List of geological features on Jupiter's smaller moons

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In addition to the large Galilean moons, Jupiter is orbited by nearly sixty smaller moons, but only two of them, Amalthea and Thebe, have been imaged at sufficient resolution for surface features to become apparent.


[edit] Amalthea

[edit] Craters

Amalthean craters are named after characters in Greek mythology associated with Zeus and Amalthea.

Crater Named after
Gaea Gaia
Pan Pan

[edit] Faculae

Faculae on Amalthea are named after locations in Greek mythology associated with Zeus.

Facula Named after
Ida Facula Mount Ida, Crete
Lyctos Facula Lyctos, Crete

[edit] Thebe

The only Theban named feature is Zethus crater, named after Zethus, the husband of Thebe.

[edit] External links