List of mammals in Brazil

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Brazil has the largest mammal diversity in the world, with more than 500 described species and, probably, many yet to be discovered. According to the World Conservation Union sixty-six of these species are endangered species and 40% of the threatened taxa belong to the primate group.

Around twenty-nine percent of listed species are marine, 18% occur in the Atlantic Rain Forest, 13% in the Pampas, 12% in the cerrado, 11% in the Pantanal, 7% in the Amazon and 6% in the Caatinga.

Total Number of species listed: 589 [1]


[edit] Didelphimorphia

[edit] Didelphidae - Opossums

[edit] Xenarthra

[edit] Bradypodidae - Three-toed Sloths

[edit] Megalonychidae - Two-toed Sloth

[edit] Dasypodidae - Armadillos

[edit] Myrmecophagidae - Anteaters

[edit] Chiroptera

[edit] Noctilionidae - Bulldog Bats

[edit] Emballonuridae - Ghost Bats, Sac-winged Bats and Allies

[edit] Mormoopidae - Mustached Bats

[edit] Phyllostomidae - Leaf-nosed Bats

[edit] Natalidae - Funnel-eared Bats

[edit] Furipteridae - Thumbless Bats

[edit] Thyropteridae - Disc-winged Bats

[edit] Vespertilionidae - Vesper Bats

The Hoary Bat.
The Hoary Bat.

[edit] Molossidae - Free-tailed Bats

[edit] Primates

[edit] Callitrichidae - Tamarins, Lion Tamarins and Marmosets

[edit] Cebidae - Capuchin Monkeys

[edit] Aotidae - Night Monkeys

[edit] Pitheciidae - Uakaris, Titi Monkeys and Saki Monkeys

[edit] Atelidae - Spider Monkeys, Muriquis and Woolly Monkeys

[edit] Carnivora

[edit] Canidae - Foxes, Wolves and Allies

[edit] Felidae - Wild Cats

The Jaguar.
The Jaguar.
The Jaguarundi.

[edit] Mustelidae - Otters, Weasels and Allies

The Tayra.
The Tayra.

[edit] Mephitidae - Skunks

[edit] Otariidae - Eared Seals

[edit] Phocidae - Earless Seals

[edit] Procyonidae - Raccoons, Coatis, Olingos and Allies

[edit] Cetacea

[edit] Balaenidae - Right Whales

[edit] Balaenopteridae - Rorquals

[edit] Delphinidae - Dolphins

[edit] Phocoenidae - Porpoises

[edit] Physeteridae

[edit] Platanistidae - River Dolphins

[edit] Ziphiidae - Beaked Whales

[edit] Sirenia

[edit] Trichechidae - Manatees

[edit] Perissodactyla

[edit] Tapiridae - Tapirs

[edit] Artiodactyla

[edit] Suidae - Pigs

  • Feral Hog - Sus scrofa (introduced species)

[edit] Tayassuidae - Peccaries

[edit] Cervidae - Deers

The Marsh Deer.

[edit] Rodentia

[edit] Sciuridae - Squirrels

[edit] Myocastoridae

The Nutria.
The Nutria.

[edit] Muridae - Old World rats and Allies

[edit] Cricetidae - New World rats and Allies

[edit] Erethizontidae - New World porcupines

[edit] Dinomyidae

[edit] Caviidae - Guinea Pigs and Cavies

The Rock Cavy.
The Rock Cavy.

[edit] Hydrochaeridae

The Capybara.
The Capybara.

[edit] Dasyproctidae - Agoutis and Acouchis

[edit] Cuniculidae

  • Paca - Cuniculus paca

[edit] Ctenomyidae - Tuco-tucos

[edit] Echimyidae - Spiny Rats and Allies

[edit] Lagomorpha

[edit] Leporidae - Rabbits and Hares

[edit] References

  • Costa, L.P. et al. 2005. Mammal Conservation in Brazil. Conservation Biology 19(3), pp.672-679.

[edit] See also

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