List of emotions

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This is a list of emotions.


[edit] According to Book Two of Aristotle's Rhetoric

The emotions are:

[edit] The artificial language Lojban

It has interjections expressing degrees of these emotions:

[edit] Alphabetical list of emotions, including the above

See Also: wiktionary:Category:Emotions

[edit] Synonyms for common emotions

  • Cool is often used as a synonym for calm.
  • Dread is often used as a synonym for angst.
  • Trepidation is often used as a synonym for fear.
  • Vengefulness is often used to describe a state of extreme anger, serving to gain retaliation.

[edit] Intensity of emotions

Emotions can be arranged according to intensity. In each set below, the former emotions are less intense than the latter, separated by 'and':

[edit] See also