List of jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

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This article is about the character classes in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
For other character classes in the Final Fantasy series, see Final Fantasy character classes

Jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are each available only to specific races. Each job class has specific equipment available to it, from which characters can learn abilities unique to each class. Certain "advanced" job classes are available only to characters who have progressed a certain amount in other jobs; for example, a Nu Mou may assume the Illusionist job class only after learning three abilities as a White Mage and five as a Black Mage.


[edit] Jobs available to multiple races

[edit] Black Mage

See also: Black Mage

Black Mage is available to Human, Nu Mou, and Moogle characters as a starting job, available to all characters of those races. The job in Tactics Advance is much the same as in previous titles in the Final Fantasy series, specializing in destructive magic that can deal great amounts of damage. To offset their magic power, Black Mages are physically weak, with low attack and defense ratings. However, Black Mage characters can learn defensive skills such as Return Magic, which works as a magical counterattack when the affected character is attacked with any kind of offensive magic with the exception of Blue magic.

[edit] White Mage

See also: White Mage

White Mage is available to Human, Viera, and Nu Mou characters as a starting job. The job's function in Tactics Advance is in the standard mold of a Final Fantasy White Mage, specializing in curative magic and other beneficial spells. White Mages are offensively and defensively weak and serve mainly as support for their party, keeping out of the front lines of attack. White Mage support abilities include Turbo MP, which increases the power of a spell as well as doubling its MP cost.

[edit] Archer

Archer is available to Human and Viera characters as a starting job. Archers are ranged attackers, able to attack enemies from a safe distance using bows and arrows. Their abilities involve aiming at specific parts of an enemy, whether it be for a guaranteed (but low-damage) hit or to disable an enemy's ability to act or move. Archers can also learn the passive skill Block Arrows, which allows them to take no damage from a ranged arrow attack, and the Concentrate S-ability, which increases their hit chance with all abilities.

[edit] Thief

Thief is available to Human and Moogle characters as a starting job. As would be expected, Thieves' abilities involve mainly stealing from other characters; they can steal anything from gil, to equipment, to experience points and judge points (although not, oddly enough, shoes). Ultimately, thieves can even learn to steal abilities from other characters, albeit not an ability that the thief cannot learn due to his race - for example, a Moogle thief could not steal the Cure ability from a Nu Mou White Mage, since Moogles cannot become White Mages. Thieves can also learn the powerful Counter ability, which allows them to automatically attack when they receive physical damage.

[edit] Illusionist

Illusionist is available to Human and Nu Mou characters; to access this job, a character must have learned 5 Black Mage and 3 White Mage abilities. Illusionists are mages whose spells affect all enemies on the game board. Since their spells are all elemental in nature, such as Wild Tornado and Freezeblink, they may be seen as analogous to previous Final Fantasy titles' Geomancer class. Although Illusionists can attack all enemies at once, their magic is offensively weak, unable to deal as much damage as a Black Mage's spells.

[edit] Time Mage

Time Mage is available to Moogle and Nu Mou characters; to access this job, a character must have learned 5 Black Mage abilities. The job functions in this game similarly to its appearance in previous Final Fantasy titles, with spells that affect time and space. Time Mages can cast spells to speed up their allies' actions, to slow or even stop their enemies, and to reflect magic cast back at the caster. Offensively, Time Mages can use the spells Quarter and Demi, which take away 1/4 and 1/2 of an enemy's health, respectively.

[edit] Human jobs

[edit] Soldier

Soldier is a basic job, available to all Human characters from the start of the game. Their abilities are of the "break" type, allowing them to weaken an enemies' attributes such as magic power and speed; they can also sense any items a character might be wearing, thus letting any Thieves in their party know if there's anything worth stealing. They can also use the Monkey Grip ability, allowing them to hold a two-handed weapon in one hand (so the other hand is free for a shield).

[edit] Fighter

To assume the mantle of the Fighter job, a Human character must learn 2 Soldier abilities. Fighters are offensively powerful, with a wide array of special attack abilities that allow them to deal massive damage up close or at a short range. Their support abilities allow them to either counterattack a physical attack (only if they actually take damage from said attack) for 1.5 times their normal damage (Bonecrusher) or to avoid all damage from a physical attack (does not apply to abilities like Rush), then counter(Strikeback). Doublehand allows a character to use a one-handed weapon with two hands for additional damage.

[edit] Paladin

To assume the mantle of the Paladin, a Human character must learn 2 Soldier abilities. Paladins in FFTA are somewhat similar to those in previous games, having defensive rather than offensive skills, some of which allow them to protect their fellow party members. Paladins also specialize in using skills that involve Holy magic, like Saint Cross and Holy Blade.

[edit] Ninja

To become a Ninja, a Human character must learn 2 Thief abilities. Ninjas have elemental-based "veil" skills that do a small amount of damage and can inflict status effects - for example, Metal Veil is a darkness-based spell that can cause blindness. The support skill Double Sword allows a Ninja to hold a one-handed sword, katana, or dagger in each hand; with this skill, a Ninja can deal damage once per hand, including when counter-attacking.

[edit] Blue Mage

See also: Blue Mage

To become a Blue Mage, a Human character must learn one ATTACK ability each from the White Mage and Black Mage jobs. If it is not an attack ability then it will not work. In the tradition of previous Final Fantasy games, Blue Mages in FFTA learn abilities from monsters, rather than from equipment as with every other class. The Blue Mage's Learning ability can be used by any job once it is mastered, meaning that a human character can learn monster abilities while using any other job as long as Learning is equipped. The drawback to this ability is that Blue Mages can only learn certain monster techniques, so it can't access almighty powerful abilities like Karma or Knife.

[edit] Hunter

To become a Hunter, a Human character must learn 2 Archer abilities. Hunters are skilled in ranged attacks with a similar range to the archer and possess the skill Sonic Boom an area attack. Hunters are the only job that can Capture weakened monsters which are transported to the player's Monster Bank in the town Cyril. When a monster is captured you are given the monster's Soul which are used by the Nu Mou Morphers.

For each race, there is one job with access to an ability wrought from Ultima magic which can deal massive damage to one enemy unit (3x normal damage for 60 MP). The Hunter is said job of the Humans, bearing the Ultima Shot ability.

[edit] Bangaa jobs

[edit] Warrior

Warrior is a basic job, available to all Bangaa characters from the start of the game. Warriors have similar abilities to the human Soldier class, able to learn all of the break abilities. However, Warriors have access to different offensive skills from the Soldier class, such as Greased Bolt, which deals damage and avoids all reaction abilities of the opponent.

[edit] White Monk

White Monk is a basic job, available to Bangaa characters from the start of the game. Powerful fighters, White Monks also have some magical skills, such as Chakra, a basic healing ability, and Revive. White Monks also have access to several ranged attack Render skills. The support skill Counter can be learned by White Monks.

[edit] Dragoon

To become a Dragoon, a Bangaa character must learn 2 Warrior abilities. Similar to dragoons in previous Final Fantasy titles, Dragoons in FFTA can use lances, with a two-square attack range, and learn Jump abilities, ranged attacks in which they leap up and attack an enemy from the sky. They can also access the Breath range of elemental attacks, also used by dragon-type enemies in the game. Dragonheart is a reaction ability that automatically casts Auto-Life when the Dragoon is damaged.

[edit] Defender

To become a Defender, a Bangaa character must learn 2 Warrior abilities. As the Warrior class is similar to the human Soldier class, the Defender job is similar to the human Paladin job. Defender's abilities are more self-defensive than defending of other party members. These abilities include Expert Guard, which allows the Defender to take no damage of any kind for a term, and Aura, which casts both Auto-Life and Regen status effects on the Defender. Defenders also have a powerful attacking skill, Meltdown, which sacrifices the Defender to cause damage equal to the Defender's HP to all units immediately surrounding it.

[edit] Gladiator

To become a Gladiator, a Bangaa character must learn 2 Warrior abilities. Gladiators have some of the same abilities as the human Fighter class, such as Rush and Doublehand. In addition, Gladiators have access to the Sword line of abilities, which adds elemental damage to a melee attack and includes Ultima Sword. Strikeback, also available to the Fighter class, allows a Gladiator to block and counter an enemy attack.

[edit] Bishop

To become a Bishop, a Bangaa character must learn 2 White Monk abilities. The only magic-using Bangaa class, Bishops have access to both curative and offensive spells. Dispel removes a status enhancement from its target; Break can petrify its target unit. Water and Aero are elementally based offensive spells that are not accessible to Black Mages. Bishops may also learn the Half MP support ability, allowing them to use only half of the usual MP required to cast spells.

[edit] Templar

To become a Templar, a Bangaa character must learn 2 White Monk abilities. Defensively strong, and offensively even stronger, Templars have several abilities that primarily affect status. Silence causes the eponymous status effect that prevents magic users from casting spells; Astra prevents status effects from taking hold of those it affects. To balance the class' high attack power, Templars have a very short movement range. Templars may learn the offensive skills of Bonecrusher, which counterattacks for 1.5 times the damage taken, and Weapon ATK+.

[edit] Moogle jobs

[edit] Animist

Animist is a basic job, available to all Moogle characters from the start of the game. Animists call upon animals to attack and cause status effects. Sheep Count puts enemies in an area of effect to sleep; Chocobo Rush summons a herd of chocobo to trample an enemy in a line of squares across the game board. Friend has the unique ability to summon a random creature from a Viera Summoner's list of available spells.

[edit] Gunner

To become a Gunner, a Moogle character must learn 1 Animist ability. Able to attack from much longer distances than any other physical class, Gunners may also add elemental and status effects to their shots. Any of the Black Mage elements may be added to a shot attack, as well as confusion, charm, silence, blindness, and stop status effects. Gunners may also learn Concentrate, which increases the accuracy of their attacks.

[edit] Mog Knight

To become a Mog Knight, a Moogle character must learn 1 Animist ability. A range of Mog-named abilities gives the job several offensive and defensive boosts. Mog Lance is a ranged attack; Mog Guard raises defense for one turn. Mog Knights may learn Last Haste, giving them an automatic speed increase when they are close to KO status. The Mog Knight is special in that it is the only moogle job that can use an "Ultima" attack, "Ultima Charge," learned from the "Materia Blade."

[edit] Juggler

To become a Juggler, a Moogle character must learn 2 Thief abilities. Harlequin-like Jugglers have abilities which revolve primarily around throwing things to cause various status effects and damage. They may charm, stop, berserk, disable, or confuse units from a distance, or spend their turn to immediately give another unit a turn. Jugglers may learn Catch, allowing them to catch a thrown item and add it to their inventory.

[edit] Gadgeteer

To become a Gadgeteer, a Moogle character must learn 2 Thief abilities. Tinkerers and inventors, Gadgeteers use their various innovations to cause a status effect or boost to either all allied or all enemy units. Which side of a fight is affected is determined randomly every time an ability is used, making Gadgeteers extremely unpredictable. The causes of their inventions range from healing to dooming entire parties. Gadgeteers may also learn Damage>MP, allowing all damage done to the unit to be taken from its MP pool instead of its HP pool until the MP pool is depleted to 0; and as long as there is even 1 MP left, the mightiest attack will not do any damage. As 5 MP are regained every turn, this can make them very hard to knock out.

[edit] Viera jobs

A Viera archer, an example of a basic job that requires no prerequisite abilities to use.
A Viera archer, an example of a basic job that requires no prerequisite abilities to use.

[edit] Fencer

Fencer is a basic job, available to all Viera characters from the beginning of the game. Fencers use rapiers to deal damage and status effects in various ways. Swarmstrike damages and poisons a target; Nighthawk is a ranged attack. Fencers may also learn Reflex, allowing them to dodge all simple melee attacks (but not magic or damage-causing abilities).

[edit] Red Mage

See also: Red Mage

To become a Red Mage, a Viera character must learn 1 Fencer ability. In the tradition of previous Final Fantasy titles, Red Mages in FFTA have access to spells from both the White and Black Magic lines; they may also learn spells available to other spellcasting jobs in the game. They may learn the first tier of Cure and the basic elements of black magic, as well as some status spells. Doublecast allows the Red Mage to cast any two spells in their inventory in a single turn. Magic POW+ gives Red Mages a boost to their magical abilities.

[edit] Elementalist

To become an Elementalist, a Viera character must learn 1 ability each from the Fencer and White Mage jobs. Abilities in the Elementalist line both deal elemental damage and cause status effects, similar to the human Ninja job's Veil abilities. Elementalists may heal both a single unit and all units in an area of effect, as well as cause several detrimental status effects. Absorb MP, the Elementalist's reaction ability, allows an Elementalist to gain the MP cost of spells cast upon them in an equal amount of HP; for example, if an enemy casts a spell that costs 16 MP on an Elementalist, the Elementalist will automatically heal for 16 points of HP if the Absorb MP ability is equipped.

[edit] Sniper

To become a Sniper, a Viera character must learn 2 Archer abilities. More advanced ranged attackers than Archers, Snipers have a vast array of status-affecting abilities, many of which hasten an enemy's defeat through effects such as Doom and Poison. They also gain access to three more Aim abilities than Archers are able to learn, allowing them to steal money and break a target's equipment. Snipers may also learn the Auto-Regen ability, which automatically casts the Regen status effect when the Sniper is damaged.

[edit] Summoner

To access the Summoner job, a Viera character must learn 2 abilities each from the White Mage and Elementalist jobs. True to the tradition of Summoners in previous Final Fantasy titles, the job in FFTA may call a variety of creatures to its aid. Summons, some of which are classic FF summons such as Ifrit, may deal elemental damage or provide boons to the units in their area of effect. While Summoners can cast spells that affect a wide area of the game board, they are defensively weak. but with correct armour and training this can be fixed

[edit] Assassin

To access the Assassin job, a Viera character must learn 1 Sniper ability and 2 Elementalist abilities. Assassins have a wide range of powerful status-affecting abilities that make them one of the most dangerous classes in the game. They may instantly KO a unit with Last Breath, or petrify a unit with Rockseal. In addition, they possess the Vieras' Ultima ability, Ultima Masher. Assassins may use both bows and katanas, making them versatile melee units, although most of their abilities can be used only from a square immediately adjacent to their target. Their reaction ability, Return Fire, allows them to catch arrows shot at them and hurl them back to the unit who shot it.

[edit] Nu Mou jobs

A Nu Mou Sage, only usable after a Nu Mou character learns a specific amount of abilities from two basic jobs.
A Nu Mou Sage, only usable after a Nu Mou character learns a specific amount of abilities from two basic jobs.

[edit] Beastmaster

Beastmaster is a basic job, available to Nu Mou characters from the start of the game. In the tradition of Beastmasters from previous Final Fantasy titles, the job in FFTA can control enemy monsters for one turn at a time. Since Beastmasters can access monsters' abilities as well as simply command them to attack, they can be invaluable for adding to a Blue Mage's library of learned abilities. Immunity, the Beastmaster's support ability, gives them full immunity from status effects.

[edit] Morpher

To become a Morpher, a Nu Mou must learn 5 Beastmaster abilities. Using "souls" made from the capture of monsters by the human Hunter class, Morphers can turn themselves into the monster corresponding to the equipped soul. The system of capturing and raising monsters in the game makes the Morpher's monster forms more powerful. Unlike most other classes in the game, who learn their abilities from equipment one at a time, Morphers learn the entire moveset of each monster whose soul they can equip. They may also learn Damage>MP.

[edit] Sage

To become a Sage, a Nu Mou must learn 2 Beastmaster and 3 White Mage abilities. The Sage line of abilities includes Water and Aero, elemental spells not available to Black Mages, and Raise, which may heal and revive all units in its area of effect. It is one of the 2 revive spells with a target area, the other being Phoenix for the Viera summoners. Sages may also learn Weapon DEF+, a boost to their physical defense. Finally, the Sage job provides the Nu Mou with their Ultima ability: a crushing Ultima Blow.

[edit] Alchemist

To become an Alchemist, a Nu Mou must learn 3 White Mage and 5 Black Mage abilities. Alchemists have access to several offensively powerful spells unique to their class, as well as some status effect spells. Meteor does heavy damage to an area of effect; Death instantly KO's the targeted unit. Alchemists may also learn Magic POW+, a boost to their magical abilities. Alchemists can also use items without having to select it as their second ability set, essentially allowing them three sets of abilities.

[edit] Special Character Jobs

[edit] Hermetic

Ezel Berbier's job. He can use the equipment of an Alchemist. Azoth attempts to put all enemies to sleep. Astra functions as the Alchemist's. He also has Block Arrows and Weapon Attack+.

[edit] Runeseeker

Babus Swain's job. He can use the equipment of a Sage. Explode does heavy fire damage. Stillness is a slightly improved Stop-it ignores the Reflect status. Demi and Quarter function the same as the Time Mage's. He also has Counter and Weapon Def+.

[edit] Judgemaster

Cid Randell's job. He can use the equipment of a Paladin. Abate stops Judges, enabling the clan to break laws during its duration. Yellow Clip removes a Yellow Card. Bind renders a unit unable to move or act. JP Gift allows Cid to transfer his Judge Points to allies. Judge Sword damages and removes Judge Points from a unit.