational geometry -- Birational invariant -- Birational isomorphism -- Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture -- Birch-Tate conjecture -- Birch's theorem -- Birkhoff interpolation -- Birkhoff polytope -- Birkhoff's axioms -- Birkhoff's theorem (electromagnetism) -- Birkhoff's theorem (relativity) -- Birth-death process -- Birthday attack -- Birthday paradox -- Bisected hexagonal tiling -- Bisection -- Bisection method -- Bisectrix -- Bishop–Gromov inequality -- Bispectrum -- Bispherical coordinates --
[edit] Bit
Bit string flicking -- Bitangent -- Bitopological space -- Bitruncated 120-cell -- Bitruncated 24-cell -- Bitruncated 5-cell -- Bitruncated cubic honeycomb -- Bitruncated tesseract -- Bitruncation -- Bitwise operation -- BK-space -- BKL singularity -- BKM algorithm -- Black box theory -- Black model -- Black Path Game -- Blackboard bold -- Blackwell channel -- Blade element theory -- Blancmange curve -- Blancmange function -- Blaschke product -- Blattner's conjecture -- Blau space -- Blind signal separation -- Blivet -- Bloch space -- Bloch sphere -- Block cellular automaton -- Block code -- Block design -- Block (group theory) -- Block LU decomposition -- Block matrix -- Block matrix pseudoinverse -- Block reflector -- Block stacking problem -- Block walking -- Blocking (statistics) -- Blossom (mathematics) -- Blotto games -- Blowing down -- Blowing up --
[edit] Blu
Bluestein's FFT algorithm -- Blum axioms -- Blum integer -- Blur derivative -- Bôcher Memorial Prize -- Bôcher's theorem -- Bochner integral -- Bochner space -- Bochner's formula -- Bockstein homomorphism -- Bode plot -- Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation -- Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound -- Bohr compactification -- Bohr–Mollerup theorem -- Bol loop -- Boltzmann distribution -- Bolyai–Gerwien theorem -- Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem -- Bombieri–Friedlander–Iwaniec theorem -- Bombieri-Lang conjecture -- Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem -- Bondy's theorem -- Bonferroni correction -- Bonnesen's inequality -- Book embedding -- Book (graph theory) -- Boolean algebra -- Boolean algebras canonically defined -- Boolean circuit -- Boolean datatype -- Boolean delay equation -- Boolean domain -- Boolean expression -- Boolean function -- Boolean grammar -- Boolean logic -- Boolean operations on polygons -- Boolean prime ideal theorem -- Boolean ring -- Boolean satisfiability problem -- Boolean-valued function -- Boolean-valued model -- Boole's inequality -- Boole's syllogistic -- Booth's multiplication algorithm -- Bootstrap aggregating -- Bootstrapping (statistics) --
[edit] Bor
Borel algebra -- Borel–Bott–Weil theorem -- Borel-Cantelli lemma -- Borel–Carathéodory theorem -- Borel conjecture -- Borel equivalence relation -- Borel functional calculus -- Borel hierarchy -- Borel measure -- Borel-Moore homology -- Borel regular measure -- Borel subgroup -- Borel summation -- Borel's lemma -- Borel's paradox -- Bornological space -- Borromean rings -- Borsuk–Ulam theorem -- Borsuk's conjecture -- Borůvka's algorithm -- Borwein's algorithm -- Bose–Einstein statistics -- Bott periodicity theorem -- Bottleneck traveling salesman problem -- Boundary component -- Boundary element method -- Boundary parallel -- Boundary (topology) -- Boundary value problem -- Bounded complete poset -- Bounded function -- Bounded mean oscillation -- Bounded operator -- Bounded quantifier -- Bounded set -- Bounded set (topological vector space) -- Bounded variation -- Boundedness -- Bounding interval hierarchy -- Bounding sphere -- Bounding volume -- Bouquet of circles -- Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol -- Bourbaki–Witt theorem -- Boustrophedon transform --
[edit] Bow
Bow curve -- Box-Cox transformation -- Box-Jenkins -- Box-Muller transform -- Box plot -- Box topology -- Boxcar function -- Boxing the compass -- Boxology -- Boy or Girl paradox -- Boy's surface -- Bra-ket notation -- Bracelet (combinatorics) -- Brachistochrone curve -- Bracket -- Bracket polynomial -- Braess' paradox -- Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity -- Brahmagupta interpolation formula -- Brahmagupta matrix -- Brahmagupta theorem -- Brahmagupta's formula -- Brahmagupta's problem -- Brahmasphutasiddhanta -- Brahmi numeral -- Braid group -- Braid theory -- Braided Hopf algebra -- Braided monoidal category -- Branch and bound -- Branch and cut -- Branch (graph theory) -- Branch point -- Branched covering -- Branched surface -- Branching factor -- Branching process -- Branching quantifier -- Branching theorem -- Brane -- Brauer group -- Brauer-Nesbitt theorem -- Brauer-Siegel theorem -- Brauer–Suzuki theorem -- Brauer's theorem -- Brauer's theorem on induced characters -- Bravais lattice --
[edit] Bre
Breadth-first search -- Breather -- Bred vectors -- Bregman divergence -- Brent's method -- Bresenham's line algorithm -- Bretschneider's formula -- Breusch-Pagan test -- Brewster's angle -- Brianchon's theorem -- Bridge (graph theory) -- Bridge number -- Brier score -- Brillouin function -- British flag theorem -- British Mathematical Olympiad -- British Society for the History of Mathematics -- Brocard point -- Brocard's conjecture -- Broken diagonal -- Broken space diagonal -- Broken symmetry -- Bromwich integral -- Brouwer fixed point theorem -- Brown number -- Brownian bridge -- Brownian dynamics -- Brownian motion -- Brownian tree -- Brown's representability theorem --
[edit] Brs
BRST algorithm -- Bruck–Chowla–Ryser theorem -- Bruhat–Tits building -- Brunn-Minkowski theorem -- Brunnian link -- Brun's constant -- Brun's theorem -- Brute force attack -- Bruun's FFT algorithm -- B*-algebra -- Bubble Babble -- Buchberger's algorithm -- Büchi automaton -- Buckingham π theorem -- Buckley-Leverett equation -- Buddhabrot -- Buffon's needle -- Building automation -- Bulgarian solitaire -- Bullet-nose curve -- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society -- Bunched logic -- Bunching parameter -- Bundle gerbe -- Bundle map -- Bundle (mathematics) -- Burali-Forti paradox -- Burgers' equation -- Burgers vector -- Burning Ship fractal -- Burnside theorem -- Burnside's lemma -- Burnside's problem -- Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic -- Burrows-Wheeler transform --
[edit] Bus
Bus bunching -- Business analytics -- Business mathematics -- Busy beaver -- Butson-type Hadamard matrix -- Butterfly curve -- Butterfly curve (algebraic) -- Butterfly curve (transcendental) -- Butterfly diagram -- Butterfly effect -- Butterfly theorem -- By inspection --