List of international submarine communications cables

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This is a list of international submarine communications cables and does not include domestic cable systems, such as those on the coastlines of China, Italy and Brazil. All the cable systems listed below have landing points in two or more countries, and are currently (as of November 2005) in-service. Several older cables, although no longer used for international telecommunications, are used for scientific purposes. Others are simply abandoned.

Directory: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

[edit] B

  • Barcelona-Savona
  • BCS - Sweden-Lithuania
  • BMP - Brunei-Malaysia-Philippines (decommissioned March 2004)
  • Botnia
  • BS - Brunei-Singapore (decommissioned November 2003)
  • BSFOCS - (Black Sea Fiber Optic Cable System)
  • BT-MT1 - (UK-Isle of Man)
  • BT-TE1 - (UK-Éire)
  • BUS-1 - (Bermuda-US)

[edit] C

  • C-J FOSC - (China-Japan Fibre Optic Submarine Cable)
  • C2C - (City to City)
  • CANTAT-1, CANTAT-2, CANTAT-3 - (Canada Transatlantic)
  • CANUS-1 - (Canada-US)
  • CARAC - (Caribbean Atlantic Cable)
  • Cayman-Jamaica
  • CELTIC - (UK-Éire)
  • CIOS - (Cyprus-Israel Optical System)
  • CIRCE NORTH - (UK-the Netherlands), CIRCE SOUTH - (UK-France)
  • CKC - (China-Korea Cable)
  • COLUMBUS II - (USA-Mexico-Italy)
  • COLUMBUS III - (USA-Italy)
  • Concerto 1 - (Triangular UK-Belgium-the Netherlands)
  • Corfù–Bar
  • CUCN - (China-US Cable Network:Korea-US-China-Japan-Guam)

[edit] D

  • Danica North, Danica South
  • Denmark-Germany 1
  • Denmark-Norway 5, Denmark-Norway 6
  • Denmark-Poland 2
  • Denmark-Russia 1
  • Denmark-Sweden 15, Denmark-Sweden 16, Denmark-Sweden 18
  • Dumai-Melaka Cable System (DMCS)

[edit] E

  • EAC - (East Asia Crossing)
  • EASSy - (a projected East Africa Submarine Cable System with endpoints in South Africa and the Sudan)
  • ECFS - (Eastern Caribbean Fibre System)
  • EESF-2, EESF-3
  • EMOS 1 - (Eastern Mediterranean Optical System)
  • ESAT 1 - (Éireann Satellite - Éire-UK), ESAT 2 - (Éireann Satellite - Éire-UK)
  • Estepona–Tetuán
  • Estonia-Sweden 1

[edit] F

  • FA-1 - (FLAG Atlantic)
  • FLAG - (Fiber-optic Link Around the Globe)
  • FARICE-1 - (UK-Faroes-Iceland)
  • FARLAND - (UK-the Netherlands)
  • FEA - (FLAG Europe-Asia)
  • Fehmarn Belt
  • FNAL - (FLAG North Asian Loop)
  • FOG - (Fiber Optic Gulf)

[edit] G

  • G-P - (Guam-Philippines)
  • Gemini - (USA-UK (decommissioned))
  • GENSAR 2 - (Genoa-Sardinia)
  • Germany-Sweden 4, Germany-Sweden 5
  • Gotland-Ventspils
  • GPT - (Guam-Philippines-Taiwan)

[edit] H

  • Hermes - (UK-Belgium, UK-the Netherlands)
  • Hibernia Atlantic - (UK, Éire, Canada, USA)
  • HJK - (Hong Kong-Japan-Korea)
  • HONTAI-2 - (Hong Kong-Taiwan)
  • HUGO - (UK-Guernsey-France)

[edit] I

  • I-ME-WE - (India-Middle East-Western Europe)
  • i2i
  • India-UAE
  • Italy-Albania
  • Italy-Croatia
  • Italy-Greece
  • Italy-Libya
  • Italy-Malta
  • Italy-Monaco
  • Italy-Tunisia
  • ITUR - (Italy-Turkey-Ukraine-Russia)

[edit] J

Note that although planned to land in Surabaya, the cable system as implemented does not, but retains the name.
  • Jersey-Guernsey 4
  • JKC - (Japan-Korea)
  • JNAC -

[edit] K

  • KAFOS - (Karadeniz Fiber Optik Sistemi) (Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania)
  • KJCN - (Korea-Japan Cable Network)

[edit] L

  • LANIS-1 - (Isle of Man-UK), LANIS-2 - (Éire-Isle of Man), LANIS-3 - (Northern Ireland-Scotland)
  • LEV
  • LV-SE 1

[edit] M

[edit] N

  • NorSea Com 1
  • NPC - (North Pacific Cable)

[edit] O

  • ODIN - (the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway)

[edit] P

  • PAC - (Pan-American Crossing)
  • PacRimEast - (Pacific Rim East)
  • PacRimWest - (Pacific Rim West)
  • Pakistan-UAE-2
  • PAN AM - (Pan-American Cable System)
  • Pangea - (UK-Denmark & UK-the Netherlands)
  • PC-1 - (Pacific Crossing)
  • PEC - (Pan-European Crossing)
  • PTAT-1 - (Private Trans-Atlantic Telecommunications System (decommissioned))

[edit] Q

[edit] R

[edit] S

  • SAT-2, SAT-3/WASC/SAFE - (South Atlantic)
  • SAFE - (South Africa-Far East)
  • SAm-1 - (South America-1)
  • SARSIC 2 - (Sardinia-Sicily)
  • Scandinavian Ring
  • SEA-ME-WE 2, SEA-ME-WE 3, SEA-ME-WE 4 - (South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe)
  • SFL - (Sweden-Finland Link)
  • SFS-4 - (Sweden-Finland)
  • SIRIUS - (Éire-UK)
  • SMPR-1 - The St. Maarten Puerto Rico- 1 is a non-repeated system of 375km which uses Wave length Division Multiplexing technology. The initial capacity on the SMPR-1 is 2.5 Gbps and is expandable to 20 Gbps. The SMPR-1 lands at the Ultracom facilities in Isla Verde PR from SMITCOMS facilities in St. Maarten
  • SOLAS - (Éire-UK)
  • Southern Cross

[edit] T

[edit] U

  • UK-Belgium 5, UK-Belgium 6
  • UK-Channel Isles 7, UK-Channel Isles 8
  • UK-Denmark 4
  • UK-France 3, UK-France 4
  • UK-Germany 5, UK-Germany 6
  • UK-Ireland Crossing 1, UK-Ireland Crossing 2
  • UK-Netherlands 12, UK-Netherlands 14
  • UK-Spain 4
  • ULYSSES-1 - (UK-France), ULYSSES-2 - (UK-the Netherlands)
  • UNISUR - (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil)

[edit] V

[edit] W

  • WAFS - (West Africa Festoon System)
  • WASC - (West Africa Submarine Cable)

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

[edit] External links