List of ex-Christians

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This is a list of people who left Christianity for another religion or a non-religious ideology.


[edit] Ex-Christians who had been Anglican

This section is for those who left varying forms of Anglicanism in favor of a non-Christian religion or ideology.

[edit] Atheism and non-theism

  • Don Cupitt, Once ordained and still believes in elements of Christianity in a non-theist sense.

[edit] Judaism

  • Lord George Gordon, After being excommunicated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. He ultimately became Yisrael bar Avraham Gordon.

[edit] Ex-Christians who had been Catholics (Roman and Eastern Rite)

This section is for people who left the Roman Catholic Church or one of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches in favor of a non-Christian denomination or ideology.

[edit] Atheist or Humanist

[edit] Buddhism

[edit] Islam

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise

[edit] Judaism

[edit] Scientology

[edit] Ex-Christians who had been Eastern Christians

This section is for those who left varying forms of Eastern Christianity in favor of a non-Christian religion or ideology.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky
Nikolai Chernyshevsky

[edit] Communists and non-Christian Socialists

[edit] Converts to Islam

[edit] Ex-Christians who had been Protestants

[edit] Atheism, Deism, and non-theist ideologies

Karl Marx
Karl Marx

[edit] Converted to Islam

Alexander Russell Webb
Alexander Russell Webb

[edit] Judaism

  • Shlomo Ben Avraham "Ole" Brunell, former Lutheran minister from Finland and Australia. Along with him, his wife Ruth (formerly Runa), two adult daughters, two teenage daughters, and a former son-in-law also converted.[5]
  • Johann Peter Spaeth, German theologian[6] "Johann Peter Spaeth (about 1642-1701), author of an attack on Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-politicus, finally became a Jewish convert, called himself "Moses Germanus," and was even circumcised a few years before his death in 1697"
  • Obadiah the Proselyte (né Johannes), priest and composer [7].
  • Shlomo Ben Avraham "Ole" Brunell-Lutheran minister who converted to Judaism.

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Jewish Encyclopedia
  2. ^ O'Toole, Lesley. "Ben Stiller : 'Doing comedy is scary'", The Independent, 2006-12-22. Retrieved on December 22, 2006.
  3. ^ [1] "RD: You were Catholic originally. Cruise: Well, we went from Episcopalian, to atheist, to Catholic..."
  4. ^ [2] "In 1990 Cruise renounced his devout Catholic beliefs and embraced The Church Of Scientology claiming that Scientology teachings had cured him of the dyslexia that had plagued him all of his life."
  5. ^ Jerusalem Post
  6. ^ Commentary Magazine
  7. ^ [3]