List of fonts in Mac OS X

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This list of fonts contains every font shipped with Mac OS 10.0 through to 10.3, including any that shipped with language‐specific updates from Apple (primarily Korean and Chinese fonts). For fonts shipped only with Mac OS 10.4, please see Apple's documentation.


[edit] System fonts

Font Name Faces Available Script and other notes
Al Bayan Regular, Bold Arabic
American Typewriter Condensed Light, Condensed, Condensed Bold, Light, Regular, Bold
Andale Mono Regular
Apple Casual Regular Hidden, see below
Apple Chancery Regular
Apple Garamond Light, Light Italic, Book, Book Italic, Bold, Bold Italic Hidden, see below
Apple Gothic Regular Korean
Apple LiGothic Medium Traditional Chinese
Apple LiSung Light Traditional Chinese
Apple Myungjo Regular Korean
Apple Symbols Regular
.AquaKana Regular
Arial Condensed Light, Narrow, Narrow Italic, Narrow Bold, Narrow Bold Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Rounded Bold, Bold Italic, Black
Arial Hebrew Regular, Bold Hebrew
Ayuthaya Regular Thai; not depicted below
Baghdad Regular Arabic
Baskerville Regular, Italic, Semi-bold, Semi-bold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Beijing Regular Simplified Chinese; bitmap only
BiauKai Regular Traditional Chinese
Big Caslon Medium
Brush Script Italic
Chalkboard Regular
Charcoal Regular Classic only
Charcoal CY Regular Cyrillic; Classic only
Chicago Regular Classic only
Comic Sans Regular, Bold
Cooper Black
Copperplate Light, Regular, Bold
Corsiva Hebrew Regular, Bold Hebrew
Courier Regular, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
Courier New Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
DecoType Naskh Regular Naskh Arabic; not depicted below
Devanagari Regular Devanagari
Didot Regular, Italic, Bold
Eupheima UCAS Regular, Italic, Bold Canadian Syllabics; not depicted below
Fang Song Regular Simplified Chinese
Futura Condensed Medium, Condensed Extra Bold, Medium, Medium Italic
Gadget Regular Classic only
Geeza Pro Regular, Bold Arabic
Geezah Regular Arabic
Geneva Regular
Geneva CY Regular Cyrillic
Georgia Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Gill Sans Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Gujarati Regular, Bold Gujarati
Gung Seouche Regular Korean
Gurmukhi Regular Gurmukhi
Hangangche Regular Korean
HeadlineA Regular Korean
Hei Regular Simplified Chinese
Helvetica Regular, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
Helvetica CY Regular, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique Face is condensed compared to Helvetica, Helvetica Neue
Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold, Condensed Black, Ultra-light, Ultra-light Italic, Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Herculanum Regular
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3, W6 Japanese
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8 Japanese
Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4 Japanese
Hiragino Mincho Pro W3, W6 Japanese
Hoefler Text Regular, Italic, Black, Black Italic, Ornaments Re‐added in 10.3, but present in System 7.5 also
Inai Mathi Regular Tamil; added in 10.4; not depicted below
Impact Regular
Jung Gothic Medium Korean
Kai Regular Simplified Chinese
.Keyboard Regular Not depicted below
Krungthep Regular Thai; not depicted below
KufiStandard GK Regular Arabic; not depicted below
.LastResort Regular Not depicted below
LiHei Pro Medium Traditional Chinese
LiSong Pro Light
Lucida Grande Regular, Bold
Marker Felt Thin, Wide
Monaco Regular
Monaco CY Regular Cyrillic
Mshtakan Regular, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique Armenian; added in 10.3; not depicted below
Nadeem Regular Arabic
New Peninim Regular Hebrew
New York Regular Classic only
NISC GB18030 Regular Chinese; bitmap only; not depicted below
Optima Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Extra Black
Osaka Regular, Monospace Japanese
Palatino Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic Classic or iLife
Papyrus Regular
PC Myungjo Regular Korean
Pilgiche Regular Korean
Plantagenet Cherokee Regular Cherokee
Raanana Regular, Bold Hebrew
Sand Regular
Sathu Regular Thai; not depicted below
Seoul Regular Korean
Shin Myungjo Neue Regular Korean
Silom Regular Thai; not depicted below
Skia Regular
Song Regular Simplified Chinese
ST FangSong Regular Simplified Chinese
ST Heiti Light, Regular Simplified Chinese
ST Kaiti Regular Simplified Chinese
ST Song Regular Simplified Chinese
Symbol Regular
Tae Graphic Regular Korean
Tahoma Light, Regular, Bold
Taipei Regular Traditional Chinese; bitmap only; not depicted below
Techno Regular Classic only
Textile Regular Classic only
Thonburi Regular Thai; not depicted below
Times Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Times CY Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic Cyrillic; removed from 10.4
Times New Roman Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Trebuchet Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Verdana Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Zapf Chancery Medium Italic Classic only
Zapf Dingbats Regular
Zapfino Regular

[edit] AppleWorks, iWork & iLife fonts

Consumer Macs have shipped with packages such as AppleWorks (older), iDVD (with DVD burners), and demos of iWork and iLife, which supplied fonts not available in the retail Mac OS X box. Foundries from which these were sourced include Esselte Letraset and its subsidiary, International Typeface Corporation:

Font Name Faces Available Shipped with
Academy Engraved Regular iDVD
Algerian Condensed Regular iDVD
Aristocrat Regular AppleWorks
Bank Gothic Light, Medium iDVD
Bertram Regular AppleWorks
Bickley Script Regular AppleWorks
Blair Medium AppleWorks, iLife
Bodoni Seventy-Two Book, Book Old-style, Book Small-caps, Book Italic, Book Italic Old-style, Bold, Bold Old-style, Ornaments AppleWorks, iLife
Bordeaux Roman Regular AppleWorks
Bradley Hand Bold AppleWorks, iDVD
Cracked Regular iDVD, iWeb Demo
Edwardian Script Regular AppleWorks
Gadget Regular iDVD
Handwriting – Dakota Regular iDVD, iWeb Demo
Humana Serif Light, Light Italic, Medium, Medium Italic AppleWorks, iDVD
Jokerman Regular AppleWorks
Luna Bold AppleWorks
Machine Regular AppleWorks, iDVD
Mona Lisa Solid Regular AppleWorks
Palatino Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic iLife
Party Regular AppleWorks
Portago Regular AppleWorks, iLife
Santa Fe Regular iDVD
Savoye Regular iDVD
Snell Roundhand Regular, Bold, Black iDVD
Stone Sans Semi-bold, Semi-bold Small-caps, Semi-bold Old-style, Semi-bold Italic, Semi-bold Old-style Italic, Bold, Bold Old-style AppleWorks, iDVD
Textile Regular iDVD
Tremor Regular AppleWorks
Wanted Regular AppleWorks, iDVD

[edit] Hidden fonts

Apple Garamond was shipped with Mac OS X 10.2 only and is located here:
/System/Library/CoreServices/Setup Assistant.dfont

Apple Casual is located here:

Many fonts come with iDVD but do not get installed by default. They are located here:

Matrix Ticker is here:

[edit] Font appearances


  • These images compare Roman fonts only, in most styles:


  • The fonts in the following list are from a free package of fonts that accompanies a collection of AppleScripts for iTunes. They did not ship with any OS or OS update:


[edit] See also

[edit] External links