List of maria on the Moon

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This is a list of maria (singular mare) on the Moon.

It also includes the one oceanus and the features known by the names lacus, palus and sinus.


[edit] Maria and Oceanus

Lunar Maria
Latin Name English Name Lat. Long. Diameter
Mare Anguis Serpent Sea 22.6° N 67.7° E 150 km
Mare Australe Southern Sea 38.9° S 93.0° E 603 km
Mare Cognitum Sea That Has Become Known or Known Sea 10.0° S 23.1° W 376 km
Mare Crisium Sea of Crises 17.0° N 59.1° E 418 km
Mare Fecunditatis Sea of Fertility 7.8° S 51.3° E 909 km
Mare Frigoris Sea of Cold 56.0° N 1.4° E 1596 km
Mare Humboldtianum Sea of Alexander von Humboldt 56.8° N 81.5° E 273 km
Mare Humorum Sea of Moisture 24.4° S 38.6° W 389 km
Mare Imbrium Sea of Showers or Sea of Rains 32.8° N 15.6° W 1123 km
Mare Ingenii Sea of Ingenuity 33.7° S 163.5° E 318 km
Mare Insularum Sea of Islands 7.5° N 30.9° W 513 km
Mare Marginis Sea of the Edge 13.3° N 86.1° E 420 km
Mare Moscoviense Sea of Muscovy 27.3° N 147.9° E 277 km
Mare Nectaris Sea of Nectar 15.2° S 35.5° E 333 km
Mare Nubium Sea of Clouds 21.3° S 16.6° W 715 km
Mare Orientale Eastern Sea 19.4° S 92.8° W 327 km
Mare Serenitatis Sea of Serenity 28.0° N 17.5° E 707 km
Mare Smythii Sea of William Henry Smyth 1.3° N 87.5° E 373 km
Mare Spumans Foaming Sea 1.1° N 65.1° E 139 km
Mare Tranquillitatis Sea of Tranquility 8.5° N 31.4° E 873 km
Mare Undarum Sea of Waves 6.8° N 68.4° E 243 km
Mare Vaporum Sea of Vapors 13.3° N 3.6° E 245 km
Oceanus Procellarum Ocean of Storms 18.4° N 57.4° W 2568 km

There was also a region on the Lunar farside that was briefly misidentified as a mare and named Mare Desiderii (Sea of Dreams). It is no longer recognized. Other former maria include:

  • Mare Parvum[1] ("Small Sea"), immediately to the east of Inghirami
  • Mare Incognitum ("Unknown Sea")
  • Mare Novum[1] ("New Sea"), northeast of Plutarch
  • Mare Struve ("Struve's Sea"), near Messala

[edit] Lacus

A related set of features are the Lunar lacus (singular lacus, Latin for "lake"), which are smaller basaltic plains of similar origin:

Lunar Lacus
Latin Name English Name Lat. Long. Diameter
Lacus Aestatis Lake of Summer 15.0° S 69.0° W 90 km
Lacus Autumni Lake of Autumn 9.9° S 83.9° W 183 km
Lacus Bonitatis Lake of Goodness 23.2° N 43.7° E 92 km
Lacus Doloris Lake of Sorrow 17.1° N 9.0° E 110 km
Lacus Excellentiae Lake of Excellence 35.4° S 44.0° W 184 km
Lacus Felicitatis Lake of Happiness 19.0° N 5.0° E 90 km
Lacus Gaudii Lake of Joy 16.2° N 12.6° E 113 km
Lacus Hiemalis Wintry Lake 15.0° N 14.0° E 50 km
Lacus Lenitatis Lake of Softness 14.0° N 12.0° E 80 km
Lacus Luxuriae Lake of Luxury 19.0° N 176.0° E 50 km
Lacus Mortis Lake of Death 45.0° N 27.2° E 151 km
Lacus Oblivionis Lake of Forgetfulness 21.0° S 168.0° W 50 km
Lacus Odii Lake of Hatred 19.0° N 7.0° E 70 km
Lacus Perseverantiae Lake of Perseverance 8.0° N 62.0° E 70 km
Lacus Solitudinis Lake of Solitude 27.8° S 104.3° E 139 km
Lacus Somniorum Lake of Dreams 38.0° N 29.2° E 384 km
Lacus Spei Lake of Hope 43.0° N 65.0° E 80 km
Lacus Temporis Lake of Time 45.9° N 58.4° E 117 km
Lacus Timoris Lake of Fear 38.8° S 27.3° W 117 km
Lacus Veris Lake of Spring 16.5° S 86.1° W 396 km

[edit] Sinus and Paludes

A related set of features are the sinus (singular sinus, Latin for "bay") and paludes (singular palus, Latin for "marsh"):

Lunar Sinus and Paludes
Latin Name English Name Lat. Long. Diameter
Palus Epidemiarum Marsh of Epidemics 32.0° S 28.2° W 286 km
Palus Putredinis Marsh of Rot 26.5° N 0.4° E 161 km
Palus Somni Marsh of Sleep 14.1° N 45.0° E 143 km
Sinus Aestuum Seething Bay 10.9° N 8.8° W 290 km
Sinus Amoris Bay of Love 18.1° N 39.1° E 130 km
Sinus Asperitatis Bay of Roughness 3.8° S 27.4° E 206 km
Sinus Concordiae Bay of Harmony 10.8° N 43.2° E 142 km
Sinus Fidei Bay of Trust 18.0° N 2.0° E 70 km
Sinus Honoris Bay of Honor 11.7° N 18.1° E 109 km
Sinus Iridum Bay of Rainbows 44.1° N 31.5° W 236 km
Sinus Lunicus Lunik Bay 31.8° N 1.4° W 126 km
Sinus Medii Bay of the center 2.4° N 1.7° E 335 km
Sinus Roris Bay of Dew 54.0° N 56.6° W 202 km
Sinus Successus Bay of Success 0.9° N 59.0° E 132 km

Some sources also list a Palus Nebularum ("Marsh of Mists") at 38.0° N, 1.0° E. However the designation for this feature has not been officially recognized by the IAU.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Astronomica Langrenus ((Italian)). Retrieved on December 5, 2006.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links