List of federations of trade unions

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This is a list of federations of trade unions. Those federations listed under each country are also known as national trade union centres and are organisations formed by trade unions which operate, in most cases, at the national level. The organisations listed in the world-wide section are industry/sectoral-specific (ie the GUFs) and international organisations representing national trade union centres (eg ITUC).


[edit] World-Wide Federations

[edit] International (Federations of National Trade Union Centres)

[edit] Global Union Federations GUFs (Sectoral)

[edit] Regional Federations

[edit] National Federations/National Trade Union Centres

[edit] Albania

  • Confederation of the Trade Unions of Albania (KSSH)
  • The Union of the Independent Trade Unions of Albania (BSPSH)

[edit] Algeria

[edit] Angola

[edit] Argentina

[edit] Australia

[edit] Austria

[edit] Belgium

[edit] Brazil

[edit] Canada

[edit] Cyprus

[edit] Czech Republic

[edit] Denmark

[edit] Finland

[edit] France

[edit] Germany

[edit] Hong Kong

[edit] India

see Indian Trade Unions, List of trade unions in the Singareni coal fields.

[edit] Iraq

[edit] Ireland

Note: ICTU is the umbrella organisation for unions operating in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. British unions operate in Northern Ireland, as do some all-Ireland unions, and some Northern Ireland-only unions.

[edit] Israel

[edit] Italy

[edit] Japan

[edit] Korea

[edit] Malaysia

[edit] Mauritius

[edit] Mexico

[edit] Mongolia

[edit] Namibia

[edit] Nepal

[edit] The Netherlands

[edit] New Zealand

[edit] Nigeria

[edit] Norway

[edit] Palestine

[edit] Philippines

[edit] Poland

[edit] Portugal

[edit] Russia

[edit] Slovak Republic

[edit] South Africa

[edit] Spain

[edit] Sweden

[edit] Switzerland

[edit] Trinidad and Tobago

[edit] United States of America

For a history, see also:

[edit] United Kingdom

Note: ICTU is the umbrella organisation for unions operating in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. British unions operate in Northern Ireland, as do some all-Ireland unions, and some Northern Ireland-only unions.

[edit] Venezuela

[edit] See also