List of fictional alcoholics

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Alcoholism has appeared in works of fiction throughout history. While alcoholism is a serious disease in reality, its usage in fiction as a literary device is well-established. It may be used as a character flaw of a tragic figure, or as an obstacle the protagonist must overcome. It may be used for a stereotype, as in the "town drunk", or for comic effect, either without malice or for purposes of satire.

Below is a list of fictional characters who are afflicted with alcoholism, separated by form. Alcoholism may not be easy to determine in real life, but it is generally much easier to discern in fictional works. This is mainly due to authorial intent: the creator consciously intends for a character to be an alcoholic, and (usually) for that to be readily apparent to the audience.

Thus, whether or not a fictional character is an alcoholic, or just a heavy drinker, is usually more clear-cut. For purposes of this list, a character may be included if their habitual drinking surfaces as an issue within the work that they appear, as mentioned above; or if they could be reasonably interpreted as being alcoholic. Characters from fictional works in more than one medium (e.g. book and film) are generally only listed in the original one in which that character exhibits alcoholic tendencies.


[edit] Literature

Alcoholic characters from works of traditional written fiction.

Nick's alcoholism is unmistakable in Dashiell Hammett's original novel, but whether this extends to later versions of The Thin Man, or to his wife Nora, is debatable.
Krook eventually spontaneously combusts in the book, an event sometimes associated with alcoholism.
Although not diagnosed with alcoholism per se, she is described as depressed and a heavy drinker, for a House-Elf.

[edit] Film

Alcoholic characters from films.

Withnail is seen to be dependent on alcohol declaring once that alcohol will solve all his problems and in its absence drinks a bottle of lighter fuel.

[edit] Television and radio

Alcoholic characters from live-action television series and radio shows.

Described once by flatmate Richard: "He's only been drunk once; shame it has lasted 17 years."
Arguable, and only in later episodes: other characters do drink in private etc.

[edit] Comics, Anime, and Animation

Alcoholic characters portrayed in comic-book form, from animated television series, anime, webcomics, videogames, etc. (Animated characters from stand-alone animated feature films appear in the "Films" section.)

Bender requires alcohol to fuel his circuits, and does not feel its intoxicating effects. In fact, in a subversion of traditional depictions of alcoholism, he is shown to act intoxicated when he has no alcohol in his system.
He has gone sober at least twice, but quickly relapsed both times.
Called Dr. Sane in the U.S. Star Blazers version where his trademark sake was unconvincingly bowdlerized to spring water.
Has been seen drinking Listerine; the only Homestar Runner character to appear in an intoxicated state.
Continously drank sake, was edited out as milkshakes in the English dub

[edit] References