List of extrasolar planet extremes

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The following are lists of extremes among the known extrasolar planets.


[edit] Characteristics

Title Planet Star Notes
Oldest PSR B1620-26c PSR B1620-26 12.7 billion years old
Least massive PSR B1257+12 A PSR B1257+12 0.02 MEarth
Note: PSR 1257+12 system may include possible asteroidal object, but it is not massive enough to qualify as a planet
Largest WASP-1b WASP-1 Has a radius of 1.44±0.08 RJupiter
Note: Only radii of transiting planets are known.
Most distant OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb OGLE-2005-BLG-390L 21,500 ± 3,300 light years
Note: A controversial microlensing event of lobe A of the double gravitational lens Q0957+561 suggests that there is a planet in the lensing galaxy lying at redshift 0.355 (7.8 Gly).
Least distant Epsilon Eridani b Epsilon Eridani 10.4 light years
Least dense HAT-P-1b ADS 16402 B 0.29 g/cm³
Longest period [[2M1207b]] 2M1207 2450+ years
Shortest period OGLE-TR-56b OGLE-TR-56 1.2 days
Note: SWEEPS-10 (awaiting confirmation) has an orbital period of 0.424 days (10.2 hours).
Most eccentric orbit HD 80606 b HD 80606 eccentricity of 0.927
Least eccentric orbit PSR B1257+12 A PSR B1257+12 eccentricity of 0.0
Most inclined orbit OGLE-TR-113b OGLE-TR-113 inclination 89.4°
Least inclined orbit Epsilon Eridani b Epsilon Eridani inclination 30.1°
Note: Most planets do not have their inclinations measured.
Largest orbit 2M1207b 2M1207 55+ AU
Smallest orbit Gliese 876 d Gliese 876 0.021 AU
Note: SWEEPS-10 (awaiting confirmation) has an orbital distance of 0.008 AU (1.2 million km).

[edit] Discovery firsts

Title Planet Star Year Notes
First planet discovered PSR B1257+12 B, C PSR B1257+12 1992 first extrasolar planets discovered
Note 1: The planet around Gamma Cephei was already suspected in 1988.
Note 2: HD 114762 b was discovered in 1989, but was not confirmed as a planet before 1996.

first known pulsar planets
first planets discovered by pulsar timing method

51 Pegasi b 51 Pegasi 1995 first known planet orbiting a Sun-like star

first planet discovered by radial velocity method

Gliese 876 b Gliese 876 1998 first known planet orbiting a red dwarf
HD 209458 b HD 209458 1999 first transiting planet
Note: OGLE-TR-56 b is the first planet found by transit method.
Iota Draconis b Iota Draconis 2002 first known planet orbiting a giant star
OGLE-2003-BLG-235L#OGLE-2003-BLG-235Lb|OGLE-2003-BLG-235Lb]] OGLE-2003-BLG-235L 2004 first planet found by gravitational lensing method
PSR B1620-26c PSR B1620-26 1993 first known planet orbiting a white dwarf (confirmed 2003)
2M1207b 2M1207 2004 first known planet orbiting a brown dwarf
first directly imaged planet
OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb OGLE-2005-BLG-390L 2006 first cool, possibly rocky/icy planet around main-sequence star
First free-floating planet discovered S Ori 70 n/a 2004 has mass of 3 MJupiter, needs confirmation
Note: Free-floating objects are not usually considered planets.
First planet in a multiple star system discovered 55 Cancri b 55 Cancri 1996 55 Cnc has distant red dwarf companion
Note: Gamma Cephei is the first relatively close binary with a planet.
First planet orbiting multiple stars discovered PSR B1620-26c PSR B1620-26 1993 orbits pulsar - white dwarf pair
First multiple planet system discovered PSR 1257+12 A, B, C PSR 1257+12 1992 a pulsar planetary system
First planet in star cluster PSR B1620-26c PSR B1620-26 1993 located in Globular Cluster M4

[edit] Most Earthlike planets

Title Planet Star Notes
Closest planet to 1 MEarth PSR 1257+12 C PSR 1257+12 3.9 MEarth
Closest planet to 1 AU orbital HD 142 b HD 142 0.980 AU
HD 28185 b HD 28185 1.031 AU
HD 128311 HD 128311 1.02 AU
Closest planet to 365-day orbit HD 142 b HD 142 337
HD 92788 b HD 92788 378
Closest in type OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb OGLE-2005-BLG-390L around main-sequence star, cool, possibly rocky/icy

[edit] See also