List of magical items in Jackie Chan Adventures

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In the animated series Jackie Chan Adventures, there are several magical objects that are important through the story.


[edit] The Twelve Talismans

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The Talismans appeared in the first season of the show, and have reappeared frequently since. Each of the twelve Talismans bears an engraving of one of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, and represents one of the magical powers that was stripped from Shendu when he was defeated by the immortal Lo Pei. The powers can be used by others, too, and are usually activated by holding in the hand. When the Talismans were destroyed by Jackie, the powers within inhabited unique 'noble animals' of the type depicted on the talismans. (Nothing similar happens when Drago destroys a Dragon talisman from the future in J2.) After Daolon Wong revives Shendu at the end of Season 3 for the Dragon Talisman power, Shendu removes the talisman powers from these animals (as well as the two Talisman powers Wong previously acquired) and were locked into the Talismans again when Shendu was turned back into a statue. In the final battle against Shendu's son Drago, in order for Shendu to stand up to Drago who has all the Demon Chi, Jade orders all of the J-Team to toss their Talismans at Shendu so he can reclaim his powers and in the end, all of the talisman powers are locked away in the Demon Netherworld with their master Shendu. The talisman powers are as follows.

  • Rat: Motion to the Motionless/Reanimation - This talisman is able to bring any inanimate object to life. Additionally, if the inanimate object is a figure of a thinking being (ie. a statue of a god, or a person) the object will have all that beings powers, abilities and memories. Jade frequently uses this in conjunction with Super Moose dolls.
  • Ox: Super Strength - This talisman allows the user to have super strength. Sometimes imbues resistance to injury as well.
  • Tiger: (Spiritual) Balance - It brings spiritual balance and fuses the conficting powers of all the other talismans into one. A more active ability occours whenever the talismen power itself is split into two halfs; it divides the person holding it into two physically separate individuals; one representing that person's Yin-personality traits and the other representing their Yang-personality traits.
  • Rabbit: Super Speed - This talisman allows the user to move at super speed.
  • Dragon: Combustion - This talisman emits Combustion blasts that starts fires and causes explosions. Seemed to provide Valmont with levitation abilities, but this may have just been dramatic effect.
  • Snake: Invisibility - This talisman makes the user invisible.
  • Horse: Healing Power - This talisman gives the user the capability of healing any wound or sickness, even to non-living items. This Talisman can prevent sickness, and prevents pain.
  • Sheep: Astral Projection - This talisman projects the users spirit from their body. This power can also force other people's spirits from their bodies. When the talismans user (or victim) is an Astral form they can enter peoples dreams.
  • Monkey: Shape-Shifting - The user of this talisman can change people or objects into an animal of their choice.
  • Rooster: Levitation/Telekinesis - The user can levitate/fly as well as move objects with their mind.
  • Dog: Immortality/Youthful Energy - The user cannot die or be injured, although they still feel pain. The talisman also imbues the user with the energy of youth (ie. Uncle using the talisman would have the energy of Jade).
  • Pig: Heat Beam Eye Blasts - This talisman allows the user to fire heat beams (lasers) out of their eyes.

[edit] Locators

Throughout the show, the characters are forced to use magic items to locate other magic, mainly Talisman powers.

  • Seeker Wand - A four-headed dragon shaped baton that is given to the Dark Hand by Shendu. The eyes of the heads glow red when they sense a Talisman, and glow strongest in the direction the Talisman is in. The Seeker ends up broken when Tohru lands on it while fighting Jackie for the Dog Talisman, but appears in Demon World, Part 2 when Shendu uses it to track the J-Team, who have several Talismans in their possession. This is probably because since the demons controlled the world, the fight for the talismans never occurred, which meant that Tohru never sat on it while fighting Jackie for the dog talisman.
  • Pan KU Box - A puzzle box that is used to determine the location of the demon portals. The Pan Ku Box has the trigrams of the eight demon sorcerers upon it, which are clues on what ways to turn it to reveal a particular portal. When the puzzle is solved, the box reveals a map with directions and a riddle telling the location of the portal. After that, the box becomes locked until it is used to open the next portal. It was created by the Immortals to serve as a key to the demon portals, but is stolen by the Dark Hand. It is protected by good chi, meaning that if Shendu, or any other demon, touches it, they are hurt. Valmont once used this to his advantage to knock out the spirit of Shendu inside his body. After the eighth portal is sealed, the Pan Ku Box disappears.(Although since Hak Foo was the last known person to have had the Pan Ku Box it can be assumed that he may have kept it or sold it.) In addition, each demon gate must be sealed with an item used by the Immortal that sealed them. They are as follows:
    • Po Kong (Mountain) - a drum
    • Xiao Fung (Wind) - a fan
    • Hsi Wu (Sky) - a flute
    • Tchang Zu (Thunder) - castanets
    • Dai Gui (Earth) - a flower
    • Tso Lan (Moon) - a lotus
    • Bai Tza (Water) - a gourd
    • Shendu (Fire) - a sword
  • Talisman Power Locators - After Jackie destroys the Talismans, the J-Team must rely on several items to locate them. Not all of the items are shown, but those that are:
    • Tiger - Foul Smelling Sock
    • Rat - Magic Cat Hair
    • Monkey - Enchanted Banana
    • Rabbit - Magic Carrots
    • Sheep - Enchanted Moth
    • Snake - Rattle Filled With Enchanted Powdered Mongoose Teeth
    • Horse - Magic Horseshoe
    • Ox - Magic Bells
    • Dragon - Bewitched Dragon Statue
  • Hana Fuda Cards - Each pair of these cards can reveal the location of one of the Oni Masks and what ingredient is needed for the removal of that Mask (such as Japanese steel, nori seaweed, fish, the tears of a rare monkey that also rarely cries). They were found when the first mask removal ingredient failed in removing the second mask from Ratso while in Tokyo and Tohru is able to decipher Japanese text that tells about the Hana Fuda cards. They track down the information to a car company which was built over the shrine that housed the cards and the company president reveals the cards were passed down in his family. The company president agrees to give them the cards after Ratso and the Shadowkhan show up. Since then, the cards have been useful during the hunt for the Oni Masks. In the final battle, the Cards are able to reveal the location of the tenth mask in the Shadow Realm. After Tohru retrieves the mask, the cards reveal that the hair of a Japanese samurai is the ingredient to trapping Tarakudo. After it restores him to his humanoid form, Tarakudo was trapped in his mask when Jade placed it on him. Afterwards, the Hana Fuda Cards disappear.
  • Chi-O-Matic - Shortly after the Wind Demon Chi is recovered, Uncle develops the Chi-O-Matic as a portable container and absorber of demon chi. The Chi-O-Matic, which was given it's name by Jade, spins a propellor when it detects demon chi, and reveals what chi is active. Uncle improves the Chi-O-Matic towards the end of the Demon Chi quest, allowing it to hold two concentrations of Demon Chi at once. On the second from last episode of the chi hunting series, Uncle re-configures the chi-o-matic to hold all the chi at the same time.

[edit] Containers

  • Three Wise Monkeys Idol - An idol containing enormous amounts of Dark Chi. It was created so that mankind would never see, hear, or speak of such evil again. After Daolon Wong unleashes it on the Chans, Tohru is left blind, Jackie mute, and Jade deaf. Wong then attempts to unleash it on a nearby village, but needs Uncle to do so (the Monkey Idols have to be in the presence of a good Chi Wizard). He captures him, and unleashes more Dark Chi. However, the "handicapable" trio arrives to save Uncle and defeat Wong. Uncle then escapes and reverses the spell, recontaining the Chi and giving Wong all the afflictions the dark Chi gave to its victims briefly.
  • Lost Urn of Wei Cheng - When Daolon Wong attacks Section 13 to steal the Talismans, Uncle uses a mysterious relic to trap his dark warriors. When asked by Wong how he found it, Uncle replied, "I know a thing or two about antiques."
  • Chi Containment Unit - Uncle created the Chi Containment Unit to hold the demon chi recovered from the Immortal objects. It has a special slot where the nozzle of the Chi-O-Matic can be inserted, allowing instant Chi transfer. After several chi sources are recovered, first the Chi Containment Unit is temporarily unable to contain the Sky Demon Chi forcing Uncle to leave it in the Chi-O-Matic temporarily until repairs on the Containment Unit are complete, which Jade unknowingly takes with her on her school trip, then the unit breaks, allowing the Earth Demon Chi to escape temporarily. Drago later holds Jackie, Uncle, and Captain Black for ransom in exchange for the unit after all of the Demon Chi was recovered (including Drago's Fire Demon Chi), which is then stolen by the treacherous Strikemaster Ice, DJ Fist and MC Cobra. Despite the J-Team's best efforts, Drago absorbs the demon chi. The unit is presumably destroyed or disassembled.

[edit] Other

  • Chalice of Life - A chalice kept and protected by the Muntabs, a lost race of African people whose city is hidden by a cloak of invisibility. The Chalice of Life kept the Muntab people their same ages and practically immortal for hundreds of years. The effects were temporary however. If the Muntab people didn’t drink form the chalice periodically, they would age and turn into dust. Stolen by Dr. Smith, a rich museum patron and his butler Larsen, the chalice was recovered by Jackie and Jade. This is in part due to Dr. Smith and Larsen turning themselves into infants drinking from it during their getaway. Jackie returned the Chalice of Life to the Muntabs and there it stayed.
  • Demon Archive - A book containing the spells of the Demon Sorcerers. With the symbole of a demon emblazoned on the front. Jackie recovers it, as Uncle believes it can be used to help defeat the Demon Sorcerers. However, Jade makes a tattoo of the symbol, thus giving her control of the Shadowkhan. This is evident when they appear to help her when Hak Foo comes after the book. Unfortunately, Jade is corrupted by the symbol, becoming Queen of the Shadowkhan. She attempts to read the Archive, but is unable to do so, and so directs the Shadowkhan to bring her Shendu. Shendu tries to steal the book, and Jade sends the Shadowkhan after him. However, the tattoo is removed by a disguised Tohru at that moment. With her last remaining influence over the Shadowkhan, she destroys the Archive.
  • Armor of the Ancients (or Armor of the Immortals) - Also known as the Armor of the Gods, a suit used by the Immortals in their quest to banish the Demon Sorcerers. When worn by Jackie Chan, it provided him with strength, immunity to injury, and limited flight to fight against the Earth Demon. As with most of the other non-talisman magic items, it was forgotten after the episode it was introduced in.
  • Eye of Aurora - A necklace owned by an ancient Egyptian princess, named Aurora who received it from a sorcerer. The necklace possessed magical powers of teleportation when the wearer said, "Return to..." and the place they wanted to be. The wearer would be at their destination in a matter of split seconds. The princess was greedy however, abusing the necklace's power by stealing treasure from her rivals in other parts of the world. In present times, the Eye of Aurora ended up in Venice, Italy where Jackie was sent to take to a museum. He meets up with a treasure hunter, named Vanessa Barone, who wants the necklace for herself. They fight for it and Jackie gets hold of it. Unaware of its power, Jackie accidentally uses the necklace to teleport to Uncle's shop. Uncle finds out the past behind the necklace and Jackie comes to the conclusion that Vanessa wanted the necklace to steal from places no one else would be able to. Eventually, Vanessa tracks Jackie down (when he leaves his wallet in Venice) and another struggle for the necklace ensues. With help from Jade and her Buttercup Scout troop, Jackie tricked Vanessa into using the Eye of Aurora to transport Vanessa to Desolation Island, one of the most remote spots on Earth. Jade and her friends grab Vanessa as she transports. Jackie and Section 13 go to rescue Jade and company from both Vanessa and the island but as it turns out Jade along with her friends had Vanessa tied up the moment they arrived on the island. Jackie takes and puts Vanessa in prison. Even though it is never said, it can be strongly assumed that the Eye of Aurora is in a museum.
  • Evil Sutra - An artifact that if dropped into the Ganges River, it would dry up. Three greedy archeologists would steal the Sutra to take the treasure hidden below the Ganges. In pursuit of the Sutra was Mohajah, an Indian male who had to stop the archeologists and retrieve the Sutra before they could go through with their plan. Knowing of Mohajah following them, one of the archeologists, posing as a dentist put the Sutra in Jackie’s tooth as a filling. Jackie at first trusted the three archeologists not knowing their true plans until later. The dentist removed the Sutra from Jackie's mouth and almost succeeded in putting it in the Ganges. Jackie stopped the greedy crooks and then gave the Sutra to Mohajah.
  • Book of Ages - A book in which all of history is magically recorded. Can be altered to change history. Sealed behind a magical portal in Australia. Shendu (in Jackie's body) uses it to rewrite history to have him and his demon brethren rule the Earth with humans under their control. Only Jade (who tore a page about her out of the book) was unaffected. Remembering everything before Shendu's changes, Jade assembled a confused J-Team and, stealing some of Shendu's talismans, the J-Team eventually defeat the demon sorcerers once more and rewrite the book to the way it was before it was changed. Afterwards, the Book of Ages was never seen again.
  • Cat of Khartoum - A rare statue of a cat found in Morocco, Jackie, along with Jade, was sent to put the statue in a museum. Valmont steals it from them and initially was going to give it to a shady character named Cardiff Zendo, but was scratched by the statue’s claws giving him physical and behavioral attributes of a cat. Valmont double-crosses Zendo and keeps the statue planning to uses his new powers to steal more valuables to make him very rich. Later, Jade also gets scratched and helps Jackie defeat Valmont, Zendo and Ratso and Hak Foo (the latter two accompanying Valmont). Jackie comes to the decision that the Cat of Khartoum was too dangerous to be put in a museum and destroys it, turning Jade and Valmont back to normal.
  • Emerald of Killarney - A beautiful bright green jewel that puts a bad luck curse on anyone who accepts possession of it. Jade was the first to accept possession of it after a guy came into Uncle’s shop and bartered the jewel for one of Uncle’s antiques. Once Uncle saw it, he explained that Jade was cursed. At first, Jackie did not believe it and took the jewel off Jade, now putting himself under the curse. Jackie and Jade went to Ireland to put the Emerald of Killarney into its tomb so the curse would be lifted. Though having to deal with the curse and "The Finn Experience" (Finn, Ratso and Chow when they broke off from the Dark Hand), Jackie was successful in his task and returned the emerald to its tomb.
  • Greenbeard’s Gloves - Gloves of the pirate, Greenbeard, that are seemingly living that protect his treasure long after their owner is deceased. When Jackie takes Greenbeard’s treasure to a museum, the gloves fit themselves on Tohru’s hands and take control of his body to steal the treasure. The museum’s alarms go off and Tohru is framed and sent to jail. The gloves again place themselves on Tohru’s hands and break him out of jail to steal the treasure again. It doesn’t take Jackie, Jade and Uncle long to find out the gloves are alive. One of the gloves is removed but goes on Jackie, but both gloves are removed and are tricked by Jade, throwing one of Greenbeard’s jewels into a storm drain. Tohru is freed after it was explained to the police that he was catching the real crooks (two treasure hunters that hassled Jackie earlier). The gloves were last seen recovered on a fisherman’s boat.
  • Bands of Shiva - Wristbands that can give its wearer two extra arms. Jackie retrieves them to send them to a museum, but is attacked by Hak Foo. Hak Foo uses them against Jackie after both of them are shrunk by accident by Jade. Hak Foo is barely defeated and he and Jackie are returned to their normal size. Jade re-shrinks Hak Foo in order to capture him, and the Bands of Shiva are never seen again.
  • Monkey King's Puppet - A toy puppet that Monkey King is trapped as until someone pulls the doll's leg. The person, who pulls it, releases the Monkey King and turns into a puppet him or herself.
  • Magic Opal - A large gemstone Jackie is sent to take to a museum. It is during his journey to transport it to safety that Strikemaster Ice, DJ Fist, and MC Cobra are introduced. The Dark Hand, after aiding Jackie against the three thugs, see the opal and decide to take it. However, they are later ambushed by Strikemaster Ice, who plans to use the opal to get revenge on the monastery that kicked him out. He reveals the opal's magic, putting his hand inside it and using it as a weapon. However, Jackie manages to get the opal by inserting his hand inside it as well, and takes it from Ice.
  • Dragon's Teeth - Needed by Drago to free his father, Shendu in the future. Drago incinerated the teeth unintentionally out of anger after two Jade’s (of present and future) started mocking him.
  • Chi Arcanum - A marble-like ball that was created by an ancient Chi wizard and split into two halves. The Arcanum can multiply the power of any Chi spell by ten, and was hidden in locations meant to symbolize yin and yang. The first half found, located in an underwater cave, represented yin and was guarded by a magical sea beast. The second, located in a dormant volcano, symbolized yang and was guarded by a griffin disguised as a cloud. The Arcanum was reunited by dark Chi wizard Iso, who used it to summon an army of monsters. However, it was recovered and taken back to the present by Jade, and was destroyed.
  • Magic Make-up - White stage make-up employed by opera actors in an opera troupe run by Uncle's childhood friend, "Beetlebrow". The make-up allows actors to pass through solid objects and is abused by two of the actors to steal various museum artifacts. The effects of the makeup work only when the make-up is on, evident when one of the thieves try to pass through a wall after Jade has thrown water on his face and washed it off. The magic make-up leaves along with the opera troupe, which does not appear again.