List of materials analysis methods
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List of materials analysis methods:
- AED - Auger electron diffraction
- AES - Auger electron spectroscopy
- AFM - Atomic force microscope
- APS - Appearance potential spectroscopy
- CAICISS - Coaxial impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy
- CL - Cathodoluminescence
- DVS - Dynamic vapour sorption
- EBSD - Electron backscatter diffraction
- EDX - Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
- EID - Electron induced desorption
- EMP - Electron microprobe analysis
- ESCA - Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis; see XPS
- ESD - Electron stimulated desorption
- FEM - Field emission microscopy
- FIM-AP - field ion microscopy-Atom probe
- FTIR - Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy; e.g., ATR (Attenuated Total Reflection), GI (Grazing Incidence), DRIFTS (Diffuse Reflectance)
- GDMS - Glow discharge mass spectrometry
- GDOS - Glow discharge optical spectroscopy
- GISAXS - Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering
- GIXD - Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction
- GIXR - Grazing Incidence X-ray Reflectivity
- HAS - Helium atom scattering
- HREELS - High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
- HRTEM – High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
- IAES - Ion induced Auger electron spectroscopy
- IGA - Intelligent gravimetric analysis
- IIX - Ion induced X-ray analysis
- INS - Ion neutralization spectroscopy
- IRS - Infra Red spectroscopy
- ISS - Ion scattering spectroscopy
- LEED - Low energy electron diffraction
- LEEM - Low energy electron microscopy
- LEIS - Low energy ion scattering
- LIBS - Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy - also: LIPS - Laser induced plasma spectroscopy
- LOES - Laser optical emission spectroscopy
- LS - Light (Raman) scattering
- MEIS - Medium energy ion scattering
- NDP - Neutron depth profiling
- NEXAFS - Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure
- PD - Photodesorption
- PDEIS - Potentiodynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- PED - Photoelectron diffraction (also called XPD, PhD, ARPEFS)
- PIXE - Particle (or proton) induced X-ray spectroscopy
- RBS - Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy
- REM - Reflection electron microscopy
- RHEED - Reflection high energy electron diffraction
- SAXS - Small Angle X-ray Scattering
- SCANIIR - Surface composition by analysis of neutral species and ion-impact radiation
- SE - Spetroscopic ellipsometry
- SEIRA -Surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy
- SEM - Scanning electron microscopy
- SEXAFS - Surface extended X-ray absorption fine structure
- SICM - Scanning ion-conductance microscopy
- SIMS - Secondary ion mass spectrometry
- SNMS - Sputtered neutral species mass spectroscopy
- SNOM - Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
- SPM - Scanning probe microscopy
- STM - Scanning tunneling microscopy
- TEM – Transmission Electron Microscopy
- TXRF - Total Reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
- UPS - UV-photoelectron spectroscopy
- WAXS - Wide Angle X-ray Scattering
- XAES - X-ray induced Auger electron spectroscopy
- X-CTR - X-ray crystal truncation rod scattering
- XDS - X-ray diffuse scattering
- XPEEM - X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy
- XPS - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- XR - X-ray reflectivity
- XRF - X-ray fluorescence analysis