List of educators

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This is a list of educators. See also: Education, List of education topics.

External link: Educators category tree


[edit] General

Category: Educators

Louis George Alexander - Braulio Alonso - Edmund Arnold - Sylvia Ashton-Warner - Carl Bereiter - Eliezer Berkovits - Maximilian Berlitz - Ferdinand Berthier - Sven Birkerts - Woody Bledsoe - Leon Botstein - Joseph Lloyd Brereton - Frank Brogan - Meyer Brownstone - Leo Buscaglia - Olive Dame Campbell - Betty Castor - Luis Cernuda - Jane Chabria - George C. Chase - Y. L. Chin - R. Inslee Clark, Jr. - Johnnetta B. Cole - James Bryant Conant - Nancy Cook - Fanny Jackson Coppin - Joanne V. Creighton - Josue Cruz, Jr. - Bobbi DePorter - Caroline Middleton DeCamp - John Dewey - Marion Dickerman - W. Boulton Dixon - Michael Dukakis - Gregory C. Farrington - Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg - Abraham Flexner - Martin Henry Freeman - Célestin Freinet - Tom Gallagher - Clifton Daggett Gray - Luigi Giussani - Joy Hakim - Harold P. Hamilton - Elaine Tuttle Hansen - Donald West Harward - Ralph Hexter - Enoch A. Holtwick - Alice Stone Ilchman - Thornwell Jacobs - Eric Jensen - Fred Jones (educator) - Allan Kardec - Kathleen P. King - Evelyn Fox Keller - Elizabeth Topham Kennan - Michael Klonsky - Donald Kraybill - Robert S. Langer - Peter Lawler - Leon O. Jacobson - Donald Lively - R. F. Mackenzie - William Mapother - Anthony Marx - William Leonidas Mayo - William Holmes McGuffey - Mary Patterson McPherson - Susan Tolman Mills - William Augustus Mowry - H. Narasimhaiah - Seymour Papert - Frank Parsons - Alden Partridge - Indira Viswanathan Peterson - Charles Franklin Phillips - Norman Walker Porteous - Lourdes Reyes-Montinola - John Henry Reynolds - Thomas Hedley Reynolds - Steven B. Sample - Carol Geary Schneider - Mab Segrest - Arthur Seldon - David Staines - John S. Stamm - Thomas Blanchard Stowell - Gerald Jay Sussman - Beverly Daniel Tatum - Inez Tenenbaum - Winifred Todhunter - Anthony Tol - Alan Tripp - Oadline Truitt - David Truman - Ts'ai Yüan-p'ei - Nancy J. Vickers - Jean Wahl - David P. Weikart - Victor Wickerhauser - Henry Merritt Wriston

[edit] Academics

Category: Academics

Haleh Afshar - Alvin O. Austin - Joyce Appleby - Maxine Asher - Michael S. Berliner - Andrew Bernstein - Harry Binswanger - Olivier Blanchard - Cosimo Boscaglia - James Bratt - Yaron Brook - Robert Neil Butler - James Chesebro - Charles Upson Clark - Andrew W. Cordier - David E. Rowe - William Dickinson - Bernie Dodge - Beshara Doumani - Sos Eltis - Julio Fernandez - Marvin D. Free Jr. - Mark Freedland - Scott Freeman - Grace Goodell - Aubrey de Grey - Romano Guardini - Denham Harman - Ralph Hexter - Vasant Honavar - Kurt Huber - Arthur Hyman - Bernward Joerges - George B. Johnson - Jonathan A Jones - Calestous Juma - George L. Kelling - Malcolm Kerr - Kathleen P. King - Grayson L. Kirk - Patrick Litzinger - Paul Locatelli - Robert Lomas - Julián Marías - Tony Martin (professor) - António Rosa Mendes - Ralph Miliband - Paul Mirecki - David Montgomery - Nabil Mikhail - Peter Nazareth - Joe Oloka-Onyango - S. Jay Olshansky - Judith Palfrey - Leonard Peikoff - Dr. Irene Pepperberg - Ben Pimlott - Alvin F. Poussaint - Elias Antoine Raad - Bernice Johnson Reagon - John Ridpath - Edmund Rolls - Dr. James L. Ruffa - Christopher T. Russell - Justinian Rweyemamu - Rosemary Sage - Michael Saso - Reiner Schurmann - Morrie Schwartz - Jeremy J. Shapiro - Tara Smith - Michael I. Sovern - Andrzej Sławiński - A. S. Troelstra - Grenville Turner - Leonard Uhr - Violette Verdy - Vijay S. Pande - Hilary Wainwright - Ernest Wamba dia Wamba - Steven Weber (professor) - Angus Wright - Ben Yagoda - R.C. Zaehner

[edit] Bibliographers

Category: Bibliographers See also: American bibliographers, British bibliographers

Bernard Amtmann - Nicolás Antonio - Antoine Alexandre Barbier - Ulysse Chevalier - Michael Denis - Friedrich Adolf Ebert - Jacques Échard - Johann Samuel Ersch - Johann Albert Fabricius - Gottlieb Christoph Harless - Jacques Lelong - José Toribio Medina - Paul Otlet - Anthony Panizzi - Joseph Marie Quérard - Jacques Quétif - Moritz Steinschneider - Jean Maurice Tourneux - William Zeitlin

[edit] Classical scholars

Category: Classical scholars See also: Classical scholars by nationality

Pietro Alcionio - Danielle S. Allen - John Beazley - Martin Bernal - Thomas Robert Shannon Broughton - Richard François Philippe Brunck - Milan Budimir - Veselin Čajkanović - Isaac Casaubon - John H. Collins - Robert Seymour Conway - Arthur Bernard Cook - Ljiljana Crepajac - John Dewar Denniston - Eric Robertson Dodds - Kenneth Dover - Andrew Downes (scholar) - Arnold Drakenborch - Dudley Fitts - H. W. Garrod - A. D. Godley - William Watson Goodwin - James Bradstreet Greenough - Erich S. Gruen - Alfred Gudeman - Edith Hamilton - Daniel Heinsius - Nikolaes Heinsius the Elder - John Beazley - Donald Kagan - H. D. F. Kitto - Mary Lefkowitz - Jerzy Linderski - Justus Lipsius - Stanley Lombardo - George Long - John Pentland Mahaffy - Roger Marbeck - Arnaldo Momigliano - Theodor Mommsen - Guillaume Morel - Henry Nettleship - Johann Caspar von Orelli - Frederick Apthorp Paley - Milman Parry - Petrus Hoffman Peerlkamp - Caspar Peucer - Samuel Ball Platner - Michael Rostovtzeff - Thomas Ruddiman - David Ruhnken - John Edwin Sandys - Joseph Justus Scaliger - Julius Caesar Scaliger - William Sanders Scarborough - Thomas Day Seymour - Trumbull Stickney - Connop Thirlwall - E. M. W. Tillyard - Thomas Tyrwhitt - Eirik Vandvik - Phillip Vellacott - Emily Vermeule - Gregory Vlastos - Isaac Vossius - Arthur Way - Roberto Weiss - Paul Woodruff - Charles Wordsworth - Faddei Zielinski

[edit] Faculties by university

Subcategories: Faculties by university in Canada, Lecturers by university in the United Kingdom, Faculties by university in the United States

[edit] Historians

Category: Historians See also: Classical scholars by nationality, Feminist historians, Historians by field of study, Historiographers, Jewish historians, Marxist historians, Medievalists, Historians by nationality, Orientalists, Pre-modern historians

Melchior Adam - Aethelweard - Donald Akenson - Akram Assem - Annianus of Alexandria - George Antonius - Alfred Ritter von Arneth - Timothy Garton Ash - Austin App - Marius Aventicensis - Johannes Aventinus - Paul Avrich - Ernst Badian - Teimuraz Bagrationi - Thomas A. Bailey - Caesar Baronius - Jacques Barzun - Hanna Batatu - Falco of Benevento - Berossus - Mary Frances Berry - Thomas Birch - Alan Bray - James Franck Bright - Yve-Alain Bois - Rob Brettle - Harold Brooks-Baker - Rawdon Brown - Urvashi Butalia - Norman Cantor - Owen Chadwick - Dipesh Chakrabarty - Bipin Chandra - Jung Chang - Marek Jan Chodakiewicz - François-Timoléon de Choisy - Julian Cobbing - J. J. Colledge - Philip Mallory Conley - Widukind of Corvey - Alistair Cameron Crombie - Michael Crawford (historian) - Patricia Crone - Pamela Kyle Crossley - Alexander Campbell Cheyne - Hamid Dabashi - Norman Davies - Kenneth C. Davis - Sherman Day - Alexandre Deulofeu - David Diringer - Donald Davidson (Indianapolis Motor Speedway historian) - David Herbert Donald - James S. Donnelly, Jr. - Johann Gustav Droysen - Alfred Duggan - Christopher Ehret - Elizabeth Eisenstein - Geoffrey Rudolph Elton - Bob Essery - Hugo Falcandus - William Fenton - Samuel Finer - Caroline Finkel - Stephen Flowers - Paula Fredriksen - Berge Furre - Mahommed Kasim Ferishta - Kirakos Gandzaketsi - Abu Said Gardizi - Franklin Garrett - Ron "Boogiemonster" Gerber - Gislebert of Mons - Larry Gonick - Anthony Grafton - Timofey Granovsky - Hanna Holborn Gray - Gregory of Tours - Erich S. Gruen - Ranajit Guha - Andrew Wallace-Hadrill - Catherine Hall - Jon Halliday - Joy Hakim - Francis Whiting Halsey - Daniel Halévy - Eric M. Hammel - Mohamed Harbi - Harold D. Hunter - Thom Hatch - Alexandre Herculano - Herodotus - Robert Hessen - Andrew Hignell - Andreas Hillgruber - Frederick Hodges - Marshall Hodgson - Hermann Eduard von Holst - Dr Glenn Horridge - Albert Hourani - Lindsey Hughes - Harold Hyman - Abraham ben Jacob - Joseph Jacobs - Ayesha Jalal - Nikoloz Janashia - Simon Janashia - Jason of Cyrene - Ivane Javakhishvili - Jacek Jędruch - John D'Arms - John Hayward - John Michael Wallace-Hadrill - Samuel Johnson (Nigeria) - Alexander Johnston - William Jurgens - Donald Kagan - Sargis Kakabadze - Christopher Kasparek - John William Kaye - Geoffrey Keating - Keith Jenkins - Paul Kennedy - Joseph Ki-Zerbo - Ki-baek Lee - Kim Jun-Yop - Matti Klinge - Klaus Klostermaier - Urda Alice Klueger - Godefroid Kurth - Brij Lal - François Laurent - Bernard Lewis - Jerzy Linderski - Liu Yizheng - Jerry Lodge - Geir Lundestad - Rosie Malek-Yonan - Edda Manga - Henri-Jean Martin - William McNeill - Justin McCarthy - Gavan McCormack - Grady McWhiney - Douglas Miller - Howard Milton - Moses of Chorene - Roger Moss - John Lothrop Motley - Wahb ibn Munabbih - Djibril Tamsir Niane - Dietrich of Nieheim - David Noble - Kanda Nobuo - Hasan Paksoy - Cesare Paoli - Ludwig Pastor - Henry Francis Pelham - Morton Pennypacker - Grigol Peradze - Charles Petrie - Clive Ponting - Yehoshua Porath - Roy Porter - William H. Prescott - Priscus - Carroll Quigley - Terence Ranger - John Ridpath - Milan Ristović - James Harvey Robinson - Miri Rubin - Lyndall Ryan - Jason Scott Sadofsky - Dudo of Saint-Quentin - G.E.M. de Ste. Croix - Peter H. Salus - Nicholas Sanders - Sumit Sarkar - Tanika Sarkar - Bruno the Saxon - Edward H. Schafer - Friedrich Schiller - Howard Hayes Scullard - Isaiah Shachar - Brent Shaw - Johannes Sleidanus - H. F. C. Smith - Jonathan Spence - James M. Stayer - Alex Mihai Stoenescu - Abbot Suger - Ekvtime Takaishvili - J. L. Talmon - A.J.P. Taylor - Lily Ross Taylor - Frederick Taylor (historian) - Barbara Thiering - Lynn Thorndike - Tormod Torfæus - Heinrich von Treitschke - Srđa Trifković - Ann Trindade - Mikheil Tsereteli - Paul Vinogradoff - Orderic Vitalis - Gottfried von Viterbo - W. Warren Wagar - David Wallechinsky - Retha Warnicke - William E. Watson - Walter Prescott Webb - Eugen Weber - Joel Whitburn - Hayden White - William of Apulia - Chancellor Williams - Clyde N. Wilson - Heinrich August Winkler - Lothrop Withington - John Baptist Wolf - Richard Woytak - Ehsan Yarshater - Bat Ye'or - Robert J.C. Young - Zosimus

[edit] Linguists

Category: Linguists See also: Linguists by nationality, Etymologists, Grammarians, Historical linguists, Indo-Europeanists, Mayanists, Morphologists, Philologists, Phoneticians, Phonologists, Polyglots, Sociolinguists, Syntacticians, Translators, Linguists of Yiddish

List of linguists - Modern linguists

[edit] Members of learned societies

Subcategories: Fellows of the AAAS, Fellows of the ACM, Fellows of the British Computer Society, Fellows of the British Academy, Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Fellows of the IEE, Fellows of the IEEE, Fellows of the Royal Society of Arts, Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellows of the Royal Society, Members of the Swedish Academy

[edit] Academics by nationality

Subcategories: Professors by nationality, American academics, Australian academics, Belgian academics, Brazilian academics, British academics, Canadian academics, Danish academics, Egyptian academics, French academics, German academics, Hong Kong academics, Indian academics, Italian academics, New Zealand academics, Pakistani academics, Polish academics, Turkish academics, Uzbekistani academics

[edit] Orientalists

Category: Orientalists See also: Orientalists by nationality, Egyptologists, Hebraists, Indologists, Iranologists, Japanologists, Sinologists

Jean Baptiste Abbeloos - Giacomo Maria Airoli - Johan David Åkerblad - Andreas Acoluthus - Joseph Aloysius Assemani - Joseph Simon Assemani - Simon Assemani - Stephen Evodius Assemani - Peter Avery - Ian Theodor Beelen - Carl Bezold - Gustav Bickell - Peter von Bohlen - Edward Granville Browne - Walter Burkert - Emile Burnouf - Leone Caetani - Joseph Dacre Carlyle - Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare - Henry Corbin - Patricia Crone - Hartwig Derenbourg - Frederick Victor Dickins - August Dillmann - Johannes Albrecht Bernhard Dorn - Douglas Morton Dunlop - Isabelle Eberhardt - Gustav Leberecht Flügel - Peter Forsskål - Julius Fürst - Tamaz Gamkrelidze - Abraham Geiger - Wilhelm Gesenius - H. A. R. Gibb - Michael Jan de Goeje - Shelomo Dov Goitein - Ignaz Goldziher - Joseph de Guignes - Alfred Baron von Gutschmid - Fitzedward Hall - Isaac Hollister Hall - Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall - Daniel Bonifacius von Haneberg - Hermann von der Hardt - Martin Haug - Barthélemy d'Herbelot de Molainville - Marie-Jean-Léon, Marquis d'Hervey de Saint Denys - Philip Khuri Hitti - Fritz Hommel - Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - Gunnar Jarring - Arthur Jeffery - Stanislas Julien - Klaus Klostermaier - Paul de Lagarde - Thomas Joseph Lamy - Stanley Lane-Poole - Charles Rockwell Lanman - Christian Lassen - Bernard Lewis - Hiob Ludolf - Christoph Luxenberg - Colin Mackenzie - David Samuel Margoliouth - Joachim Menant - Nicolae Milescu - Alphonse Mingana - Rajendra Lala Mitra - Julius von Mohl - Franz Karl Movers - Salomon Munk - Wilhelm Max Müller - Theodor Nöldeke - Edward Henry Palmer - St. John Philby - Edward Pococke - Gerd R. Puin - Franciscus Quaresmius - Joseph Toussaint Reinaud - Charles Pierre Henri Rieu - Andrew Rippin - Maxime Rodinson - Eduard Sachau - Annemarie Schimmel - Nathaniel Schmidt - Eberhard Schrader - William McGuckin de Slane - Charles Cutler Torrey - Giorgi Tsereteli - Oluf Gerhard Tychsen - Thomas Christian Tychsen - Ármin Vámbéry - Georg August Wallin - John Wansbrough - William Hayes Ward - Moriz Winternitz - Ferdinand Wüstenfeld - Karl Vilhelm Zetterstéen

[edit] Professors by subject

Subcategories: Chemistry professors, Comparative literature professors, Computer science professors, Critical theory professors, Professors of Economics, English professors, Governmental studies professors, Law professors, Mathematical chairs, Professors of medicine, Philosophy academics, Physics professors, Psychology professors, Religion professors, Sociology professors, Theology professors

[edit] Professors by university

Subcategories: Carnegie Mellon professors, Oxford Professorships

List of Professorships at the University of Cambridge

[edit] College and university presidents

Category: College and university presidents See also: Rectors of universities and colleges in Mexico

Michael F. Adams - Philip E. Austin - Lawrence S. Bacow - Leonard Carmichael - Edilberto De Jesus - Lydia B. Echauz - Abbie Park Ferguson - Martin Henry Freeman - Harold P. Hamilton - Ralph Hexter - Ersin Kalaycıoğlu - Jean Mayer - Barry Mills - Hunter R. Rawlings III - John A. Roush - Ruth J. Simmons - David J. Skorton - Jon Strauss

[edit] American university presidents

Category: American university presidents See also: Brown University presidents, Chancellors of the University of California, Berkeley, Presidents of Cornell University, Presidents of Harvard University, Presidents of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ohio Wesleyan University presidents, Presidents of New York University, Presidents of United Methodist Colleges and Universities, Stanford University presidents, Presidents of The University of Texas at Austin, Presidents of Yale University

List of Presidents of Mississippi State University - Michael F. Adams - Madeleine Wing Adler - Lamar Alexander - Larry P. Arnn - Bowman Foster Ashe - William Brantley Aycock - Frank Aydelotte - Osman Cleander Baker - James Whitford Bashford - Jill Beck - Douglas C. Bennett - Henry Bienen - George O. Bierkoe - Elizabeth Blanchard (educator) - Hiram Abiff Boaz - John Gabbert Bowman - Myles Brand - Edgar Ewing Brandon - Mary A. Brigham - Richard H. Brodhead - Frank Brogan - Meribeth E. Cameron - Warren Akin Candler - Carol A. Cartwright - Betty Castor - French Ensor Chadwick - George C. Chase - Paul Chase - G. Wayne Clough - Johnnetta B. Cole - Mary Sue Coleman - Anthony G. Collins - Jill Ker Conway - Thomas Courtice - Louisa F. Cowles - Joanne V. Creighton - Ward Darley - John Adrian Delaney - Denice Denton - Paul Douglass - Mark Emmert - Gregory C. Farrington - Floyd H. Flake - Arthur Flemming - Randolph Sinks Foster - Marye Anne Fox - Richard M. Freeland - David B. Frohnmayer - Walter S. Gamertsfelder - Harry Augustus Garfield - James C. Garland - Judy Genshaft - Richard Glenn Gettell - Clifton Daggett Gray - Amy Gutmann - Eugene Habecker - Roswell G. Ham - Harold P. Hamilton - John William Hamilton - Elaine Tuttle Hansen - Robert Kennon Hargrove - Donald West Harward - Erastus Otis Haven - Atticus Green Haygood - Paul M. Hebert - Adam Herbert - Karen A. Holbrook - Dennis Holtschneider - H. Ray Hoops - Ada Howard - Mark Huddleston - Edward M. Hundert - John Fletcher Hurst - Alice Stone Ilchman - Shirley Jackson (physicist) - John I. Jenkins - Martin C. Jischke - William N. Johnson - I. King Jordan - Thomas Kean - Elizabeth Topham Kennan - Cornelius M. Kerwin - Grayson L. Kirk - Richard Kneedler - Douglas Knight - Stephen J. Kopp - David Kurtzman - William P. Leahy, SJ - Edward Litchfield - Paul Locatelli - Stephen Luce - Bernie Machen - Modesto Maidique - Charles F. Marsh - Charles Cardwell McCabe - Roderick J. McDavis - William Fraser McDowell - Michael C. McFarland - Mary Patterson McPherson - Elizabeth Storrs Mead - Barry Mills - Robert Lee Mills - Susan Tolman Mills - Brian C. Mitchell - David Hastings Moore - C. Daniel Mote, Jr. - Gene R. Nichol - Mark Nordenberg - Sean O'Keefe - James L. Oblinger - Jesse Truesdell Peck - Charles Franklin Phillips - George Foster Pierce - Samuel G. Plantz - Nathan M. Pusey - Hunter R. Rawlings III - Florence M. Read - Thomas Hedley Reynolds - John A. Roush - Steven B. Sample - Carol Geary Schneider - Joel Seligman - Donna Shalala - Kenneth "Buzz" Shaw - William Tecumseh Sherman - Ruth J. Simmons - Lou Anna Simon - Matthew Simpson - David J. Skorton - Robert Sproull - Joseph A. Steger - Guyford Stever - Beverly Daniel Tatum - Thomas Hunter (school founder) - Shirley M. Tilghman - Baird Tipson - Pauline Tompkins - David Truman - Steadman Upham - Nancy J. Vickers - Richard Warch - David Warren (professor) - Jon Wefald - Herman B Wells - T. K. Wetherell - James J. Whalen - B. Joseph White - Barbara M. White - Robert Wild - Woodrow Wilson - Gregory Baker Wolfe - Mary Emma Woolley - Henry Merritt Wriston - Nancy Zimpher

[edit] Vice chancellors and presidents of universities in Hong Kong

Category: Vice chancellors and presidents of universities in Hong Kong

Chu Ching-wu - Charles K. Kao - Ambrose King - Lawrence J. Lau - Arthur Li - Choh-Ming Li - Ng Ching-fai - Chung-Kwong Poon - Sheung-Wai Tam - Lap-Chee Tsui - Chia-Wei Woo

[edit] Curators

Category: Curators See also: Australian curators, Canadian curators, Italian curators

Robert Anderson (museum director) - George Bennett - Wilhelm von Bode - Michael Brand - Betty Churcher - Stefano Delle Chiaje - Hugh Edwards - Kathleen Fenwick - David Follett - Enrico Hillyer Giglioli - Jack Granatstein - Robert Gunther - J. Rendel Harris - Sir Henry Lyons - Declan McGonagle - Catherine Millet - Achille Bonito Oliva - Walter Oliver - Tommaso Salvadori - Doris Shadbolt - Harold Robert Steacy - Edward Steichen - Alfred Stieglitz - Harald Szeemann - Pierre Toutain-Dorbec - Margaret Weston - David White (geologist) - Yu Yeon Kim

[edit] American curators

Category: American curators

William Atwater - Barbara Buhler Lynes - Howard I. Chapelle - Edward DeCelle - John Elderfield - JoAnn Giordano - Thomas Hoving - Jeff Jahn - Michael Lent - Otis Tufton Mason - Frank O'Hara - John Szarkowski

[edit] British curators

Category: British curators

Robert Anderson (museum director) - Barry Barker - George Bennett - Jim Bennett (historian) - Laurence Binyon - Anthony Blunt - Alan Bowness - William Boxall - Frederick William Burton - Kenneth Clark - Henry Cole - Augustus Daniel - Martin Davies - Charles Lock Eastlake - David Elliott - Arthur Evans - David Follett - Carl Freedman - Robin Gibson - Robert Gunther - Philip Hendy - Charles Holmes - Charles Holroyd - Michael Levey - Christopher Lloyd (art historian) - Sir Henry Lyons - Neil MacGregor - Roger Moorey - Sandy Nairne - John Wyndham Pope-Hennessy - Edward Poynter - Hugh Roberts - Charles Saumarez Smith - Nicholas Serota - Desmond Shawe-Taylor - Roy Strong - Jon Thompson - Richard Wentworth - Margaret Weston

[edit] Educationists

Category: Educationists

Mortimer Adler - F. Matthias Alexander - Aristotle - John Haden Badley - Catherine Baker - Elisabeth Blochmann - Benjamin Bloom - Patras Bokhari - Garth Boomer - Saint John Bosco - B.V. Bowden - Ann Brown - Francis James Child - Phoebe Child - Comenius - Emma Cons - Nancy Cook - Jim Cummins (professor) - Charles-Michel de l'Épée - Caroline Middleton DeCamp - John Dewey - Andrea diSessa - Marion Dickerman - Félix Dupanloup - Hermann Ebbinghaus - Erasmus - Moshé Feldenkrais - Paulo Freire - Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel - Robert M. Gagné - Howard Gardner - John Taylor Gatto - Patrick Geddes - Paul Goodman (writer) - Kurt Hahn - Dorothy Heathcote - Samuel Heinicke - Madeline Held - John Caldwell Holt - James Phillips Kay-Shuttleworth - Alfie Kohn - David A. Kolb - Janusz Korczak - Jonathan Kozol - Hugo Kołłątaj - Toru Kumon - Joseph Lancaster - Bernard Lievegoed - Horace Mann - Peter McLaren - Alexander Meiklejohn - Mrinal Miri - Maria Montessori - A. S. Neill - Fernand Oury - Anant Pai - Seymour Papert - Helen Parkhurst - Frank Parsons - Ivan Pavlov - Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - Alec Peterson - Jean Piaget - Plato - Neil Postman - Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - Charles Rollin - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Ted Sizer - Socrates - Rudolf Steiner - Jesse Stuart - Anne Sullivan - Friedrich Thiersch - Winifred Todhunter - Lev Vygotsky - Ted Wragg - Gustav Wyneken

[edit] Educators by nationality

Category: Educators by nationality See also: Australian educators, Belgian educators, Danish educators, Sudanese educators, Taiwanese educators, Welsh educators

[edit] American educators

Category: American educators See also: American professors, American teachers

George Ogden Abell - Jamey Aebersold - Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer - Jerome Allen - Sandy Andron - Samuel C. Armstrong - Benjamin W. Arnett - Bowman Foster Ashe - William Bagley - Zilpah P. Grant Banister - Henry Barnard - Catharine Beecher - William Berenberg - George O. Bierkoe - Douglas Biklen - Elizabeth Blanchard (educator) - Susan Blow - Mary A. Brigham - Charlotte Hawkins Brown - Scott Buchanan - Meribeth E. Cameron - John C. Campbell - Leonard Carmichael - Carol A. Cartwright - Betty Castor - Francis Stuart Chapin - Mary W. Chapin - William Chauvenet - Anna J. Cooper - Ennis Cosby - Louisa F. Cowles - Jeffrey Daniels - John Dizikes - Evan Dobelle - Arthur Wesley Dow - Karl Drobnic - Benjamin Woodbridge Dwight - Louis Dyer - John Eaton (General) - William Greenleaf Eliot - John Erskine (educator) - Arthur Babbitt Fairchild - Charles Fairchild - Fred Rogers Fairchild - George Fairchild - Henry Fairchild - Henry Pratt Fairchild - Herman LeRoy Fairchild - James Fairchild - Abbie Park Ferguson - Helen M. French - John Taylor Gatto - Richard Glenn Gettell - Rebecca Gratz - Ted Greene - Theodore Guerin - Margaret Haley - Roswell G. Ham - William W. Henderson - Carl Hewitt - Ralph Hexter - Edward Hitchcock - Susan Hockfield - George Frederick Holmes - John Hope (educator) - Lew Hunter - Thomas Hunter (school founder) - Robert Hutchins - C. B. Hutchison - Agnes Irwin - Marietta Johnson - Lewis Wade Jones - Isaac Leon Kandel - William J. Kemeza - Steve Levicoff - Alain LeRoy Locke - Augustus Baldwin Longstreet - Mary Lyon - Haki R. Madhubuti - Horace Mann - Richard Marius - Charles F. Marsh - Stephanie Pace Marshall - Amory Dwight Mayo - Benjamin Mays - Katie McKy - Charles Alexander McMurry - Frank Morton McMurry - Elizabeth Storrs Mead - Judah Monis - Paul Monroe - George Sylvester Morris - Robert Parris Moses - Edward Duffield Neill - George Norlin - Alice Freeman Palmer - Francis Wayland Parker - George Foster Peabody - Laurence J. Peter - Richard Henry Pratt - Bill Randle - Herbert Reich - Judith Rodin - William James Rolfe - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, III - David Schizer - John T. Scopes - Erich Segal - Joel Seligman - Isaac Sharpless - Joel Elias Spingarn - Guyford Stever - James B. Stewart - Sophia D. Stoddard - John Ward Studebaker - Frederick Henry Sykes - Charles Franklin Thwing - Wilbur Fisk Tillett - Pauline Tompkins - Jim Trelease - Alfred Charles True - John Howard Van Amringe - Matthew Vassar - Matthew Warren Vassar - John Henry Waddell - Julia E. Ward - Booker T. Washington - James J. Whalen - Mary C. Whitman - Fannie C. Williams - Kenny Williams - Enoch Cobb Wines - Mary Emma Woolley - Theodore Dwight Woolsey - John Wesley Work III

[edit] Brazilian educators

Category: Brazilian educators

Rubem Alves - João Carlos di Genio - Paulo Freire - Sud Mennucci - José Aristodemo Pinotti - Zeferino Vaz

[edit] British educators

Category: British educators See also: Scottish educators, Welsh educators, British academics, English educators, British teachers

Tim Gardam - Edmond Holmes - Anna Leonowens - R. F. Mackenzie - Sybil Marshall - A. S. Neill - John Pringle Nichol - John Simkin - Winifred Todhunter - John Tomlinson - Christopher Trevor-Roberts - Richard Valpy - Ted Wragg

[edit] Canadian educators

Category: Canadian educators See also: Canadian academics, Canadian academics in education, Faculties by university in Canada, Canadian university and college chief executives, Canadian university and college vice-presidents

John Aimers - Edna Brower - Nick Brune - Paul Crête - Daniel A. Grout - Kenn Harper - Kate Henderson - Larkin Kerwin - Alexander MacGregor - George Munro - Ellen Parker - Egerton Ryerson - Booth Savage - Justin Trudeau - Rudolf Vrba

[edit] French educators

Category: French educators

Jeanne-Louise-Henriette Campan - Charles-Michel de l'Épée - Georges Hébert - Jean-Baptiste de la Salle - Albert Vandal

[edit] German educators

Category: German educators

Wilhelm Heinrich Ackermann - Johann Bernhard Basedow - Viktor Holtz - Friedrich Ludwig Jahn - Eva Köhler - Lothar Machtan - Wolfgang Ratke - Adolf Reichwein - Elisabeth von Thadden

[edit] Hong Kong educators

Category: Hong Kong educators

Choh-Ming Li - Szeto Wah - Tsang Yok-sing

[edit] Japanese educators

Category: Japanese educators

Masanobu Fukuoka - Fukuzawa Yukichi - Saburo Ienaga - Inoue Enryo - Yasumasa Kanada - Ken Sakamura - Michio Kushi - Inazo Nitobe - George Ohsawa - Otsuma Kotaka - Takashi Hikino - Terada Torahiko - Tsuda Umeko - Yukio Tsuda

[edit] Pakistani educators

Category: Pakistani educators See also: Pakistani Law professors, Pakistani academics

Khurshid Ahmad - Ahmed Ali - Shakir Ali - Anna Molka Ahmed - Daud Kamal - Salima Hashmi - Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Javed Ahmed Ghamdi - Pirzada Qasim - Muhammad Rafiq - Saeed Rashid - Khalid Zaheer

[edit] Professors by nationality

Subcategories: American professors, Belgian professors, British professors, Bulgarian professors, Danish professors, French professors, German professors, Hong Kong professors, Indian professors, Irish professors, Japanese professors, Mexican professors, Nigerian professors, Singaporean professors

[edit] Puerto Rican educators

Category: Puerto Rican educators

Joseph M. Acaba - Ricardo Alegría - Jose Buscaglia Guillermety - José A. Cabranes - María Cadilla - Jose Ferrer Canales - Marta Casals Istomin - Federico A. Cordero - Rafael Cordero (educator) - Nilita Vientos Gaston - Eugenio María de Hostos - Concha Melendez - Ana G. Mendez - Ana María O'Neill - Antonia Pantoja - Pilar Barbosa - Lourdes Pamela Pop - Angel Ramos (educator) - Ana Roque - Arturo Alfonso Schomburg - Margot Arce de Vázquez

[edit] Scottish educators

Category: Scottish educators See also: Scottish scholars, Scottish teachers

Hector Boece - George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie - James Donaldson - James Elphinston

[edit] Singaporean educators

Category: Singaporean educators

Ang Wee Hiong - Elaine Wan Chan - Goh Chi Lan - Amy Khor Lean Suan - Lim Swee Lian Sylvia

[edit] Law school deans

Category: Law school deans

T. Alexander Aleinikoff - Derek Bok - Bob Butterworth - Robert Drinan - Christopher Edley, Jr. - Erwin Griswold - Elena Kagan - Harold Hongju Koh - Christopher Columbus Langdell - Horace Harmon Lurton - Robert Prichard - William Prosser - Richard Revesz - Wiley Blount Rutledge - Kurt Schmoke - Sidney Smith (politician) - Aviam Soifer - Leonard Strickman

[edit] Principals

Category: Principals

Laurie Burg - Joe Louis Clark - Fanny Jackson Coppin - Simon Gipson - Clifford Hicks - Ong Teck Chin - Percy Page - Thomas Blanchard Stowell

[edit] Fictional principals

Category: Fictional principals

Banshee (comics) - Hedrick Chapman - Cyclops (comics) - Emma Frost - Daphne Hatzilakos - Daniel Raditch - Cinnamon J. Scudworth - Seymour Skinner - Professor X

[edit] Teachers

Category: Teachers See also: Buddhist teachers, Russian teachers, Scottish teachers

Johann Christian Josef Abs - Karl Adams - Daniel Akaka - Amos Bronson Alcott - Alan Aldous - Gerda Alexander - William Eric Kinloch Anderson - Lucie Aubrac - Mr. Babylon - Peter Barca - Thomas Berwick - Arthur Button - Fred Carter (convict) - Heidi Choat - Jacqueline Domac - Jane Elliott - Karen Louise Ellis - Jaime Escalante - Thomas Farnaby - Ilona Feher - Gjergj Fishta - Ms. Frizzle (American blogger) - Caleb Gattegno - Cornelius Hardy - William Torrey Harris - James Hasleby - Ira Heffler - Carmelita Hinton - John Hislop - John Hubbard (convict) - James Humphrey - Joseph Jacotot - William Jones (convict) - John Keate - Garry Kennedy - Raphael von Koeber - John Henry Kyl - Debra Lafave - Mr. Lawrence - Mary Kay Letourneau - Leah Manning - Jean-Pol Martin - Robert Mewburn - Blaise Nagy - Nancy Freeman - Carmine Nigro - Bridget Mary Nolan - Oakland teaching fellows - Percy Page - Thomas Palmer (convict) - William Perrin - Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - Theodore Richards (convict) - James Elphinstone Roe - Octavius Ryland - Jean Schmidt - Eugenie Schwarzwald - John T. Scopes - Curtis Sittenfeld - P. K. Srinivasan - Joseph Taggart - Chris Tavaré - Kay Tipton - Pamela Rogers Turner - Sarah Jayne Vercoe - John Warren (convict) - Ludwika Wawrzyńska - Klaus-Jürgen Wrede - Pyotr Yershov

[edit] American teachers

Category: American teachers

- Neil Abercrombie - Kathleen Blanco - David Blitz - Laura Bridgman - Hallie Quinn Brown - Laura Bush - Ann Nolan Clark - Marva Collins - Fanny Crosby - William Everdell - Mary M. Frasier - John Taylor Gatto - Beth Geisel - Henry Giroux - William Goyen - Moses Harman - Ira Heffler - Lewis Blaine Hershey - John Hill Hewitt - James F. Howard, Jr. - Lyndon B. Johnson - Jason Kamras - Matthew Kaye - Charles Kubly - Ray Lloyd - Timothy W. Lynch - Bill Owens - Duane Pomeroy - James Ricalton - Freida J. Riley - Anwar Robinson - Glenn Sacks - Robert W. Smith - Thomas Snow - Josef Spudich - Thomas Blanchard Stowell - Dorothy C. Stratton - Charles Pelot Summerall - Strom Thurmond - Gregory Ulmer - Emanuel Baek

[edit] British teachers

Category: British teachers See also: English teachers, Scottish teachers, Welsh teachers

Thorold Coade - Douglas Dunlop - Robson Fisher - Michael Hoban - J. G. Jeffreys - David Jones (teacher) - Philip Lawrence - Christopher Strachey - Sarah Thomas (teacher)

[edit] Fictional teachers

Category: Fictional teachers

Maximillian Arturo - Atom (comics) - Banshee (comics) - Barbie - Steve Barkin - Ken Barlow - Jean Brodie - Jenny Calendar - Ian Chesterton - Denzel Q. Crocker - Cyclops (comics) - Timothy F.X. Finnegan - Ms. Flamiel - Flutesnoot - Ms. Frizzle - Emma Frost - Herbert Garrison - Miss Grundy - Mina Harker - Bobbi Harlow - Daphne Hatzilakos - Peggy Hill - Uncle Iroh - Indiana Jones - Kari Kamiya - Katsuichi - Digory Kirke - Edna Krabappel - Minamo Kurosawa - Robert Langdon - Lionheart (comics) - Maggie (Curious George character) - Kyoko Minazuki - Hayato Nekketsu - Northstar - Daniel Raditch - Mr. Ratburn - Yomiko Readman - Hideo Shimazu - Archie Simpson - Dick Solomon - Yukari Tanizaki - Quistis Trepe - Horace T. Wilter - Barbara Wright (Doctor Who) - Professor X - Professor Noel Zachary - Dorothy Zbornak

[edit] Romanian teachers

Category: Romanian teachers

George Coşbuc - Spiru Haret - Nae Ionescu - Gheorghe Lazăr - Grigore Moisil - Stephan Ludwig Roth - Iancu Văcărescu - Alfonzo Fisher